Can't face it ............................

knock, knock, ...please can I get out too!! Pleeeaassseeeee xx
Okay, let's form an orderly queue in order of who started ttc first. As long as we all get outta here!!!
How are you feeling, KirstyMichelle? xx
Negative MrsPc , 9dpo and i feel like i know i'm not pregnant. It always gets to this time and i feel like giving up. I'll be ok though Thanks for asking x
good luck honey. when are you testing, or are you just waiting if she shows? xxx
Tested today 10dpo and BFN on FRER and superdrug. As AF shows around 13dpo i am out , temp has started to decline as usual.

I've spoken to OH and i'n not trying anymore . I've had enough, i woke up in the night clutching my thermometer!

Got 1 more prescription of clomid . I don't know whether to take it or not because on the sex side i just don't want it to be that way anymore.

I've also got pains on my right side ovary region that i have woken up with. I don't usually have these pains . Its like a throbbing sharp type pain x
know exactly how you feel tho as i fel exactly the same!

what do you mean that you dont want to be like that with sex? do you mean you just want a break from sex? xx
So stuck to a rigorous schedule , it makes me fed up. It will be so hard for me not to track and temp and try but i've got to let it go x
yes you just need to relax about it all. so do i, and i know easier said than done , but we must try, i do think being relaxed really helps and enjoying it too!! xx
I know , i've had enough with the dissappointment. Do you think that the docs would send me for counselling if i ask them too x
I cope alone , i never tell anyone how i really feel i pretend i'm fine about it all . Even OH. I never tell him just how much it gets me down. All i've said to him this month is i don't think i'm PG and that i want to stop tryin, and that was by text, we haven't talked about in since x
you can only ask and lay it on thick how it is affecting you,

so after all your tests did they say anything to why it is taking so long i.e oh low sperm count? x
He's fine , i'm polycystic and never OV'd the Clomid made me OV but despite all my best efforts i haven't caught the egg x
well it can takeawhile for those that do reguarly ov,
maybe get some help with coping as it is overwhelming you,
but continu trying but with a bit more of a relaxed approach!

good luck, we are both in a similar boat xxxx
Thanks Corrine , it means a lot.

Yeah i'll ask for help. Sometimes i can't even do my college work because i get so down i think whats the point . It's like i made it the be all and end all of my life. I worry incase OH leaves me to have children of his own ( he says he won't)

I am going to college to be a nurse and silly me didnt apply to go to uni this time round because stupid me thought that i would be pregnant.

Now all my peers are getting accepted and i'm just sat here still stuck x
oh km sorry you're having such a tough time :hugs:

Is that definately the end of getting into uni? Have you asked them?

From personal experience with my sister there might not be much the NHS will do for you counselling wise except put you on a really long waiting list. It's worth asking though because your GP might know of a support group or something. They also might prescribe you a low dose anti-depressant to take for a bit - I don't know how you feel about that, it might be an idea if you are feeling too bad to concentrate on work. Alternatively, some kind of exercise is good for lifting your mood as is having a really good chat with OH or a friend or family member.

You've got a really good chance of catching with the clomid next time but you are right to try to relax a bit more if it's getting to you. Lots of love km.


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