
both mine are christened although im not very religious myself. i did go 2 a catholic school though xx
I wonder just how many god parents end up actually being the guardians of their god children? Isn't that what it all means? All seems a bit daft to me but then I'm not keen on marriage either. People belonging to people in the eyes of god. I can't get my head round any of it.

Lou :D
With RC godparents, it is not that they will become the guardians of the children if anything happens to the parents, but rather that theyare supposed to look to the welfare of the child's soul - ie make sure they are instructed in the faith and receive sacraments. It's a very old idea that I think comes from faith mentors in early Christian times but that like everything else has become distorted.

Weird idea eh.

NOWADAYS it probably means that they become guardians. I don't know, I never considered it. Most people just consider who is likely to be offended and who not, don't they? In my brother's case, it's a chance to spoil his first little niece outrageously.

Yeah I know what you mean sue. At my godsons christening there were some upset brothers of someone who were put out about not being chosen. Daft eh?

Do you know what I find some religions don't believe in evolution. There was that new creationists museum opened recently in America. Its bizarre! I may be a god parent but I do find religion very strange indeed :think:

Lou :D
Seren had a naming ceremony as both me and my OH wanted her to choose her religion (if any) when she got older. It was a humanist ceremony, and perfect for us. I used to believe in god but lost my faith. Persoanlly I don't understand why people who do not believe in god whatsoever have their child christened as you are making promises to God and how can you promise something to someone you don't believe in We made our vows to Seren.

Dionne I do agree that you don't have to go to church to believe, when I believed I hardly ever went to church.
I think it a case of people doing what they think is the 'norm' and not questioning things in life. I never really questioned religion until I had Isaac. I just never believed in god and that was that but when I had Isaac I felt it was a subject I owed it to Isaac to think about and try to educate myself on. I havent got far with it. I am reading a good book called the god dellusion but its biased towards atheism.

I've got alot of opinions on things since I became a mum but I like to think I'm open minded enough to lead Isaac along with good values but an open mind too. I mean how do you explain god to a child? I know they are gullible but surely they would get to an age and common sense would overtake anything they've already been told. Like belief in father christmas or the tooth fairy. ?

Lou :D
I've just read my last post back and I apologise in advance to any of you who are religious. I didnt mean to make belief in god sound like something stupid or made up like the tooth fairy or santa. I hope you can read through the lines and see the point I was trying to make from the point of view of a non-believer like myself.

sorry :)
My understanding of GodParents role is that they are responsible for insuring the spiritual upbringing of the child. Helping guide them in their faith and nothing to do with being guardians etc.

We had Ellie Christened a few weeks back but I am religious and my OH is open minded. We both considered long and hard about getting her christened, or whether to go for a naming ceremony. I really wanted to get Ellie christened but my OH had doubts.

By christening your child you are promising to bring them up as a christian and to believe in God and Jesus.

We chose the GodParents we wanted and ignore MIL this time. We had enough of having to chose people to do speeches and the best man to keep her happy when we got married. We won't anymore.
The God delusion is on the shelves here too lou. I thought about picking it up but I'm into escapism at the moment - stressed out! Maybe when I feel like something more challenging later.

Naomi will believe in both Santa and the Tooth Fairy :D Santa because I think that aside from being a Coca Cola advert, he makes many Christmases magical, I know that what is supposed to make Christmas magical is the celebration of Christ's birth, but try getting a child to celebrate that when there are presents on the go! She will believe in the Tooth fairy too - not for any particular reason other than I think that children need magic. Maybe that's a silly idea, but I'm a sentimental cow.

Aside from those two reasons though, I know of no child in my family circle or in my work (14 years of teaching so that's a lot of kids) who doesn't believe in Santa - and even the kids from Russia, China and India have equivalents. I wouldn't have Naomi miss out on sharing that, or indeed spoil it for any other little one.

I've just finished meetings with the deacon to have Isaac baptized within the next 2 months. Personally I hope Isaac finds faith and has a relationship with God, I think it will be one of the most wonderful things he could gain through life, and so by baptism I am taking the first step for him, as I feel it is a wise one, I know he will walk his own path but until then I am his Mummy and I will do what I feel is best and having a family in the church is a good thing for him to have in his life :) Faith isn't something you can buy or be talked into, you either have/feel it, or you don't, and I as a child and now adult, do :hug:
we are getting all our 3 christened on 30 th sept this year :D
can i just ask how u where and r going to be a God parent again when you havent been christened? As far as im aware its part of the deal that you HAVE to be christened to be a God parent otherwise you cant fill a roll as how do you promise to teach somebody the ways of the church if you havent a clu e yourself? im aware that could come across rude but i dont mean it to, i just dont understand how they let you.

I was christened RC but i tend to just think of myself as a Christian on the whole. I had Annabelle christened at 3 weeks, i would have had it done earlier but the 1st week was Christmas, the 2nd was new yr so it had to be the 3rd really. I do intend to bring her up a Christian as for me its as natural a thing and as much a part of my reality as the fact grass is green. it does peeve me off a little when people use churches to try and get into the better schools. hardly fair to use them for their money in that situation when u dont support of believe in them is it?
yes Emmylou i agree that we were told by the vicar that the godparents we choose have to have been christened themselves.
all 3 of our godparents gave been christened coz i checked!
also i have been christened myself, although Rich hasn't.

i can't wait for our kids christening :D

In some church's it's the case that at least one godparent has to have been Confirmed and received Holy Communion, be over 16 and a practising Catholic, other friends or family members chosen as a godparent by the parents would be classed as 'Christian Witnesses' by the church.
I was brought up a strict R.C within an Irish community and it was very close knit and obviously went to RC school. So had to go to church and go through all the usual Holy communion, Confirmation.
I must say it winds me up that people just get there kids baptised and so forth in a catholic church just so they can go to a catholic school, and never follow the vows through as in going to church, holy communion and confirmation, its out of order!!!

Now im due to have a child, my husband and I have agreed on a naming ceremony as he is not religious at all and regardless of schooling the child can make its own mind up when shes older.
LilMissEmmylou said:
can i just ask how u where and r going to be a God parent again when you havent been christened? As far as im aware its part of the deal that you HAVE to be christened to be a God parent otherwise you cant fill a roll as how do you promise to teach somebody the ways of the church if you havent a clu e yourself? im aware that could come across rude but i dont mean it to, i just dont understand how they let you.

I was christened RC but i tend to just think of myself as a Christian on the whole. I had Annabelle christened at 3 weeks, i would have had it done earlier but the 1st week was Christmas, the 2nd was new yr so it had to be the 3rd really. I do intend to bring her up a Christian as for me its as natural a thing and as much a part of my reality as the fact grass is green. it does peeve me off a little when people use churches to try and get into the better schools. hardly fair to use them for their money in that situation when u dont support of believe in them is it?


Nobody checked and nobody cared whether I had been christened or not to be honest. Is'nt part of being christian to love thy neighbour and doesn't the bible say we are all gods children? As far as I'm concerned if there is a god then I would be as welcome into the church as a non-believer as you are being a believer.

Lou :D

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