Castor Oil


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2006
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Tilly posted a brilliant link on my other thread about being induced.
Thanks Tilly.

I was curious about it's recommendation of Castor Oil though....

Castor oil

There are reports of castor oil being used to bring on labour as far back as the Egyptians, though how it works is poorly understood. The most commonly given explanation is that it acts as a powerful laxative, and when it stimulates the gut it also stimulates the uterus and so "kick starts" labour.

Is it safe?
Nausea is likely to be the immediate effect, followed by a bad case of diarrhoea and there is a risk that you will become dehydrated. For this reason, we would NOT recommend taking castor oil.

Does it work?
A study of 100 overdue women found that 57.7% began active labour after a single dose of 60ml of castor oil, as opposed to 4.2% who received no treatment. Another small study found that taking castor oil had no adverse affects on mother or baby. Neither study was of a large enough scale to be conclusive.

How do I try it?
This is one we would NOT recommend but, according to a survey of midwives, 4 fl oz of castor oil mixed with orange juice is the usual dose. It is revolting (very oily) to drink though some suggest that making it fizzy by adding ½ teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda helps. A second dose can be given 12 hours later.

So it sounds effective - why is it NOT recommended? Anyone else tried or going to try this?
i havent got a clue about caster oil, but im very tempted to try it... :twisted: Need to get this LO moving!!
I've read on various web sites that it can cause you to get dehydrated due to causing diarreah(sp?), and some also say it can cause the baby to get distressed and poo in the womb.

I don't know whether there is any truth in this, but I've decided to give it a miss. It didn't work for Tegala either
I would not be brave enough to try castor oil as I can't even take cough medicine, but I love the one at the end about wearing your best knickers :lol:
Apparantly Castor Oil was common practice 40 odd years ago. Midwives gave it to all pregnant ladies who were overdue, along with a nice hot bath. My Nan had it with every pregnancy and it worked. My Step-Mum also swears by it, she had it twice and it worked both times but she says it turns you inside out so dont go anywhere other than a few feet from your bathroom & make sure you drink lots to keep hydrated as muppetmummy says, it may cause dehydration which isnt good.

This isnt something Id try now, probably more 38wks ish but I would give it a go...whats the worst that can hapen? You have the worst poohs of your life..
Its meant to be a really harsh thing to take to try to start labour. Basically it forces you to poo and then the contractions are meant to spread. Even if they do its not a dead cert labour will actually happen.

I'd not try it as a) becoming dehydrated isn't a good thing and b) I'd rather not make myself ill and then end up in labour soon after. It can take a while to finish its work on the old bowels and put strain on the person taking it c) No one can say with any certainty how a person will react to it.

Its basically like a poison and your body reacts to it... badly as you can't get off the loo.
Sherlock said:
Its meant to be a really harsh thing to take to try to start labour. Basically it forces you to poo and then the contractions are meant to spread.

Ive just thought, maybe i wont bother with this as having the runs while you're pushing the baby out may not be the nicest thing in the world.....poor baby and MW's might get the full brunt of something 'unpleaseant'......... :puke:
sazzylou said:
Sherlock said:
Its meant to be a really harsh thing to take to try to start labour. Basically it forces you to poo and then the contractions are meant to spread.

Ive just thought, maybe i wont bother with this as having the runs while you're pushing the baby out may not be the nicest thing in the world.....poor baby and MW's might get the full brunt of something 'unpleaseant'......... :puke:

*goes very green* :rotfl: :puke: :rotfl:
From what I understand, they dont recommend it anymore, because although it can be very effective and will make you poo, it will also make baby poo...a LOT! So whilst a bit of diarhoea might not be so bad for those of us that have been constipated for weeks (!), its not so good for baby. If they poo once inside you it can be dangerous so if they get the runs it wont be pleasant, and they can swallow it. Not nice!

Personally I dont think I could stomach the thought of drinking oil anyway!
bleugh!!! :puke:
It worked on my mum too, but it sounded like a very violent start to labour. Why are some of you ladies talking about taking it at 38weeks?

p.s My cat just farted next to my PC and it stinks. Thanks Oscar!
:puke: I feel sick enough as it is, without trying this!

Can't imagine I'd get *that* desperate either :think:
Midwife this morning said she doesn't recommend castor oil as it is too harsh, she said the best thing to bring on labour is lots of sex :D
My OH seems to have gone off sex for the first time in his life! I think all the talk of plugs has put him off! :lol:
muppetmummy said:
My OH seems to have gone off sex for the first time in his life! I think all the talk of plugs has put him off! :lol:

mine too :cry: :cry: :cry:

I did get some the other morning but only after 2 weeks of begging :shakehead: Its bad because I'll end up tearing badly at this rate where Im not used to being erm...used :oops: Thats what I said to him and I said Id blame him if I tore due to his lack of service and attention and he gave in :angel:
:lol: @ lack of use!

I think mines scared that he'd bring labour on. He's still rushing to get the bedroom finished. Last night as soon as he got home from work he went up stairs and got his tools out, and didn't stop till bedtime! Thats so not him normally! :lol:
He was painting till 4am the other night, that will teach him to sabotage my nesting!
LOL at your OH's mine is exactly the same with the sex business! And that is so not him. He came in last night and started doing things I have been asking him to do for ages and didn't stop til bedtime.
:dance: :dance: at least your OH is getting bedroom done :dance: :dance: Shame he isnt being as handy with his other erm tool :lol:

My OH thinks he'll bring on labour too....his fear is breaking my waters :rotfl: God Id find that soo funny :rotfl:
:rotfl: :rotfl: Can just imagine your OH being swept across the room by your waters!

I'm hoping OH can get the carpet down tonight and we can sleep in a proper bed for once. Been on the sofa bed for almost a week and it's so uncomfortable. It's not flat and my legs are above my head!
On the plus side I can sleep all night on it without needing the loo!
it didnt work for me in my last pregnancy, i took it a few times, the whole bottle mixed with orange juice lol.. pretty gross.. my midwife showed my partner how to rub my feet to bring on labour and i think it helped, was 14 days overdue and had lewis the day i was meant to be induced..

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