Can't believe I'm back:-)

Hahahahah he ate it? Hilarious :D

DD will reject anything that is GREEN! She won't eat ANY veggies unless hidden inside a dish :( I really hope it is only a stage. My mum tells me it is karma... I was a very fussy eater x

Ps. one more ovulation and it's TTC time!!! Eeeek!
Speaking of ovulation... when do you guys ovulate? I get a positive OPK around CD17/CD18 which means I probably ovulate around CD18/CD19 which I think is pretty late? The month we fell pregnant with DD I ovulated on CD13!!!! Which never happens... weird or what? x
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Ugh the witching hours between 5-7pm are just hell! I feel like I'm just constantly telling him off
"Eat your dinner / at least TRY the veg / eat faster it's almost bathtime / please undress quicker / please do a wee before bath / please start washing / please dry yourself quicker as its now very late / please put your pj's on!!!" I must repeat each sentence about 5 times before he does it!! So frustrating! He just lives in his own little dream world and has no concept of time lol! So when 7pm comes and they're both in bed the first thing I need is a glass of wine lol! I dont usually drink in the week but I have to make exceptions sometimes. No wonder this baby weight isnt shifting;-) Our DD is a food monster and eats anything in front of her lol! DS used to be like that then he turned fussy. But since starting school he's become a bit more daring and will try new things.

Eeeeek KHTW I'm sooo excited for you! I *think* I ovulate CD 13/14 but I have the coil so I guess I have "forced" cycles if you know what I mean. When TTC our DS my cycles were 34 days. With DD I think they were 28 days. If you ov'd on CD13 with DD I guess you'll just need to start early to cover all bases?

Foxy, sounds like it's slowly getting better for you both. It's so heartbreaking when they cry and you have to leave:-(

Day 3 of antibiotics today and the impetigo seems to be getting better.
O wow... that sounds like a long evening of nagging! No wonder you need a drink after all that lol :D Is hubby at home in the evening to help you?

Fingers crossed your DD is feeling 100% in no time!

I have been tracking OV for 5 months now and I always get positive OPK around CD17. And then period arrives on the clock 13 days later. I wonder if 11-12 days is enough for implantation. The first 3 months trying for DD i ovulated CD18/19 and it was a bfn, 4th month I ovulated CD13 and that was when we fell pregnant. I wonder if there are any natural ways to move the ovulation date? x
I think I'm around day 14. My periods normally last exactly a week and around another week later I think I ovulate.
That's a good idea to track ovulation before you start trying, I didn't think of that. Best Buy some ovulation tests!

Very exciting KHTW! Fx it happenes quick.

That does sound stressful babymaker! Glad your little one is on the mend. Antibiotics normally kick in quickly so fx 100% soon.

Very exciting KHTW!

I've always had a 28 day cycle but I've never actually tracked ovulation. I do feel it on 1 side when it happens. Being on the pill at the mo I don't know when it would be off of it.

Glad your little one is on the mend Babymaker x
Finally my cold is gooooone!! How are the little people? Hopefully feeling better? x

I got a letter asking me to book a smear test. I am so NOT looking forward to this.... I know it is important and even more so that we are going to start ttc soon but it is so painful, I still remember the last one :(

On Friday I am off on holiday, visiting my mum. This time it is just me and DD so it should be interesting! I hope she is good to mummy... we will be traveling pretty much all day :nap:
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Glad you're feeling better KHTW! Colds are the worst as they always linger for days! DD's impetigo is going. Last day of antibiotics tomorrow.
Urgh smears are horrid! I got the letter the day after I found out I was pregnant with DD so I managed to put it off a year. Then when she was 3months I did smear and coil in one go:)
That sounds nice - where are you going? Are you going by plane?
Hope everyone is well. Almost October! eek! the months are flying by:dance:
I got my letter for a smear a few weeks ago. I'm still ignoring it atm. I think we may be putting ttc back a little bit as our house chain still isn't complete. I want to be in the new house before we start trying incase it happens quickly.

As for the colds, we are still suffering. I swear we get a new one everytime joe goes to nursery!

A holiday sounds great! Have a lovely time.

Thanks Ladies, I have been looking forward to it for a while. We are visiting family in Poland so will be flying. Can't wait to see everyone, it has been a while.

My friend is always complaining her LO gets one cold after another since she went to nursery. I guess the good thing is his immune system is building up quickly.

Months are flying by! BabyMaker, your ticker will soon read 7 month eeeek! x

Foxy, postponing is a good idea if it makes senses. Hopefully you won't have to wait too long x
Have a great time KHTW. Never been to Poland.

I don't mind atm putting it on hold. I haven't really been thinking about ttc with everything going on with the house. I guess we will see what the situation is come January and play it by ear. I can't see us having to put it off for to long, maybe just a couple of months.

Hope you're all ok?
I hope you have a great holiday KHTW!
Any house news Foxy? X
Our colds are starting to go and joes teeth have come through now so, he's happier.
Still no house news :( we had an update on Monday just to say that they are still looking.

Anyone got any plans for the weekend?
I think we will try and have a lazy one as the weather is so rubbish.

I think iv got my bfp already! I don't really believe yet as we were not trying! We did have a slip earlier in the month but thought nothing of it. Not really sure how I feel atm. Obviously I'm happy but it's 3 months early, this house business is turning into a nightmare and my husband is trying to pursue a new career. Iv been up since 4:30 thinking about it all, help! Haha!

Congratulations Foxy! The lines look really good! Everything happens for a reason and you never know the house chain could all of a sudden complete and the move happen quickly. Hope you've manahe to catch up on some sleep x
Ong Foxy! Congratulations! I am sure it was meant to be xxx
Mrs CW, just saw your other thread... do you think you may also be pregnant?? x

I go away for a few days and come back to news like this?! :D
Thanks girls, to scared to get excited yet. In other news, our buyers have pulled out because it's taking to long so, if anyone would like a 2 bed house in Maidstone please let me know!

Iv just seen your post as well Mrs CW. Have you tested again?

Oh no Foxy! We had that happen to us but did find a new buyer quite quickly. It will all work out!

I did test again and had 1 negative and 1 possibly positive, I'm going to wait a week or so and see what happens. I don't think I am though.

Hope you had a lovely holiday KHTW x
Oh no Foxy, the news re house suck but as CW said stay positive it will work out x

CW how strange... i wonder why you are getting mixed results. Hope you know for sure soon x

We are still at mum's and it is lovely. Travel was terrible tho... LO is showing signs of travel sickness! She threw up twice on way to airport, was ok at the airport and on flight then threw up again in car on way to granny's! It was an experience i must say and not a good one!! But we are here and everyone is really loving having the little miss in the house x
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Hey hope you're all ok and have enjoyed your weekend? X

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