Cant quite believe i am posting in here...


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2011
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Oh my goodness girls I have got a BFP! I am in such a state of shock! Can't quite believe I am posting in here... I am literally sat in the toilets in the local shopping centre shaking like mad. Just on my lunch break from work and bought a clear blue digi and its there in black and white 'pregnant 1-2'!!! It took ages for anything to show and then the 'pregnant' part popped up first and I nearly dropped the thing down the loo in shock!

I am so happy and feel truly lucky and so grateful for this. If you have seen my thread in WTT you will know I am also flamin' terrified though, as had some hospital treatment last week that involved prodding and poking 'down there' so I am a bit worried that our little bean (omg!) is okay... But I sort of feel like its meant to be after such a horrible week last week. Please stick little baba!

I genuinely don't know how I am going to go back to work and keep this a secret! I won't see hubby until 6pm tonight and want to tell him in person rather than on the phone so you girls are the only people I can tell!

So sorry for the massive essay! Thankyou for listening to my rambles! X
Omg hun thats amazing news! Il update it on thread at some point today :) u kust b sooo excited. How many dpo wer u? Did u hav symptoms? Xxx
Ahhh bless you hun!

Huge congrats sweetie

ooooo congratulations thats fantastic news!!! xxx
Aaarrrwwww how exciting!!! Congrats xxx
oh brilliant news, saw your ticker saying yourll have to WTT till summer 2012 - not any more !! yayyyy

Congratulations and enjoy your 2012 pregnancy
Oh thankyou all so much! :) I am in such shock! Back at work now and typing on my phone under my desk, I will be in sooooo much trouble if my boss comes in lol!

Bellarima thankyou sweetie! I am 12dpo and have absolutely NO symptoms whatsoever?! Honestly I've been poking my boobs ever since 6dpo so see if they were sore and they're still not in the slightest. The only thing I've had were some cramps yesterday afternoon for about an hour but I have the odd bit of IBS (sorry tmi) so they could well have been down to that. So if anyone is reading and has no symptoms, do not give up hope!

I am so happy! I was really gutted about having to WTT even though I was pretending not to be. I've already WTT since our wedding in July 2010 lol, really felt like I had served my time in WTT! Will have to update my signature thingy when on the computer eeeek!

I so can't wait to tell hubby and see the look on his face <3

Thankyou all for being so lovely! Xx
My friend had an abnormal smear yet just before her recommended treatment [cone biopsy I think?] she found out she was preggers...

She did have all her treatment after bub was born and her second bub is a month old today :)

Just make sure you get back on track as soon as you can after bub arrive in terms of your own health

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Fab news!! Big congratulations!

Have a happy and healthy 9 months!

Vicki xx
Congrats :) heres to a happy, healthy 9 months xx
Ooooooohhhhhhh congrats hun no waitng for you!! It will all b fine reguarding your cells im sure. So pleased for you.

Michelle. x
Congrats, I just got my :bfp:too! still waiting for my hubby to get home, i just wanna annouce it on facebook I am so happy! i wont of course.. haha
O M G!!! That's fantastic huni!!!!! So so happy for you, you totes deserve it :)

Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months xxxxxx
congratulations i bet you are over the moon and have a very happy hubby tonight - lovely news :)
ams - so happy for you got tears in my eyes :) after all you've been through recently this is amazing news :) CONGRATULATIONS!!! XXX

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