chat and latest pregnancy news

I had chips last night fish, just a bag of chips with lots of salt and vinegar and tomato sauce....I have been doing really well and have been eating healthy food, so figured I could have a little break last night! LOL! They were mmmmm mmmm mmmmm!
I begged OH to go and get me a chinese, i really fancied sweet and sour chicken, it arrived i smelt it and the cat eat the chicken balls..... poor OH, all that running around and i settled for vegatable soup.... hehehe
Morning :wave:

Chips, mmmm, I could eat them all day long! Had a Chinese on Friday which was yummy too.

So hormonal, really feeling sorry for OH after this weekend - Saturday night I burst into tears cos internet explorer was down.....

How did it go telling your inlaws Babydust? xx
:oops: we didnt tell them :oops:

rant coming up!!!!!!!

we were going to go down but i am so bloody annoyed with them the last time we seen them was new years day they havent bothered to phone or come and see the girls, god, my mum cant go a day without seeing the girls but it doesnt seem to bother his parents at all, the have retired and only stay down the road :x i wonder how long they would go if we didnt keep contact :think:
:D Morning EveryOne. I,m New to These Forums, Thought i would give them ago, Looks Great, and you all sound so nice. :hug:
Not New To Being A Expecting Mum Though LOL! I,m Due In September, Not Sure what date though, waiting for my scan :think:
Take Care All xxx Deena xxx
Hi There. :D Hope Your Well. Thank you for the welcome. Looking Forward to getting to know people on here and having a good chat. :dance: Rather Bored At The Minute, My Little one is sleeping, and i,m feeling a little morning sickness :roll:
Hi Deena, hope you have a great time here.

I just wanted to share this piece of news from BBC today - coffee raises micarriage risk

I dont drink coffee, only tea. Before pregnancy easily consumed upto 6 cups a day easily. Now I have 1 because it just does not taste nice anymore with my changing tastebuds. Not trying to alarm anyone but if it helps cutting out caffiene from our diet if they are finding out new facts then I thought I would post it here.
My Goodness....Thank you for that information.... i am a very BIG BIG coffee drinker. :oops: at least 15 cups a day. wow i,m so shocked.... ok looks like i have a lot to change in my ways.... Hmmm Tea i went off in my last Pregnancy, So Maybe Hot chocolate do you think.... Wow wait till i tell my hubby he will go mad, and possible throw all the coffee out lol. Thank you again. Oh P.S WHERES MY MANNERS Hello Neev, :wave: Hope You Are Well, I,m Sure it will be great here with you all... thank you
Deena xx
Hi all :wave: and welcome Deena :D

babydust, that is bad, I'm not surprised you didn't tell them :(

Neev, I gave up caffeine when I was TTC but I was kinda tempted to start drinking diet coke again. I think perhaps I'll leave it until 2nd tri :D I won't however give up chocolate and that has small amounts of caffeine in it :D

Also, I am cursing the rest of you for making me want chips again :x :lol: I feel slightly sick and yet I want chips with vinegar from the chippie lol! This pregnancy business is really weird :D
You know Mildly, I would rarely have fish and chips or chips on their own. Although I like them it is not something I love, give me spicy chinese food any day. But strange enough since I have been pregnant I have had chips once a week - that too with lots of salt and vinegar. One evening DH got the chips but it did not taste vinegary enough, the poor guy had to go back out and get me some more - we also had run out of vinegar at home. Yup the joys of pregnancy. So it must be something to do with the tangy taste of salt and vinegar because I am also finding myself craving for salt and vinegar crisps. After them I get heartburn and soon enough want ice cream. I am actually going crazy coz I have food on my mind 24/7 :rotfl: I feel like I am eating for 10!!!
thanks midly they make me so mad :x

i am the same just now but its got to be home made chips with salt and vinegar, i have been the same at the begining of all my pregnancies but the weird thing i cant get enough of is dettol (not to drink) i cant get enough of the smell of it, at least my house is clean :D

thanks neev i dont drink coffee or tea, i did drink vodka and red bull though before i was ttc :oops: i will never go near it again. good idea to post the latest facts here :D

midly stick with milk chocolate it has less than dark chocolate or white chocolate has none :D
here are some caffeine content for some drinks i found :shock:

Type of coffee Caffeine (milligrams)

Caribou Cappuccino, 12 oz.160-200
Decaffeinated, instant, 8 oz.2
Decaffeinated, brewed, 8 oz. 2
Espresso, 1 fluid oz. 64
Instant, 8 oz. 62
Plain, brewed, 8 ounces (oz.) 95
Starbucks Caffe Latte, 16 oz. 150
Starbucks Coffee Grande, 16 oz. 330
McDonald's Small Coffee 109

Type of tea Caffeine
Black tea, brewed, 8 ounces (oz.) 47
Decaffeinated, black tea, 8 oz. 2
Green tea, brewed, 8 oz. 30-50
Lipton Brisk Iced Tea, lemon flavored, 12 oz. 10
Nestea, sweetened or unsweetened, 12 oz. 17
Snapple Iced Tea, 16 oz. 18
Sobe Green Tea, 8 oz. 14
Starbucks Tazo Chai Tea Latte, 12 oz. 75

Soft drink brand (12 ounces) Caffeine (milligrams)
7Up 0
A&W Creme Soda 29
Barq's Root Beer 23
Cherry Coca-Cola, Diet Cherry Coca-Cola 35
Coca-Cola Classic 35
Code Red Mountain Dew 54
Diet Barq's Root Beer 0
Diet Coke 47
Dr Pepper, Diet Dr. Pepper 41
Diet Pepsi 35
Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi 38
Fanta 0

Ben & Jerry's Coffee Heath Bar Crunch 8 fl. oz. 84
Ben & Jerry's Coffee Flavored Ice Cream 8 fl. oz. 68
Haagen-Dazs Coffee Ice Cream 8 fl. oz. 58
Haagen-Dazs Coffee Light Ice Cream 8 fl. oz. 58
Haagen-Dazs Coffee Frozen Yogurt 8 fl. oz. 58
Haagen-Dazs Coffee & Almond Crunch Bar 8 fl. oz. 58
Starbucks Coffee Ice Cream 8 fl. oz. 50-60

Red Bull 8.3 oz. 80
Red Bull Sugarfree 8.3 oz. 80
Wow, thanks for that, really helpful :)

I knew there was a good reason to prefer full fat coke to diet coke :rotfl: (mind you I've cut the coke down to 1 or 2 glasses a week, hopefully will soon be down to zero :D after reading that report I'll try to make it zero sooner rather later!)
Thats really helpful thanks, ive switched to caffiene fre diet coke its not bad but might cut out carbonated drinks altogether...

Steelgoddess said:
Thats really helpful thanks, ive switched to caffiene fre diet coke its not bad but might cut out carbonated drinks altogether...


I did hear that carbonated drinks can prevent calcium absorbsion(sp) (which was the main reason for me cutting out coke) but don't quote me cos I can't even remember where I heard that!
God i only drink diet coke!!! im telling my family at the weekend, am my cousins bridesmaid in july and they are gonna go mad! nothing i can do about it though, need to tell the bridal shop asap so i can have my dress alterted. am panicing cos am showing already and am wondering if im further than the dates say. am freaking out cos keep having flutters which feel all too familiar. though its just as likely im going insane!
I love Coca-Cola and will continue to drink it throughout my pregnancy, as I did with Isaac, as I did ttc. This story is one of many you see about why women miscarry, the truth is that there's not ONE reason and its very insensitive and irresponsible to produce such stories.

Alcohol, smoking, diet drinks, there's been lots of these stories about why pregnancies end prematurely, I think its out of order, I don't drink or smoke but some women do and have perfectly fine pregnancies and healthy babies. Its common sense too much of one thing will be bad, these scare stories don't help in my opinion, a MW can quite easily and sensitively pass across this message, without the fear!

I think moderation is the word they forget to use a lot, a good varied diet, plenty of water and fresh air. Sorry but these stories really scare pregnant and ttc women and I think they are unfair, like they're saying we choose to hurt our LO's when thats just untrue.

Sorry but just had to post that, its not nice to see pregnant women scared by the news :(

And hello Deena :wave: I do hope you're well :hug: welcome to PF :D
:wave: Hi Red Shose.

I,m Not Sure myself about all these stories of causes of miscarrying. i did everything by the book on my first Pregnancy, then caught a sore throat, ended up with tonsolitits, and then lost my baby, (They Said it was Due To... Too Many White Blood Cells, Which Attacked The Fetus) Strange Huh!! :think: After That Then Went On To Have A Compleatly Normal Full Tearm Healthy Baby Girl. :clap: Then Had Another Miscarrige a year later. Didnt Find What Caused It. Has They Very Rarely Do!!!! :shakehead: ( It Wasnt Coffee )
Then went on to have 2 more Very Healthy Full Tearm Babies 1 boy and another girl. :dance:
Then......... 7 YEARS lATER........ LOL PLUS 7 YEARS OLDER LOL....
On Novemeber 11th 2007 (Rememberance Day)
I had another Bouncing Healthy Baby Girl. She Was 2 weeks Late.i had to be induced, But Still Very Healthy
And Now......... Here We Go Again....... No. 5 :cheer:

So Anyway They Say 300mg of caffeine equates to 6 cups of tea, do we ban tea drinking for pregnant woman as well?. :wall:

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