my wee babys gone

So, so sorry to hear ur news.... I miscarried 10 days ago so my heart breaks for you - would have been my second too.... thinking of you and wishing you well xxx

thanks so much everyone for all ur support......

karen how are u feeling now? i just seem to be getting sorer and sorer altho the bleeding is getting lighter... did u have 2 go for follow up app? sorry 4 all the questions just nice 2 talk 2sum1 in the same position..... sending u loads of love and big big kisses xxxxxxxx take care xxxxxxxxx
I've only just seen your post and I'm so sorry for your loss. I had a miscarriage a couple of weeks ago and had only found out I was pregnant 4 days before.

Hopefully you have wonderful friends and family around you to help you through. Good luck for the future. x
Only just seen this thread hun.
I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. :hug:
Sending you lots of love and hugs at this difficult time.

Same happened to me two years ago.
I didnt find out I was pregnant till a bit in the pregnancy (as I have problems) and a a week or two later I mc. I was in hospital for a week went home and had to go back for another few days as had a few more problems. (not going to put here as its quite distressing for others to read).
So sorry of your loss hun. If you had known you was pregnant it could made it harder for you.
Your bound to feel upset because even though you didnt know you was pregnant you will feel emotionally.

I had a miscarriage in september last year and my emotion's are still there.

you would still be classed as pregnant for 2 weeks after you miscarry i was told this when i lost me baby.
:hugs: thinking of you hun xx

we are hear for you hun x
thanks so much girls for all ur support...... still so sore, dont really understand y im still in so much pain as it would have only been a wee bean :( sorry just saying dat and i have started to cry yet again.... anyone dats hada mc before? how long do u fink it`ll take before all the physical pain eases?
mine lasted few weeks. try having a bath. ur bound to be sore hun. You have to heal. how many weeks were u if u dont mind me asking. i was 12 weeks preg an it came out in a massive sac well wasnt massive cant explain really.

i thought all that of 3 days of bleeding an pain that was sore just to see something like that come out that area.

hugs to you hun. Pm if want hun x
im doing alot better... pain is easing off thank god... i made it happen, obviously wen i didnt no i was pregnant i was drinking....just seems shite emotionally... xxxxxx
Don't blame your self hun :( Millions of women drink and are unknowingly pregnant.

I really hope you're ok hun, still such early days for you but things do get better , I promise :hug:
So, so sorry to hear ur news.... I miscarried 10 days ago so my heart breaks for you - would have been my second too.... thinking of you and wishing you well xxx

thanks so much everyone for all ur support......

karen how are u feeling now? i just seem to be getting sorer and sorer altho the bleeding is getting lighter... did u have 2 go for follow up app? sorry 4 all the questions just nice 2 talk 2sum1 in the same position..... sending u loads of love and big big kisses xxxxxxxx take care xxxxxxxxx

Hi hon,

I felt physically ok about 3 days later although still bled a little bit after that. I did have to have a follow up scan cos they could still see some clots that I hadn't passed yet. Have to say I waited for more clots but none came - just bleeding but at my follow up all was fine and no D&C needed. They told me that if I felt shivery, like I had the flu or the blood smelled bad or I was sore that I should go back so if you don't feel more comfortable in a couple of days I'd give them a ring. Hopefully you will start to feel more comfortable very soon though.

Emotionally has been a tough few weeks and I still feel mixed up about it but it is getting easier.

It is a tough thing ur going through and we're all here if you need us. The girls on here have really helped me get through this and I felt less alone.

Thinking of you xxxxxx
thinking of u hope u feel better soon xxxxxxxx
im doing abit better thanks... wee man is being a handful so thats keeping me busy!! poor OH is getting alot of flack 4no reason although it always seems at the time there is a good reason if u get my drift. going back to GP on monday still in alot of pain, thinking something not rite.. u no when u just know there is something wrong?? do i ever make any sense??? lmao :wall2::wall2:
awww hon - best to get checked out if u think something not right. Also totally understandable that you're snapping at OH - we always take the bad stuff out on those closest to each other.

Thinking of u
k xx
im doing abit better thanks... wee man is being a handful so thats keeping me busy!! poor OH is getting alot of flack 4no reason although it always seems at the time there is a good reason if u get my drift. going back to GP on monday still in alot of pain, thinking something not rite.. u no when u just know there is something wrong?? do i ever make any sense??? lmao :wall2::wall2:

you and your hubby might have ups and downs but your both strong to keep your family together. me an hubby still have little niggles an he takes alot of crap from me but he doesnt know how to help me bless him.

it will get easier but the more you blame yourself the harder things will be but i know its hard because i sometimes blame myself but give yourself time to grieve an dont blame yourself theres also a chance that ur oh cud be feeling very similar to you bout blaming himself. take hun were here if you need to chat x
hey ladies

just wee update.... went back to the doc, gave me some tablets..... bleeding is easing off slightly but still cramping..... getting there ladies.....

just want to say thank you to everybody that left me a message. without ur help and advice i dont no where id have turned. Your comments and thoughts have meant so much words cant really say!!!!

thanks to all again!!!! xxxxxxx
There's nothing I can say that these wonderful ladies haven't already said.

Give yourself time to heal, take care of yourself, and don't blame yourself are the three most important thing you can do IMO.

Also, just wanted to give you lots of these: :hug: :hug: :hug:


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