Charlotte church co-sleeping

would I sleep well if I co-slept?
Like this > :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep:

I'm worried that I might only be half asleep as I'd be too worried about baby sleeping next to me.
i dont plan to co-sleep, purely through choice and fear of suffocating baby.

I think its an individual choice though... you can do it safely if you want to as is proven by the research and thats up to the parents not midwifes, doctors or OK magazine!
Urchin said:
Misslarue said:
emma28 said:
It wasn't until I came onto the forum that I realised that people co-slept with babies.

Me too. If you go by what the hospital, SIDS and your HV says. I didn't think anyone co-slept.

My hospital asked me if I wanted them to put the sides up on the bed so I could co-sleep!

Same here
laetitia85 said:
would I sleep well if I co-slept?
Like this > :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep:

I'm worried that I might only be half asleep as I'd be too worried about baby sleeping next to me.

You will do what works for you hun :D
my hospital gave out a leaflet that sed co-sleeping was ok if you breastfeed but not if you bottlefeed! is this right? wot is the difference?

i have never done it but OH smokes and is a heavy sleeper so that is why.

What did babys ever do before moses baskets & cots :lol:
I've co-slept from week one, its a beautiful experience, even with a bad back and dead arm :D
oh yeah!! lol.. the dead arm!! lol.. might get a bigger bed.. lol..
Redshoes said:
What did babys ever do before moses baskets & cots :lol:
I've co-slept from week one, its a beautiful experience, even with a bad back and dead arm :D

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: I remember that... Also Tia had this habit of needing to touch my face when she was sleeping... or sticking her fingers up my nose, or in my eye... can't say I've missed any of that though or that having your eye speared on a baby finger nail at 3am could be classified as a...erm.. "beautiful" experience :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
I am really open to the idea of co sleeping and like the idea in principle but I do have a couple of questions for you experienced ladies.

Squiglet, you said that it took 6 years to get Tia out of your bed, is that the experience of everyone? How hard/easy was it to get the LOs to sleep through the night on their own and what age did you try to get this to happen?

Second question - how did it affect your relationship with your OH? I think one of my major concerns would be that Hubby and I will still be relatively new newly weds and I do want to get some semblence of a sex life back after bubs is born (well thats how i feel now anyway!) and would think that having LO in bed with us everynight could put the blocks on that!!!
We don't have a big enough bed for me to feel comfortable with co sleeping. That and my hubby has a tendancy to hog the bed and I am asthmatic and often need to sleep more upright or in a specific position. I'm happy with a Moses basket and then a cot by the bed.
J-Do1979 said:
I am really open to the idea of co sleeping and like the idea in principle but I do have a couple of questions for you experienced ladies.

Squiglet, you said that it took 6 years to get Tia out of your bed, is that the experience of everyone? How hard/easy was it to get the LOs to sleep through the night on their own and what age did you try to get this to happen?

Second question - how did it affect your relationship with your OH? I think one of my major concerns would be that Hubby and I will still be relatively new newly weds and I do want to get some semblence of a sex life back after bubs is born (well thats how i feel now anyway!) and would think that having LO in bed with us everynight could put the blocks on that!!!

I don't know if 6 years would be for everyone... but Tia was very, very clingy and still is. It wasn't until my DH put his foot down and said she can't come in the bed anymore that she was basically evicted. But she was 6 years old so it was time. We had a few difficult nights... but she got in the habit of being all night in her own bed quite quickly. It's not like she slept in our bed all night every night... sometimes she would start off in my bed, be moved to her own, and she would crawl back into ours in the early hours if she woke up. Other times, she went to bed in her own bed, and would wake up crying in the middle of the night and the only way to settle her was to put her into bed with me. But even today she's a poor sleeper.

As for the sex part... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: sorry, but we are newly weds (got married in December last year) and we have always had to "plan" having sex... just incase someone walks in on us... I don't think mad passionate, impulse sex has happened in a long time... no wait about 25 weeks ago it did... :rotfl: :rotfl: and look what happened..
charlotte co-slept till she was 1.. then health visitor shouted at me.. and told me she must go in her cot.. was the most cruel and traumatic time of my life.. and i was very very vunerable then.. anyways.. when we moved she was in ehr own room and cot.. and when i put her into bed/cot she would jsut get up and scream for me for aobut 5 mins then sit down and go to sleep.. it was only when we turned her cot into a bed that she started comming back in with me in the middle of the night.. then when i met alex (1st relationship since charl was 7 months old) met alex when she was 3 i decided i didnt want her coming into bed with us so told ehr no more comming in mummys room in the morning.. and if she did i got up with ehr and took ehr back into her room..and it worked..

suppose one of my fears with co-sleeping is getting the baby into a cot when its time..suppose i will jsut have to go on my instincts and do what feels right after its born..
I wont co sleep again, too much effort gettin baby in their own cot for me ta

Jam slept for 7hours in his own bed lastnight for the first time, I had a great nights sleep and so did he so it will definitely continue like that :D
I can see both benefits but for us, we think we'll try them in their own cot from day one. I spent Saturday night at my brotheres house where he and his wife were trying to get their 18month used to his own bed... My ear drums are still very delicate... bless. They moved him as the wanted to be pregnant again by now but haven't been able to be intimate yet.

It's all fun and games :D
I have always felt uncomfortable having sex in the same room as my son so it has tended to be downstairs so i can enjoy it without waking him up..

I think do what is right for you as a family...if you don't want to sleep with your LO and they settle in moses basket/cot then thats the way to go..

D woke up 8 times in the night on fri after the 3rd time he got in with me i was so tired in the morning i was glad i did that...

it is about knowing the facts then using your judgements
I've had no probs getting DS into his own cot and own room, he's just as happy in either. Last night he slept from 7.30-5am (first time in a while he's slept that long!) in his cot then came in for snuggles.

And who said you just have to have sex in your bed? :wink: (Not that I do it in any room because I'm too damn tired :rotfl: )
I never had any problems getting Seren to sleep in her own bed, and as for the relationship again that was never an issue. We either went into the spare room, or used other rooms
Co sleeping sounds like a lovely idea but if anything happened I would never forgive myself...

Must be lovely though...
Is it taboo to suggest that there's nothing wrong with having sex while the baby's in the bed? I did a couple of times when he was younger and asleep. He didn't wake up and even if he had he wouldn't have known what was going on. This is back when he was 2/3 months old though, I wouldn't do it now.

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