Chellies TTC with infertility diary

Oh chellie, i really hope that the next scan goes well for you. :hug: :hug: :hug: I was wondering where you were. I dont have any experience of this, but i am am always here if you need to talk. I really hope that it doesn't mean having the tube removed.

I started DR yesterday and have my baseline in 2 weeks so we are cycling the same time now!

Michelle x
Shell thats so cool!!! can't believe we've ended up being cycle buddies after all!!

what dates your baseline?
I know, i cant believe it. Hopefully this is just a little set back for you. You must be devastated at the moment, but dont let it get to you too much. Try to stay positive, i have everything crossed that your next scan will be fine.

Scan is 4th June. When is your scan?

So can extra DR get rid of the hydro?

Michelle x
My next scan is 3rd June! would've been the monday but as I was off work on the tuesday anyway I figured it was easier to move it back a day.

the extra DR won't get rid of the hydro i don't think, although it might shrink it a bit as I know that stimming might make it grow. so the smaller it is before hand the better
I get it now! Sorry i'm a bit slow!!

I really hope the extra DR does the trick.

Mine should have been the 3rd June too, but they booked it for the wednesday instead. How weird! :D

Michelle x
Chellieboo, just wanna wish u the very best with ur scan on tuesday :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks puppylove, by this time tomorrow I should know if I will be starting stimming or not

:pray: that all is ok at the scan tomorrow
Good luck for your scan tomorrow. :pray: that the extra DR has worked. Hopefully we'll both start stimming this week! :pray:

Michelle x
Hiya, just wanted to wish you all the best for your scan.

Thats great news chellie!! This is the exciting bit and the time will fly by. Not long til EC now!

When is your 1st follie scan?

follie scan is a week on thursday, and they said they should be able to give me a rough date for EC then....I was hoping for some idea now but they're not giving any clues :D

I'm on 150 gonal-F.....sounds quite a low dose to me, what do you think?
EC is usually around 14 days ater starting stimms. On my 1st go i was meant to have a day 8 and day 12 scan and then if all had gone to plan do the trigger on day 12 for EC on day 14. But as you know rom my treatment, this can all change!!

I have only used menopur, but if the drugs doses are similar then i was on the same dosage. They will usually start you on the lowest dose on your 1st attempt, unless you are older, and then see what your response is and increase or reduce as neccessary. Try not to worry about it, i had a great response on the lowest dose.

just worrying about sorting out the time off with my boss! and my sister getting time off as she is gonna be our chauffeur to clinic for EC!

so that would make my EC friday 20th june? damm supposed to be going camping!
If all goes to plan, yes. But some women do respond quicker and then there are people like me who take longer. I would say to plan for it be that friday or a couple of days either side.

I dont think you will be wanting to go camping though!! :shock:

Glad your scan went well

good luck for friday & next thurssday!
woohoo :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: I did it, my first injection all by myself (well one of the cats was there for company but obviously he wouldn't be much use if I paniced and couldn't do it :rotfl: ).

first one down, dunno how many to go.

come on ovaries respond well and start to develop some lovely eggies :pray:
Woo hoooooo!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Well done! You're so brave doing it yourself. I'm still too much of a wimp.

Michelle x
didn't really have much choice unless I went and bothered DH at work :D

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