Chellies TTC with infertility diary

TUESDAY 1st November

Consultants appointment is on 14th November where hopefully I'll get some idea how long it'll be unitl my operation.

So I am now officially in a 2WW!!!
Wednesday 7th Nov

1 week to go until our appointment. I hope he says the operation will be soon as i really want to get it over and done with and move onto the next step.
Good luck for your appointment. I hope they have some good news for you. :pray:

Make sure you come back and update your diary, i'll be waiting to hear whats happened! :D

Michelle x
hope everything went ok at your appointment

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

thinking of you
well my appointment was a while ago now, but the general upshot of it was that I need to have a laparoscopy to remove the cyst and any associated endo, should apparantly be sometime in the next 10 weeks now.

then hopefully after recovering from that we'll be able to move on with the IVF!!

oh, and DHs operation made no improvement at all it turns out, so we're definately looking at ICSI as our only hope.
Got my laparoscopy date through....10th Jan.....getting a bit nervous although I know its only a day procedure. My mum is coming over to drive me to and from the hospital as my Dh doesn't drive.

can't wait for it to be over and to move onto the next step!
oooh Good luck babe, and dont worry its a very simple procedure and you'll recover in no time, see my TCC diary for how mine was :)

Oh they warn you about the blue wee, but not the amount you fart you afterwards :lol:

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks GGG I'll have a quick read. Not sure If I'll be getting the dye or not at they are mainly doing it to remove an endometrioma and any other endo they find.....guess I'll find out when I wee!!!
Hi, I'm new to the forum and have just read your post and felt i had to write - i hope you dont mind.
We seem to have been on a simular path, me and husband have been together for 13 years, married for 10years and trying for a baby for 12 years. A few years went by and hubby needed to have tests as london hospital as kept losing a testicle and sometimes twisted, after tests they told him he had low sperm count and slow swimmers! and they could stitch the testicle to stop it twisting and though he decided he didnt want the op and we continued, i had tests and everything was fine, then i had a cyst and was taken into hospital as in so much pain, which then eventually burst, so back to trying and still nothing this time i had a lapaocopsy and was told my tubes weren't good, one pretty much blocked and no telling with the other, so in time was referred to IVF as wanted it to be our eggs and sperm, went through treatment things going fine was told i was responsing really well to treatment and things were looking good, went for egg collection and when i come out they told me they only got 4 eggs! (Why four i'm only 31 what happened to the rest!) So back home and waited for the dreaded phone call the next day only to be told we've lost 2 eggs through the night so only 2 to go back and still got to 48 hours before having them put back so hoping we dont lose them. Back to IVF Clinic to have them transfered, and told there grade 1's you'll do well with them they say and off home we trot waiting 2 weeks to do a test only to find it negitive! As there was no spare eggs top freeze we couldnt even go to plan be. So we got to if we wanted to IVF again it would now be £6,000approx as they would give me stronger drugs. We went away and thought but decided to have a rest and also we dont have the money to do another round of IVF, plus its hard work.
So november and december 07 i come off vitamin tablets, folic acid and drank lots of red wine, beers, takeaways and started to have a laugh and feel happier again about myself and also went a brought a clearblue ovulation monitor which we started using in December 07, and guess what on new years eve we had an unexpected positive test and therefore am 5 weeks gone and keeping my fingers crossed that everything goes fine. My point of writing all of this is dont give up and have a laugh as miracles do happen and we're living proof.
With lots of love, hugs and thoughts with all of you
Thanks for sharing your story honey, and congratulations!!! you've achieved it against all the odds, so i guess there's hope for us yet!

I just can't wait to get thsi damm laparoscopy out the way!
I'm sure it will be fine for you. I always believe in the moto that things come to thoughs who wait and that the best packages are worth waiting for. :wink:
Love and :hug: s and let us know how you get on.
Thanks honey. Had my pre-op assessment today and the nurse was lovely, talked me through waht they were gonna do and what to expect after etc.

roll on thursday!
well when the nurse spoke to me there was so mention of falling pregnant jus 3 weeks later lol

just make sure youve got help when u go home , thing i found suprising was i couldnt get up off sofa lol oh and lieing on the side at night was harsh "

ooooooo another tip , go buy some of the fizziest pop u can , cos noone warns you how much the trapped wind /co2 in you hurts , i was in more pain with my shoulder on the night of surgery then i was with my tummy , u gotta burp that gas out ! ( she did warn u about the shoulder thing ? no idea how it works but it hurts! )
yeah she mentioned the shoulder thing - something to do with referred pain, she said no fizzy pop....but i'll get some in anyway!!

have my mum taking me to and from the hospital as DH doesn't drive.

someone also recommended peppermint tea to get rid of the gas - any opinion on whether that works or not??
Good luck Chellie, hope all goes well :hug:

J x
i hate peppermint but im sure i was reccommend this aswell , ,i was told to buy lucazade or something !

honestly shoulder had me in tears but did calm down over night !

wishing u loads of luck hun :hug:

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