Charlotte church co-sleeping

Misslarue said:
Thanks Tasha20 and budge :D

i wouldn't start co sleeping at your stage though misslarue.

it would just be confusing for bambi and he would probably see it as a bit of fun. not sleep time lol :lol:
That's the excuse I need :lol:
OH says we better make another one then! :roll:
No you're right he probably would see it as fun time amd start crawling all over the place
Misslarue said:
That's the excuse I need :lol:
OH says we better make another one then! :roll:
No you're right he probably would see it as fun time as start crawling all over the place
plan it for number two then :wink:

only do it if you feel happy about it though. I found it came natural to sleep woth my babies but other mums like their babies in a cot. Its what feels right for you.
kick your husband out of the bed if he doesn't like it.
I will definately give it a go with my next and I'll have no problem kicking OH to the sofa!
Misslarue said:
I will definately give it a go with my next and I'll have no problem kicking OH to the sofa!

:rotfl: yeah thats my plan.

Does anyone have a good co-sleeping website?
Well I co slept with Tia because she was breast fed and well it's just easier all round. I tried to get her back in her cot/moses basket whenever i could, but not out of fear but because I wanted her to get used to sleeping on her own. She was a very clingy baby and still is, if I was not right next to her all the time she would just start crying, and would only settle in a sling. Even now she's clingy... she always has to sit next to me or be touching me and while it may sound sweet.. I can assure you having your 8 year old need to follow you to the toilet in case you disappear is rather irritating.

The only reason I would not recommend co sleeping to people is... because once they are in the habit of sleeping with you ... they don't want to sleep on their own do they... NO!!! Right up until Tia was 6 years old she was still in and out of my bed.

While now she goes to bed and stays in her bed all night... Its taken me 6 years.... 6 YEARS!!! of not sleeping through the night with the wriggly heating space hog in my bed. :wall: :wall: :wall:
annem said:
Misslarue said:
I will definately give it a go with my next and I'll have no problem kicking OH to the sofa!

:rotfl: yeah thats my plan.

Does anyone have a good co-sleeping website?

nope. i might set one up though :think:
Isn't it strange that different hospitals tell you different things :think:
At mine, you had to have your baby in the cot thing and they didn't like if you wanted to fall asleep with your baby in your bed. I wonder if thats because it was a while ago and things are different now people know more about safe co-sleeping now, or if it is an area thing??

Also Squiglet, that is why I won't be co-sleeping.
Jams been sleepin in my bed since he was born and he is fine, iv been exhausted some nights but iv never ever come close to even rollin onto his hand!!
emma28 said:
Isn't it strange that different hospitals tell you different things :think:
At mine, you had to have your baby in the cot thing and they didn't like if you wanted to fall asleep with your baby in your bed. I wonder if thats because it was a while ago and things are different now people know more about safe co-sleeping now, or if it is an area thing??

Also Squiglet, that is why I won't be co-sleeping.
when i had my frist 10 years ago ( :shock: ) they were really down on the co sleeping thing but i did it anyway.
I remember one midwife comingto my bed at night and seing baby in with me and trying to take her off me to pop her in her goldfish bowl. ''Come on now babies belong in the cot''. I held on tight to baby and didn't let her go. i thought shes my fooking baby!! i pushed her out ill do what i see fit with her.
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: I can SO imagine you doing that :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

You're right of course, but I am so pathetic in hospitals I just shut up and keep my head down so I can get out as quickley and quietly as poss.

Then do what I want when I'm home :rotfl:
well i remember bringing Tia into my bed when I was in hospital and falling asleep with her there... the midwife went absolutely ballistic at me... saying that I was trying to kill my child... in front of all the other mothers on the ward... I couldn't wait to get out of there... which is why this time round, I will be discharging myself the minute I feel fit to leave...

Co sleeping is like anything, it's safe if it is done properly... and most mothers in the world do it....its only the more westernised societies that frown on it.

I was like budge... I loved co sleeping with Tia, its so natural and so comforting to have that baby next to you.. and you sleep so lightly when they are in the bed with you anyways... just when they get older you kinda want them in their own bed and you want your freedom back... and if you have a clingy child, then that's just not possible...

BTW I will be co sleeping with this child too... what can I say I'm a glutton for punishment. :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Squiglet said:
well i remember bringing Tia into my bed when I was in hospital and falling asleep with her there... the midwife went absolutely ballistic at me... saying that I was trying to kill my child... in front of all the other mothers on the ward... I couldn't wait to get out of there... which is why this time round, I will be discharging myself the minute I feel fit to leave...

Co sleeping is like anything, it's safe if it is done properly... and most mothers in the world do it....its only the more westernised societies that frown on it.

I was like budge... I loved co sleeping with Tia, its so natural and so comforting to have that baby next to you.. and you sleep so lightly when they are in the bed with you anyways... just when they get older you kinda want them in their own bed and you want your freedom back... and if you have a clingy child, then that's just not possible...

BTW I will be co sleeping with this child too... what can I say I'm a glutton for punishment. :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

i think if you BF you can't really help but co sleep either.
i have draggedthem into bed with me from their moses basket whilst still half asleep - latched them on and woken up with them still suclking 5 hours later :rotfl: OMG thats so naughty though :rotfl:
budge said:
Squiglet said:
well i remember bringing Tia into my bed when I was in hospital and falling asleep with her there... the midwife went absolutely ballistic at me... saying that I was trying to kill my child... in front of all the other mothers on the ward... I couldn't wait to get out of there... which is why this time round, I will be discharging myself the minute I feel fit to leave...

Co sleeping is like anything, it's safe if it is done properly... and most mothers in the world do it....its only the more westernised societies that frown on it.

I was like budge... I loved co sleeping with Tia, its so natural and so comforting to have that baby next to you.. and you sleep so lightly when they are in the bed with you anyways... just when they get older you kinda want them in their own bed and you want your freedom back... and if you have a clingy child, then that's just not possible...

BTW I will be co sleeping with this child too... what can I say I'm a glutton for punishment. :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

i think if you BF you can't really help but co sleep either.
i have draggedthem into bed with me from their moses basket whilst still half asleep - latched them on and woken up with them still suclking 5 hours later :rotfl: OMG thats so naughty though :rotfl:

OH budge... How could you....??? Thats a terrible thing to let them suckle for 5 hours :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: Note to self... people in glass houses... :rotfl: :rotfl: :wink:
i will only co-sleep when baby is a bit older - like 9 months. and not during the night. only when we take naps together etc.
i am too scared to co-ssleep when baby is a newborn
First time round I assumed it was a nono despite my hospital thrusting a leaflet at me with cosleeping guidelines.
Second time round Alex was in bed with us from the first night. He had a moses basket next to the bed but as soon as stirred he was in with us for the rest of the night. I went against all the rules with him, he was in between us, under the duvet and was born 4 weeks early. And in the first 3 months most nights he wanted to be on his front after about 2am onwards.... :oops: Luckily he's still here! He's happy in his cot in his room now and comes in for a feed and then goes back into his cot, so there have been no ill affects and certainly he's not clingy and refusing to sleep anywhere other than our bed. He's a lot more cuddly and was a lot more chilled out in the first few months than DD was!!
emma28 said:
You're right of course, but I am so pathetic in hospitals I just shut up and keep my head down so I can get out as quickley and quietly as poss.

Then do what I want when I'm home :rotfl:

me too! They disliked dummies at Stoke mandeville and I watched a midwife rip one from my babies mouth and said nothing. :x I was so tired and in a daze and didn't know what I was doing, I just let her :shock: If anyone did that now........... :evil:
laetitia85 said:
i will only co-sleep when baby is a bit older - like 9 months. and not during the night. only when we take naps together etc.
i am too scared to co-ssleep when baby is a newborn

lets see :wink:
I've co-slept with Austin since he was born and still do now if he wakes up between about 4:30 & 7. He always went to bed in his cot/moses basket and just came in with us when he woke in the night. I never put him in our bed if either me or OH have had even one drink, and we don't smoke. Someone needs to write to that magazine & tell them off for scaremongering!
I co slept my daughter - and everytime my husband moved I would put an arm over her just in case. Neither of us ever came close to rolling on her - but it is a personal choice. She is now 20 months old and sleeps in a proper bed in her own room. She went into a cot at 5 1/2 months (when I stopped BFing - although not through choice) and has never looked back.

IMO it made her more secure in knowing that I was always next to her and she never cried at night. I would do it again in a flash.

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