Chellies TTC with infertility diary

Eeeekkk......IVF appointment tomorrow!!! dunno what it'll involve but looking forward to finding out what our next step is.

fingers crossed it'll be good news and we can move onto to starting to cycle soon. :pray:
Thanks Jollypops

all went well had our bloodtests done, so just gotta wait for the results and then they reckon we can probably start our first cycle around april/may time!!
Congratulations! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

We'll probably be doing it around the same time then if the NHS dont drag their feet with me!

Michelle x
would be cool if we do cycle together - you can guide me through each stage!
Well i've got my test results back and all is Ok,

so just have to wait for AF to rear her ugly head (beginning of april sometime) call the clinic, and hopefully they will be able to give us some dates for our first cycle!!

Woohooo!!!! nearly there! :D
I've got my dates......start downregging on 28th April.....pick up drugs on 17th!!!!!!!

so excited yet apprehensive :D
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: I am sending you tons of baby dust over the computer xxx
chellieboo said:
I've got my dates......start downregging on 28th April.....pick up drugs on 17th!!!!!!!

so excited yet apprehensive :D

hope it works for you hunny

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
scrap the post a made above...apparantly the dates are still only provisional at the it might still all not happen :(

won't know for sure until I actually start the meds!
Hi Chellie,

Great news that you should be starting soon :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: .....hope they stick to those dates.

I've just updated my diary and if all goes to plan we may be starting at around the same time! :D

Good luck

Michelle x
great news for both of you ! really got all my fingers and toes crossed , lelands too !
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: I am so excited for you hun. I will be thinking of you. :hug: :hug: :hug:

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