

Well-Known Member
May 19, 2008
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This Christmas is going to be tight for us, we will (hopefully) have got our house and moved in, so starting to pay bills and a mortgage, also Ruby will be with us so we know its going to be a struggle.

While we are at OHs parents we are saving as much money as we can for Christmas but i just wondered, how much do you usually spend on people at Christmas?

I think me and OH used to go OTT with buying presents, i used to spend about £50 each on mum and dad, £40 on brother, then £20 on step dad, aunts, uncles, and spent about £200 on OH! it cost me a fortune!!! obviously we cannot spend this amount, espec as OH has got a much bigger family than me, 2 uncles, mum, dad, brother, brother's GF, neice, nan, grandad!

I would like to spend the most on Ruby, i was thinking about £100? as she will only be a small baby, there isnt really much to buy is there? then i was thinking of spending like £20 on each parent, then just getting small gifts for the rest of the family. like £10-15 each or something!

how much do you spend on people???

This i swhat we would usually spend, but with having another little one and everything being so expensive and me not working we have decided to cut back on everyone elses prezzies this year. and just make it about the kiddies.
My mum and dad = £30 each
His mum and dad = £30 each This year we are having proffesional pictures done and getting them framed for xmas preasents, we can't afford to spend loads anymore

My sister = £20
His sister = £20
My 2 brothers = £20 This year we have let them know we wont be buying anymore and for them to not buy for us and just the kids and we will just buy the kids and spend a little extra.

His nephews x 2 = £20 each

My nan and grandad = £20 Going to get them a photograph done aswell this year

Harrison = around £400. Last year made me realise i buy him way to much, he didn't get half of the things out of boxes and still hasn't so unsure what to get this year, he has sooooo much

Benjamin = not much we can buy for him at this young age. just a little toy or something.
I used to buy for mine and OH's parents and siblings and nephews. That was it. We have a fairly large family. I have 3 sisters 4 nephews and parents have split. OH has 3 sisters and a brother, 2 nephews and parents have split. That to us is massive. This year with OH being made redundant things are extremely tight. I will buy for Angel and the nephews but get token gifts for everyone else. I cannot really afford anymore than that. The kids come first so they are my aim.
I always got nice things for everyone but nothing in return from OH family so decided this year not to bother.

I've never bought for aunties and uncles. I'd be bankrupt! My family is huge.
MissSara said:
This year we are having proffesional pictures done and getting them framed for xmas preasents, we can't afford to spend loads anymore

This is what i was thinking of getting done for my mum and OHs mum and maybe a box of chocis or something to go with them. :D
we dont buy for adults in the family anymore, we made an agreement that when we had children we would stop buying for the adults, we spend about £40 on neices and nephews (7) about £50 each on parents and then about £300 on Hannah and between £600 and £1000 on Kieron depends what he has, we just buy little things for each other
Urgh, usually spend a fortune!! :?

OH said to me yesturday infact that we must not buy eachother big expencive presents like usual!! And really to stick to a set amount, mabey 100quid. What can you buy these days for 100notes? Sod all really.

Mum - £30
Dad - £20
Brother - £50-60
OH Mum - £30
OH Dad - £20-30
OH Sis - £20
OH Sis - £20
My little milk monster - Tooooooooo much im sure!! - £100, hes not going to have a clue just going to buy him what he 'needs' jumperoo, or something like that, seen as he will haveout grown his swing by then, will need another entertainer.

Friends/friends kids - £200 in total I think.

Damn expecnive aint it - but good fun! :) Specially as Corey gets older I bet Christmas with kiddies is amazing, the magic of it all, and the fun xx
Parents, Brothers & Sisters, Neice & Nephew - £10 each ( I have 4 Sisters & 3 Brothers, OH has 2 Sisters & I have a Neice & Nephew so it can be very expensive & plus our parents)
Great Grandparents - £5 (We either get them chocolates, flowers, a framed picture or ornament)
Me & OH - £75/£100 each
Harrison - Too much usually but we're only gonna spend about £150 this year cause we've spent alot on him for his Birthday next month.
You've just reminded me that I want to talk to the family about just buying for kids this year as it costs far too much to buy for everyone these days :(
I live in Boots. 3 for 2's, get all the extra points, then can afford more.
LisaJ1986 said:
I live in Boots. 3 for 2's, get all the extra points, then can afford more.

Yeah i did that last year actually, saved a hell of a lot of money doing that!!! will def be buying in boots!

while on the conversation of Xmas - what exactly did you buy your babies?? i mean, if Ruby is on time, she is only going to be like 2 months old when Xmas comes!!
Babes, dont go mental with prezzies for Ruby while she's so young. Just get a wee teddy and a few new clothes or something like that. We spent loads on Maddisons first Christmas and she slept through it all :lol:
Snuggle said:
Babes, dont go mental with prezzies for Ruby while she's so young. Just get a wee teddy and a few new clothes or something like that. We spent loads on Maddisons first Christmas and she slept through it all :lol:

:lol: :lol:

ok thanks Jules :D think we will just buy her a few cuddly teddys and some clothes or something. will be better off spending more on her 1st birthday than christmas then do you think?
Yeah, there's no point spending loads when they have no clue whats going on. Maddison didnt even bother with the presents on her first birthday, she played with the paper :lol:
My OH said we should just wrap up cardboard boxes, she'll enjoy it more. Lol
ive never brought for uncles etc wont be buying for my dad this year either cos his a waste of space

so just buying for mum & step dad , nanna & grandad , oh , MIL , my 2 lil brothers and leland tbh i do quite well for not buying lots of presents but just shows what a unclose familly i have . alot of leland presents are going to be 2nd hand :oops: but its big things that i just cant afford new , we've just won on ebay a clairbois climbing frame / silde etc for next summer and will continue to get more stuff from carboots etc for xmas he'll get stuff he can use right away , for his bday ( month later he'll get stuff for next summer / 18 months plus )

just rememding me , need to look for xmas outfit on ebay hahaahahhaha ooooo and halloween !

im sure none of you will judge me for buying 2nd hand , would just rather he has more then one toy brand new :D
Most of Angel's toys are second hand, either car boot or ebay. She has one new for xmas and she'll get a doll. No doubt she'll get no end from everyone else.
I've got finlay a few things already but not going to go mad

Family - I have no idea how much I spend :lol:

I'm getting my mum and dad and craig's mum and dad a canvas each of finlay ;) We got 2 mad eup for us and they are so funky!
I don't spend much at all.
My mum maybe £30 - because she is my mum!
OH's parents maybe £30 between them.
I have 12 nieces and nephews just on my side! I will probably get the closest 6 small presents at about £5 each.
I have a lot of brothers and sisters, will probably just get the closest ones something.

We won't spend a huge amount on Fi as she has lots of family who spoil her! We will probably buy her a few small bits.

We've decided this year we will buy ourselves a present - we need a tv! and then just get a few tiny presents.

I'm easy to buy for, i get excited about things like socks. lol
i buy for my side of the family and OH pays for his.

for me i spend:

mum- £50
dad - £50
little sister -£20
big sis and husband -£20
big bro and wife - £20
(i have another brother but he lives away and we dfont buy xmas presents ect)
niece - £20
nephew -£20

I do have quite a small family so its not so bad. y Oh have a huge family (7 aunties and 3 uncles and about 50+ cousins!) but he'll only buy for is immediate family, otherwise we'd be boomed! lmao)

I also spend between £200-300 on OH tho, and the girls will be about £100 each all going well...*

*last year i got a loan to help us, this year im not, soooo seriously need a part time job.

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