Charlotte Church expecting!!

violet-glow said:
shes being a little sod... shes at the shouting stage. Wakes us up about 6 in the morning shouting ..she must get her annoying ness from her father, because im not like that at all :wink:

I just noticed Rachael in your little pic. God hasnt she grown! Times just flying by isnt it. Is she good for mummy?

yes shes a sweetie - :hug:
yay i love CC i think she is awesome! and i think she looks really good, i think shes more of an example to young kids than girls like paris hilton and kate moss! yep she liked to party but what young lass doesnt, and i think she will be a great mum, congrats Char ... lol as if i know her!
oh god im really shocked! dunno why just cause she has her new show coming back out and apprantly wants to get into film.
Good for them tho, they look a lovely couple.

that'll be why she quit smoking too ! so anyone know when she is due?
awww bless im really pleased for them! I like charlotte, not keen on her music but as a person I think shes great not giving into media pressure to be thin and all that, shes really down to earth and natural.
I am really happhy for her, she will be a fab mum, she will quit the partying i think coz it just sort of happens when you have a bubba, i used to love going out clubbing but beinbg a mum has changed me i just love to sit in the house with my lil girl, bf (sometimes :roll: ) and just chilling out, its amazing how parent hood can change a person, also i think the fact that she loves the way she looks, is a great role model for girls everywhere and just goes to show you dont have to be a size 6 to be beautiful, sorry im rambling here haha, i like her xx

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