Car crash yesterday...


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2010
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and my car is a write off. Luckily my son and I escaped with bumps and bruises, and bubs is fine having been monitored at hospital but I am so shook up. A guy pulled out on me (I was on main road and he pulled out of junction) he must've been about 80 and clearly couldn't see a thing. He had the cheek to say it was 'the way girls drive' even though he pulled out in front of me and caused me to smash into another vehicle. A witness has given statement to say he'd followed the old guy for a couple of miles and his driving was terrible. I don't mean to be dramatic but feel like I don't want to drive again, and I've been driving for 11 years! Not what you need at 28weeks pregnant. Just keep thanking my lucky stars x
Omg that's awful! What an idiot! Old people never think it's their fault! Hope your ok?! x x
Omg im so glad u n baby and your son are ok!! Seriously my OH crashed not long ago because a 80 year old couple decided they wanted to drive on the wrong side of the road in a 60mph zone around a corner! He was told he was lucky to still have his legs and the guy is saying its my OH's fault!

Just take things slow. im not surprised u dont want to get back in a car tbh, but don't let this be the thing to stop you x
oh poor you - what a terrible fright. You musn't let it stop you driving hun x
Glad your all ok. Dont let it stop you from driving. Take your time but get back on that horse :hug:
OMG, gosh hope ur all on the mend hun!!

as the girls have said, dont let it get the better of u, u need to get back into it, but give it time to when u feel ready,

least the hosp has been keeping a close eye on u,

take care
oh what a horrid thing to go through! glad ur all ok hun xxxxx
Glad you're ok honey x x hugs x x
:hug: How horrible, glad that there was a witness to how bad this guy was driving to back you up. Really good that the two and baby are okay, as the others said take your time but dont stop driving just because of some other idiot!
:hug: there's some bloody awful drivers out there. Hope he gets it for driving without due care and attention!! xx
glad ur ok hun, same thing happened to me a year after I passed and THEY tried to blame me, I hope you can get over it with time as its a shame to let one persons actions affect the rest of your life.

Hope ur relaxing with feet up xx
oh gosh.. Thank god ur all safe x
:hugs: Glad you and bubs are ok, it would shake anyone up yourself before making your decision hun x
Awww pet sorry this has happened to you and your lo. same happened to us last weekend but it was fairly minor by comparison. still rattles you though and makes your confidence to drive simply disappear. we've been at home most of the time since it happened.

how are you getting on with your insurers?

look after yourself xx
I'm so glad you're ok!! More like it's the way bloody men drive!! They are awful, and that just proves. I'm really sorry your car is a write off, just take your time getting your confidence back honey. X
Happy you are all alright don't stop driving coz of one idiot on re road old people are terrible for accusing the younger people xxx

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Oh hon, how scary! So glad ur all ok. Like the others have said don't rush a decision - just take it easy for a bit and see how u feel x x x
Omg! So glad you're all okay! xx

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