Castor oil???


Sep 26, 2008
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Hi ladies,
Well im 3 days od now and its driving me crazy, just cant wait to meet my little man! I'm constantly munching on pineapple and drinking endless cups of rasberry leaf tea but still friend mentioned trying castor oil but ive heard its not recomended, just wondered if anyone knows why this is, what its meant to do or if its actually worked for anyone? Dont want to risk anything that could harm Lo.

Thank you.x
I heard it just makes you poo loads, does nothing to get bubs out.
Hope things get moving for you soon
I've heard it makes you really sick, I wouldn't recommend it, you might just end up making yourself really poorly instead of going into labour. I understand how frustrated you must feel though, I'm 6 days over and in very slow labour which is stopping and starting and not getting me anywhere! Try doing loads of walking if you can manage it, it hasn't worked for me but it might work for you.
Hope something starts happening for you soon :hug:
i tried it when i was overdue - it gave me mild contractions, but really really bad diahhrea. i would suggest tking a long walk up a hill and then having a session of reflexology......i did this and went into labour the following morning! x
I went overdue with Jordan and I tried that.

I had a pint of orange juice with a load of caster oil in it.

Didn;t work, just gave me the squits :rotfl: :rotfl:
The reason they say avoid it is it can cause severe diarrhea and sickness and lead to dehydration!!
It's supposed to make your bowels contract and hence that starts your uterus contracting. Personally I can't think of anything worse than having the squits while being in labour :?

There's another post on here that's got loads of info on about it if you want to check that out

Thanks Ladies,
Dont fancy getting ill so think i'll give it a miss just have to be patient!!
Come on little man :pray:

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