chat and latest pregnancy news

Deena said:
:wave: Hi Red Shose.

I,m Not Sure myself about all these stories of causes of miscarrying. i did everything by the book on my first Pregnancy, then caught a sore throat, ended up with tonsolitits, and then lost my baby, (They Said it was Due To... Too Many White Blood Cells, Which Attacked The Fetus) Strange Huh!! :think: After That Then Went On To Have A Compleatly Normal Full Tearm Healthy Baby Girl. :clap: Then Had Another Miscarrige a year later. Didnt Find What Caused It. Has They Very Rarely Do!!!! :shakehead: ( It Wasnt Coffee )
Then went on to have 2 more Very Healthy Full Tearm Babies 1 boy and another girl. :dance:
Then......... 7 YEARS lATER........ LOL PLUS 7 YEARS OLDER LOL....
On Novemeber 11th 2007 (Rememberance Day)
I had another Bouncing Healthy Baby Girl. She Was 2 weeks Late.i had to be induced, But Still Very Healthy
And Now......... Here We Go Again....... No. 5 :cheer:

So Anyway They Say 300mg of caffeine equates to 6 cups of tea, do we ban tea drinking for pregnant woman as well?. :wall:

I'm sorry to hear of your losses, and I'm sorry there wasn't an explanation :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Congratulations on baby 5 Deena too :cheer: :hug:
What a lot of experience you have with pregnancy, the 'experts' should be asking you what you think :hug:
I drink fruit tea everyday with honey, its nice for when you want a hot drink but don't want caffeine, there's lots around these days too so lots of choice :)
Another thing thats been on my mind is......... when i had Hannah, midwife came round, as they do!!! Only to hear how so many things had changed from my last Pregnancy. For instance..... They say you cant make up your bottles for the day and leave them in the fridge anymore. Your to only make them when needed..... Arghhhhh :wall: That was a nightmere when you have a screaming baby and then you have to boil the kettle. make up the bottle then cool it down, poor thing, by this time your baby is in distress due to crying having to wait for her bottle. i dont get it!!!!!!!! it was ok to do this with my other children. anyway needless to say i went back to my old ways of feeding her. And i have had no problems with her what so ever. Also..... you cant wean your baby untill 6 months old..... whats that about!!!!!! it used to be 3 months. This is due to obese children of today!..... i weaned my children at 3 months and there not obese in fact the could do with a little fat on them lol :roll:
soooo sorry for ranting on.... :oops:
Hi Red Shoes :wave: You Up Early Too .... i couldnt sleep :sleep:
Thank you for the Congratulations. No Matter how many babies you have, its all still so exciting. :cheer:

This Will be my last 1

Yes the midwifes i have seen mostly havnt even had a baby lol. and they sit there telling me what to do and how to do it hehehe. you have to laugh though. :rotfl:
And i have also noticed because i have had many babies i always seem to get the trainees lol. :rotfl: Oh Well Hey Mabe after this baby, i could become a midwife :angel:
How Are you Today? Hope Alls Well :hug:
I agree with the whole scary stories thing! Like you said care for pregnant women friends mum was told to drink guiness to keep iron levels up.moderation is definatley the way for me
Redshoes said:
I love Coca-Cola and will continue to drink it throughout my pregnancy, as I did with Isaac, as I did ttc. This story is one of many you see about why women miscarry, the truth is that there's not ONE reason and its very insensitive and irresponsible to produce such stories.

Alcohol, smoking, diet drinks, there's been lots of these stories about why pregnancies end prematurely, I think its out of order, I don't drink or smoke but some women do and have perfectly fine pregnancies and healthy babies. Its common sense too much of one thing will be bad, these scare stories don't help in my opinion, a MW can quite easily and sensitively pass across this message, without the fear!

I think moderation is the word they forget to use a lot, a good varied diet, plenty of water and fresh air. Sorry but these stories really scare pregnant and ttc women and I think they are unfair, like they're saying we choose to hurt our LO's when thats just untrue.

Sorry but just had to post that, its not nice to see pregnant women scared by the news :(

i suppose we are allowed our own opinions :? i am glad of any new information and the way things are going with midwife appointments some women dont see their midwifes until 2 nd tri :? when its the 1st tri women need to know these things.

i dont take it the same way as you i dont think anyone is trying to scare us or saying that we choose to hurt our unborn babies i think there are so many women m/c and no reason can be found(like myself) so its good to know there are people doing research into possible reasons, eg like the caffeine, i would be soo annoyed if they had found this information and not made it public.

sorry if this post scared you or offended you it was not ment to, i think its very important to know about new findings so they can make a choice with knowing the facts.
I shall refrain from posting any such news Redshoes as it has clearly offended you.

It was circulating all through the news yesterday and so I thought it might be just good to put it here. We are all different, what might scare me might mean a lot to someone else and vice versa. If someone who has had babies in the past tells me that I should avoid Item A then I will avoid it. It is not because it scares me, it is because I feel anything that I dont know might be useful information to go by.

Anyhow, I felt the use of this forum is to exchange info and get by the first tri best we can, News does not scare me, what scares me is going to the toilet every morning and wiping, looking for anything that could mean something is wrong. I try to not look at the tissue but I cannot avoid. Perhaps it is because I have had one miscarriage?

Whoever got scared and frightened by this news I apologise and I had clearly put in my post this is not to alarm anyone - it is a piece of research that had me wondering too but I thought..oh well. Never mind.

Lets all enjoy our pregnancies and try our best to get to the first mark of 12 weeks :cheer:
Sorry ladies I never meant to upset anyone, I was just saying how I disagree with some of the 'research' thats posted in the news as its not always very compelling and if you look into how many women were researched etc etc anyone could make the claim.

I was just saying I think its wise to use your own common sense, to say you cannot drink coffee is a bit too far, but thats MY opinion, thats why I love this forum, because we can voice them, and I never intended to upset anyone either, just because I had a differing opinion I didn't think it would cause upset.

I hadn't posted in this thread before nayways but thought it might be nice to start by sharing a view but I shall think twice in future, but please know I am not upset, I love all things pregnancy and baby and fine all new news regarding it very interesting and debateable.

Hope everyone's well today :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: Redshoes - tight hugs for you :)

Its nice to hear opinions so please dont stop that - you did not upset me, I was just worried that maybe I was scaring everyone else so tried to explain from my point of view.

I blame everything on my pregnancy hormones - it is so much easier :rotfl: You would not believe how much I am getting away with at the moment everywhere just saying "I am pregnant" .. :rotfl:
Don't give too many hugs Neev I may start blubbing, blooming hormones :cry: Have some back :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Think I just had a bee in my bonnet also as someone was told on the baby health board by a chemist that calpol causes your LO to get liver damage :shock: no-one will ever upset me by having an opinion, and I'd hate to think I'd upset anyone having my own.. I'll shurrup now, but honestly I don't think you scared anyone, I used that word, and I apologize, but its how I see this type of reporting, I'd much rather hear it from a GP or MW, but obviously I praise anything that will help future pergnancies.

I'm off now, take care ladies :D
redshoes :hug: :hug:
its good to hear different opinions it sometimes makes you look at things in a different light. so plllllllllleeeeeeeeeessssssssseeeeee dont stop expressing them.
I think the whole birth thing is such a wonder. Their is a lot of advice and research out there somethimes your head spins with it all. I work in a drug clinic. As will happen some of the women become pregnant. Most I really should say take this responsibility really seriously and do all they can to tackle their dependency and become drug free for the sake of themselves and their baby. However, a small minority cant seem to get it together, and continue to use drugs, inject heroin and smoke crack cocaine. Inevitably their babies are removed by social service once they are born. It always amazes me that a women who will put their body through the most hazards abuse still can have a healthy baby. After my M/C I guess I felt quiet resentful towards them that I had done all I could to make sure my baby was health and I still lost it. I then questioned myself, was it the night out I had before I knew, was in the fact I had gone running or carried by own hoilday case. And in low times I still ask these questions. I suppose what i was trying to say that sometimes it is a bit of a lottery. We can take some of the advice but I think it would be impossible to take all of the advice. Running websites will say it is perfectly safe to run, my doctor says no way, dont do it! Still it is good to know what is out their in terms of advice, just in case they do come up with a definative answer to some of the questions that we will have. The advice I am determine to take is the one where it says I should not lift any thing heavy(hoover, washing basket ect) or come in contact with any cleaning fluids (have stretched the truth on this one!) This has enabled be to pass a lot of the most hated jobs on to the OH :rotfl:
Arghhhhh im feeling really really sorry for myself, i thought at 12 weeks the sicky feeling would stop. OH NO not for me, its only gone and got worse, now from 4 o clock till around 11pm i feel shocking, tierd and as sick as a dog. Its awful.

That will etach me to listen to the books and thinking i was past that sickness mark.
Since yesterday I have had the worst nausea. I feel sick but am not sick. I am eating all the time which is ok because it makes the nausea disappear temporarily but then after 20 mins of a snack I am nauseous again. So last night I was in tears - both coz of emotions and laughter because I was stuffed as a pig but wanted something or the other. In the end had pickled onions as they made me feel better. I want this nausea to stop but then again I like it that its there because I know LO is doing fine. I have never felt so bloated before and I am not even 2 months yet (Look about 5). Honestly it is funny though if you think about it.

Oh and I too am getting away with no cleaning at the mo... :cheer:
yes the no cleaning is great. However, it has made me realise who has been doing the work around here when OH asked me last night where we keep the polish and flash! poor love we have only lived here since August :rotfl:
Oooh oooh I've found something that stops my nausea so I thought I'd share :D

These are really nice :D I bought the Natural apple and the sours variety. Really nice flavours and my nausea disappeared!! It did return however after an hour or so but another sweet helped it go again :D
i've been doing my own research and have discovered that chocolate ice cream seems to cure a lot of pregnancy illness, including water order to get the full benefits tho, it needs to be delivered directly to the sofa by DH. :wink:
Just thought I'd bump this to the top and see how everyone is feeling today :)

I'm glad the weekend is here, I'm feeling very tired tonight! Went to the hospital today to have my 'before 10 weeks' bloods done. They took 5 vials of blood :shock: It took ages - I'm not very good with blood and always look away :lol: The nurse said that was the worse/most lot of bloods taken during the pregnancy so I'm glad that's over and done with :D

Also I checked out my maternity unit on the itn news webpage and thankfully they are rated as fair :cheer:
I'm glad it's the weekend as well as have been knackered. Told all my work mates yesterday. Lots of squealing then they went on t'internet and kept suggesting things to get. One of them is from Brasil and wants to give me a baby shower (apparently it's traditional) - fine by me, am never going to turn down pressies!
Aww that's nice of her. Baby showers do sound like a good excuse for some extra presents :D

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