Can't face it ............................

Hey hun, sounds like we are in a similar boat. OH is fine, im polycystic, never had any proof i OV'd on Clomid, but had 1 egg that was a good size, never saw a ruptured follicle. I've been put forward for IUI and was offered councelling, but i turned it down thinking it would slow things down :( but do think i need it, so gonna see what they say at my appt next Tues xxxx
Thanks Corrine , it means a lot.

Yeah i'll ask for help. Sometimes i can't even do my college work because i get so down i think whats the point . It's like i made it the be all and end all of my life. I worry incase OH leaves me to have children of his own ( he says he won't)

I am going to college to be a nurse and silly me didnt apply to go to uni this time round because stupid me thought that i would be pregnant.

Now all my peers are getting accepted and i'm just sat here still stuck x

I know it is such a distraction, but we can t help want what our hearts want, just sometimes life just isnt that easy.
I would say try to put ttc to the back of your life now, and get on with the rest of your life, just enjoying a healthy sex life.
Thats what im going to do now, god knows ive put my life on hold....waiting...trying...being dissapointed, i have to change that thinking...if happens then great ...a little miracle , if it doesnt well I tried and it just wasnt meant, thats how I have to see it now. xxxx
Thanks so much all of you!

Chaz i am totally on the same page as you. The next step for me is IVF but i will have to fund it so thats not going to happenanytime in the near future. Just going to keep plodding on as per usual and try and forget it.

MrsPc i can apply for next year so will do . I just need to get back into the college mind frame instead of a baby one.

I tell you i feel like i have more chance of winning the lottery whe all i want is a baby.

Have any of you thought of that one? I brought a lottery ticket and thought NO i need all my luck for a baby . x
I've said that if we catch naturally I'm buying a lottery ticket as things always seem to happen at the same time!

sorry to hear you are having such a hard time :(

I was like you it was all I ever thought about every month and when it didnt happen it hit me like a 10 tonne truck even though I tried so very hard not to let it bother me. I didnt think hubby seemed all that affcted by it until we thought we were pregnant as it had been 33 days since my last period. Friends said do a test and we decided against it as we were going on holiday. Day 2 of our holiday I got my period and it was the worst I had veer felt and it was then that I realised how hard it was hitting hubby.

I then got myself (as hard as it was) into the frame of mind of not thinking about getting pregnant, carrying on with life which relaxed me a bit. I think it was still at the back of my mind whoch was only natural as it was all we ever wanted. Kept trying and the next month was the same period came and I shrugged it off as best I could and then the next month success.

Dont ever give up trust me it is all worth it in the end though at the time its absolutely heartbreaking huge hugs for you xx
Omg, started off really sad reading this and now there's new hope! :)

Massive FX for you lovely!

Would love a surprise BFP, I had a 12 dpo one once so know sometimes it is later.

It can only happen to me!

Get up at half 5 to wee. I needed to go for hours but held onto it most of the night. God knows how i didn't wee myself.

Then i save it in the pot until half 7 . Dip the test ( tesco own) and think straight away that i can see a line. So i take the test apart and see that its etched with lines all over it. I ran my finger over it and tossed it to the side. Anyhow ten ish mins later look at it and can see a line BUT I am 100% positive it is a dud test .
I have everything crossed for you.......I would get another test or hand a sample into your GP practice to be sure xx
Ummmm slight pink line on the FRER but i cant photo it . My phone is crap and it's too faint to photo. Been using FRER's long enough to know if its a dud or not .It was there straight away so not an evap!

I am no fool though and this could be a chemical with it being so faint .

Got 3 more FRER's so in the mornin i will test and hope its darker.

Did the test with my 6th wee of today and after a glass of cola FX x

I have been having nagging pains down below though , def not AF pains and i cant stop weeing ant TMI trumping x
Stay positive hun, it's positive!!! Congratulations xxxx
Well if the line was definitely there within time, it's a definitely a BFP :)

Fingers crossed it get darker tomorrow xx
Def within the time Lou . But with it being so faint i am so unsure. I wont get hopeful until it's a nice colour x
It's a good start hon, you've got the first step sorted. Hope the others follow quickly
this is so exciting kirsty!! got everything crossed for you! xxxxx

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