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:rotfl: is that a pet dog or your oh :rotfl:

yeh september :cry:

i had to tell my parents as i dont drive so i will have to rely on them taking me to hospital appointments as it looks like i will be going weekly :roll: starting from next week.
This doesn't need it's own thread but I've booked myself a private scan for the 25th, hopefully I'll be 8w+1 by then. I have an appointment with the midwife on the 30th when I'll be 8w+6.

I'm so excited, I think I have to fill up the next fortnight with loads of stuff to take my mind off it!!
:cheer: good luck thats only 10 days :cheer:

well i dont know if anyone knows but i diagnosed myself as having low progesterone so i started using natural progesterone cream 2 months ago and now that i got my bfp i phoned the company up and left a message as i wasnt sure if i should continue taking it, anyway a dr just phoned me :shock: and told me that i need to keep taking it until 10-12weeks until the placenta takes over so fingers crossed it makes this bean sticky :pray:
NickyB - thats the same date as my scan. We can count down together!! I will be 7w+6 I think. :dance:

Babydust I take 2 progesterone tabs a day, morning and night (10 mg each) and have been told to take it till week 12.

Everything crossed for the bean to stick to us like Loctite!
babydust said:
:rotfl: is that a pet dog or your oh :rotfl:

:rotfl: pet dog, OH is much less moody ;) Hope the progesterone cream helps your bean be sticky :D

NickyB and Neev, how exciting, not too long to go until you see you LOs :cheer:

Right after an exciting evening snoozing on the sofa, I'm off to bed. This pregnancy lark ain't half exhausting! Is it mad that I am secretly enjoying the exhaustion? :rotfl:
Thanks, and how exciting Neev!

And no, I'm actually really enjoying the mega sore boobs and nauseous feelings. I'm so paranoid that when they come in I secretly love it, but complain to the OH of course, gotta keep up appearances!
NickyB said:
but complain to the OH of course, gotta keep up appearances!

LOL! You sound like me!! :rotfl:

I complain constant it makes me feel better!!!! even tho im secretly loving it!!!
I am feeling really sad today I dont know why. I want to smile and laugh but feel so low. Nothing has happened and I seem to be looking for reasons to cry. Has anyone felt like this for absolutely no reason at all??? I hope I snap out of this because it really is not good feeling sorry for myself when I should be thankful so far. :roll:
I cried when we went to see I Am Legend at the cinema - I thought it was a really sad film. Apparently it is not though, it is a zombie horror film. I think my hormones were going a bit crazy :lol:

I'm sure your hormones are just going a little crazy Neev, sounds normal to me :D
my hormones have been made since my first pregnancy. i cry at everything now its so stupid.anything i watch that involves children being hurt or in danger i ball my eyes out.or is this just being a just as baby obessed this time as i was last time, ami
:roll: bloody hormones, my kids and dh were terrified of me last night i was soo the wicked witch i felt so stressed over nothing, i blew up at my mum earlier on as well :oops:
Yeah thats what mums are for. i keep having a go at OH for stuff thats nothing to do with him, poor love.He prob gonna want to kill me by the end
My oh has just escaped up to his mums for an hour as i have been the mega bitch since he walked through the door after working ALL, I can't help it, i know im doing it but i still carry on. I'm sure he'll leave me before peanuts
:wave: Morning girls, how is everyone?

I've just realised I've got past a milestone - from the start I've been waiting to get below the 200 days left mark! 199 days to go...... :cheer:
Good morning!!!!!

YAY!!! Congratulations, every milestone you reach is just wonderful!

I will be happy to just get thru till monday, and have my scan and be told everything is ok...I hate this waiting! Its all I can think about!
:cheer: well done wont be long until you are leaving us for 2 nd tri
Ahhh I am gonna get it together and head to Morrisons....need to buy some milk and fruit and veggies!
:wave: morning
:x bloody wind, i woke up this morning to my fence blown down i will need to talk nice to my dad and see if he can fix it as dh is useless at diy.

whats everyone doing today, im doing some ironing then taking the girls swimming. Im am so tired today as soon as i fall asleep i start having loads of dreams and keep waking up :roll:

after swimming we will probabaly end up in pizza hut, then we need to go and tell dh's parents the news, i know its really early but we found it hard the last time to tell his parents about the loss when they didnt even know we were expecting so we decided to tell our parents.
Morning :wave:

Mmm.. Pizza Hut sounds good! :D We had fish and chips from our local chippie last night - it was the first non-organic food we'd eaten since last November! And it was delicious! :D

Today we are going round my Grandma's, OH is going to clear her guttering and the dog wants to hoover her floor for crumbs :lol:

Also congrats to mandspice on your milestone :cheer:

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