Chellies TTC with infertility diary

19 months ttc is a good time hehehe

all the luck in the world chellie , next time we meet i hope your moaning bout morning sickness lol
I hope so too!

was watching test tube babies this evening and came over all emotional!! Am so scared it won't work.....must keep a PMA :pray:
everything is going towards that it will hun, ill be on the other end of the phone holding all my fingers and toes and ill cross lelands too lol
Well here i am 2 days into sniffing the downregulation tastes foul! Get up at 6am for first dose, then 2nd dose at 6pm when I get in from work.

so far no side-effects but I'm sure they'll probably kick in after about a week or so.

2 1/2 more weeks of this then scan to see if my bodies shut down properly!!
Well done on starting!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

At least the snifing is only twice a day, some people have to do it 4 times!! I down regged with injections so i have no experience of sniffing......Is it like one of those things you can stick up your nose when you have a cold to unblock your nose?

Michelle x
exactly like that shell - it goes up each nostril twice a day and tastes foul when it gets down the back of your throat.

it also makes my nose feel a bit sore for a short while after!

hopefully will be worth is though
Glad your started, i had injections like shellbham (for 3 weeks!) How long are you down reging for?
I've been trying to be positive and this morning I sorted out my kitchen in preparation for being preggers... we had been keeping all our food in our pantry but unfortunately whoever designed the kitchen must have been skinny cos there is only a tiny gap you have to squeeze through to get from the kitchen into the pantry. It occured to me that when I'm pregnant (in a few months :pray: ) I won't be able to fit through the gap and will either have to starve or rely on DH to get food out ready for me!

So this morning I sorted through all my cupboards, moved the equipment etc that we don't use into the pantry and the food into the main kitchen cupboards.....phew! Now I won't starve :cheer:
chellieboo ive just read ur diary and wanna wish u the very best with all and i do hope u get pregnant very soon

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
42 sniffs down, 44 sniffs to go till baseline scan to see if step one has worked.....halfway there yippee :cheer:
Hi Chellieboo,

I remember you from when I was TTC.

Just found this post and read the whole thing.

Just wanted to say how much I am rooting for you guys! I really hope everything goes well for you.

Thanks KJ! It really helps to know people are thinking of us.

Little Asher looks gorgeous. How are you finding motherhood?

It's good although very different from my previous academic existence!

Am back to work part-time in 3 weeks, so very nervous!

I'll be watching for your updates. So this is your first IVF cycle?

I'm sure you'll be fine back at work, although I imagine it'll be hard to leave Asher.

Yep, its our first cycle, taken over a year to get to this point from we first discovered we'd need IVF. I'm really nervous about it all, but trying not to think about it too much and just trying to take one step at a time.
Time for an update!

had my baseline scan on monday and I have downregulated Ok, BUT they saw a hydrosalpinx in one of my tubes (fallopian tube filled with fluid) which is not good news.

I am continuing to downregulate for another two weeks and then have another baseline scan, if all ok then I will go onto stimulation with the hydrosalpinx being monitored as it is shown to have a detrimental effect on IVF outcome due to the fluid in the tube leaking into the womb and being toxic to the embryos.

At the moment my consultant has recommended we continue with the cycle, but if it doesn't work or the hydro becomes too big then I may have to get my tube removed :cry:

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