bye bye bean


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2006
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lost my bean this morning:( woke up with a gushing feeling and a cramping really hard ran to the loo and found bean on the tissue. on a good note the pain is less now with just a dull ache in the middle of my lower abdomin and I can breath again today (the blocked nose has gone). my doc won't see me as I didn't get a pos preg test thus doesn't believe I was pregnant. but I know I was and I am sure the reason i didn't test pos is that this baby was never going to be viable and the hormones were not high enough.
did anyone else who miscarried have a really bad headache before they started to bleed?
I feel even more robbed that I didn't even get the pos test so feel like this bean didn't count to anyone but me
bless you.
I had the same thing a few years ago. I did a pos home preg test and a neg docs one so they wouldn't see me.I was 7 weeks when I lost my little one. I went over the docs head and went to the hospital and they checked me out, and said I was defo having a miscarriage.
lots of love to you and I hope you feel a little better soon
Hi hun, you and bean are in my thoughts take care xxx
thanks marie.
I am just going to rest I really don't want to go to hospital to be proded about so unless I feel ill I am going to stay home. I was only 5wks 3 days so I am hoping things just pass naturally from here on in. there is a family history of miscarriage my mum had 4 my sister has had 5 and the other sis 2 and my niece has had 1 so I shouldn't feel so shocked. I just want my body to get back in sync now and this bleeding to stop ( I only bleed light on af and for only 3 days so this is all new to me, it's horrid, so much red)
Awww, I'm so sorry to hear. I'll say a little prayer for you.
ty aimeelynn.
everything seems to have pass through without any problems and things r slowing down now and the pains have gone.
i want to say thank you to you all for your understanding and kind words I hope you all get your babies and sending love and thoughts to you all, for all that are ttc hope you get bfp and for those who are already pg good luck and safe pregnancies to you all. xxx
sorry for your loss you are in my thoughts xxxx
rach said:
sorry for your loss you are in my thoughts xxxx

Hi Rach. Just read this post. According to this it says you have lost your baby. Is this true hun?

I have not been on for a while. I hope I am reading this wrong.

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