Castor oil?


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2010
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Has anyone used or thought about using castor oil?

Its supposed to encourage a 'clear out' and possibly stimulate the uterus??

Im trying to chill out as im not due until Wednesday but ive already had a sweep and show and now im just well and truly fed up!! x
Oooo no I defo didn't wanna try that lol.. x x
Nooo dont do it!

My midwife advised me not to try it as it basically just gives you the sh*ts and you could end up dehydrated. Its not really a nice way to go into labour. Have you though about evening primrose oil or some aroma therapy oils?
really?? i text my OH earlier to pick some up - its so tempting!!

Ive tried evening primrose and other oils x
Still rather you than me :sick: I don't know what else to suggest now - but bearing in mind the castor oil would work the same as curry or excess fruit, I'd go with a nicer option. Just get tons of strawberries, apples and pineapples etc, and try that. But true, you could end up dehydrated.
tbh i am constipated as it is so would be nice to be able to go! i might just try a little bit? x
Nooo dont do it!

My midwife advised me not to try it as it basically just gives you the sh*ts and you could end up dehydrated. Its not really a nice way to go into labour. Have you though about evening primrose oil or some aroma therapy oils?

^^^ WSS!
I was told its not very nice and I dont like the idea going through labour and being dehydrated. Not meaning to scare you but I heard it can also cause distress to baby.

What about Rasperry Leaf tea, EPO or Clary Sage? x
Hmmm yes it wouldnt be nice to be dehydrated.

Have tried literally everything else though. I know i should just chill out and wait for it to happen im just so frustrated. Constantly uncomfortable or in pain and its getting me down today x
Re the constipation, all I've had to do is nibble a tiny bit of choc and my intolerance does the rest for me. Get some fruit smoothies in, that should help you go. Did you say they said your iron level hasn't gone up? They should be able to help you go too, if you tell them (your doc, not your crappy midwife, lol).
They have told me to take even more iron tablets now as my anaemia hasnt improved but the tablets make me constipated as it is! Will do some research online i think x
Don't do it! My nct teacher told me castor oil and curry work in the same way and both should NOT be used. Basically, it makes your intestines contract which can make your uterus contract but they are basically false contractions. So you et the pain but you're not actually dilating. She said sex works but only if you do it like 8 times a day for weeks...but it's better to ingest it! Perhaps your oh could be in for a treat tonight?!?! Xx
ive never heard of this castor oil but it doesnt sound nice ... aww cherelle you are almost there stay strong babes xxx
Lol sex is the one thing i dont think i could resort to! I dont know how super obese people do it .... i feel waaaaay too huge and im like a beached whale when i lay down i cant move or breathe!!! Not sex on legs atm! lol
the longer you go the better if your iron is that bad as i think your more at risk of needing a blood transfusion for blood loss ect if your anemic im hoping my latest blood results are better than the last as im already at risk of bleeding badly :(
Oh hun, it will happen soon. Have you not got one of them balls? wish i had one for when i'm full term. xxx
oooh no.. don't do the castor oil... heard lots of not so nice stories about that....

regarding constipation the best best thing is prune juice... now i know the idea of drinking it is minging and i can't stand the stuff but if you buy some Welchs Purple grape juice and mix it half and half with sunsweet prune juice it makes it not too bad at all.. honestly a pint of that a day and you will notice the differrence! (i used to down it in one!)

it is frustrating when your due date comes and goes - i was 10 days over with Josie and i kind of geared myself up for being late this time and lo and behold it's my due date today and no sign of baby even after that successful sweep on weds! I'm just trying to focus on 31st May for my induction now and if anything happens before then i'll be very pleased! At least it's half term that week so won't have to worry about the nursery run!!

x x x
I was just about to say about the prune juice but I was beaten to it lol. Apparently its fantastic for clearing you out :) Just one tablespoon should be more than enough.
Thanks girls. I feel bad moaning when your at your due date already Treeze!

Ill see if i can get some prune juice tomorrow and keep bouncing/walking etc as much as poss! x
Thanks girls. I feel bad moaning when your at your due date already Treeze!

Ill see if i can get some prune juice tomorrow and keep bouncing/walking etc as much as poss! x

lol no worries!

I think it's only because i went over with my first pregnancy i have expected to again with this one and i'm not too fussed by it this time.

I can't wait to be able to touch my toes again and not be uncomfortable all through the night but other than that i feel fine and i'm pleased they're giving me 12 days over to give me the best shot of going naturally.

I was in being induced for 4 days last time so this time i think the later i leave it the more likely that it will be quicker when it does happen - even if it's induction! At least i'm 1-2cm already which last time it took me 3 days of pessarys just to get to that stage!

Someone at work was due today as well and she had the baby at 9am this morning! I hardly know anyone who has had the baby on their actual due date!

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