Castor oil....


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2009
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Iv been told by a few people now to try taking castor oil and ill have baby within 24hours. Im really debating it now though, i just really want my baby out to get this whole hospital thing out of the way!
Anyone tried it? did it work?
Iv read that it works like an enema its emptys the bowel within 2-6hours and once its empty it encourages your uterus to empty in the same way. Probably the same as a curry would but iv tried loads of hot currys and still not making my IBS come in lol. The only side effects castor oil has is the diahrea and can get sickness and nausea but you can get that in labour anyway x
I've heard a few horror stories tbh (like babies pooing inside and swallowing it and being very ill), don't think I'd risk it......
i personally think it a bit of an old wives tale it was given to clear bowels but i dont know of anyone it started off if your not ready your just not ready but do some googling and ask around and good luck if you try it and dont stray far from the loo lols
My MIL tried it with my OH and he came next day and my OH`s cousin took it with her 2 girls and both arrived within 24hours and they were 2weeks early x
I know years ago my auntie tried everythin including castor oil to start labour off and nothin worked and she was well overdue.
There r lots of old wives tales about wot works and wot doesn't but tbh I think baby just comes wen it's ready and it's just coincidence that labour starts after tryin somethin x
Apparently it does seem to work for some people, but for others it makes them very ill for 24 hours but does nothing, and there have also been other stories about babies getting distressed and passing meconium in the womb, which makes them very ill - it might be very rare but I'm not sure it's a risk I'd be willing to take x
Iv been against it but because of all the stress and everything with the hospital id rather try and get him out b4 they get there hands on me lol. Atm im taking fybogel twice a day having curries and chilli con carni, drinking orange juice, eating bananas, oranges. Dunno what else to try and upset my tummy. I no that he prob will hold out till 41weeks if they allow me to go that far over but id like to say iv tried to get him out b4 then :) Think i prob wont try the oil as i prob couldnt swallow it anyway just like to know i might beable to try stuff that does the same thing x
I used it, my best friend used it with both of her boys and labour started off a few hours later,
I tried everything and nothing worked so the evening of my due date i took the castor oil, my friend told me to mix it with fresh orange juice drink half the bottle, jump up and down 10 times then do the other half and jump again, i have no idea what the jumping bit is about, within 3 hours i was in labour, it is rank and makes you gag when drinking it, my labour did end in emergency c-section but that wasnt anything to do with the castor oil, but if i had the choice i would never take it again.
They say apart from it tasting absolutely VILE, it can make you very dehydrated due to the severity of diarrhea which can be bad for both you and the baby. Therefore it isn't recommended at all.

Unfortunately i've come to learn that baby will come when he/she is ready and any amount of evicting just doesn't seem to work. My consultant said the only thing she would recommend is sex as the prostaglandins in male sperm has been scientifically proven to soften the cervix. She said that it wouldn't necissarily induce labour though.
My mum used it and i love being told the story of my birth which always includes the phrase "....and there was s**t everywhere!...." at some point.

I think she claims it worked, but i think i personally would have been preferred not to be covered in my mum feces when i came into the world lol
My mum used it and i love being told the story of my birth which always includes the phrase "....and there was s**t everywhere!...." at some point.

I think she claims it worked, but i think i personally would have been preferred not to be covered in my mum feces when i came into the world lol

:rofl: Hahahahahaaa! Oh dear...
My mum used it and i love being told the story of my birth which always includes the phrase "....and there was s**t everywhere!...." at some point.

I think she claims it worked, but i think i personally would have been preferred not to be covered in my mum feces when i came into the world lol

:rotfl: Is your mum Irish by any chance? That sounds like the sort of thing my Irish mother would say!

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