Buying a Doppler- Is it worth it?


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2012
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Hello all :)

I've been debating buying an AngelSounds Doppler, on ebay they're selling new for £19.99 which seems the cheapest price I can find. I was thinking about renting one but it was £16.99 for a month so doesn't seem worth it. :eh:

I keep seeing different things where people say you shouldn't get one as it's difficult to hear the HB and you may start worrying, and there's others who say they're so glad they have one.
I don't think i'd panic too much if I couldn't hear the HB as I'd know it was probably down to me being a bit useless and I'd probably get the hang of it.

What are your thoughts?
I don't have one and given my history I have really surprised myself but not wanting to get one.

I am finally feeling bub now anyway so that is reassuring.

I've not heard anyone that has one say they wish they didn't though :roll:

Sorry to put a downer on it... but i have the angelsounds doppler and it's the biggest waste of 20 quid i ever spent lol Even now at 28 weeks i have still not picked up the babies heartbeat... others i have spoken to who have the angel sounds have said the same x
Ah no I have just decided to buy it, silly me! Oh well, i'll give it a try and if I have no success then I only have myself to blame for being impatient lol. Thanks for letting me know.
I loved mine :) found it from 18 weeks, best advice is to use it really low down in ur pelvis, lower than u would think, use plenty of gel and take your time, always off centre too x

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My angel sounds is the best I love it. Make sure u use something like ultrasound gel with it. The sound quality is brilliant xxx
I had one during my first pregnancy and loved it! Remember to use plenty of gel as this makes the contact between the doppler and your skin better. Good luck ad enjoy :)
I got one when I was around 19 weeks, and found the heartbeat - but to be perfectly honest I haven't really used it much as I started feeling baby properly move not long after.
I have the angelsound from eBay and well worth the £20! Didn't get it untill about 18weeks. Have never had any problems finding the heartbeat. I'm 34 weeks now and still use it when babies having a sleepy day and it's the best sound ever! Also baby had the hiccups last night, so we got the doppler out and had a listen. Too cute x
I have a hi bebe LCD doper and have just found the heartbeat this morning, absolutely amazing! Xx
I bought my Angelsounds doppler from ebayt too.. & I'm so glad I did! It's so reassuring hearing LOs heartbeat when he decides to have a lazy day.
I used mine from about 15 weeks, and never had trouble finding the heartbeat xx
YAY thanks guys I'm excited to get it now although may have to wait a while until I can hear anything :)
I haven't bothered with one, I think it makes my MW appointments more special and more something to look forward too x
I love my angle sounds and have heard the heartbeat from 11 weeks with no problems. So glad I got it as when I went to midwife appointment she only heard it for a couple of seconds and said that was fine!!! Xxx
I've actually found it really comforting listening to HB. Its become a nightly routine now and I have a little chat with bubba i know it sounds stupid lol xxx

I am renting a Doppler off ebay! £9.99 a month! It's a proper 1 the midwifes use :) x
I have angel sounds picked up baby from 20 weeks best 18.99 ive spent this pregnancy. such reassurance

Using tapatalk so excuse the typos!
My best friend has told me I can borrow hers when I hit 12 weeks. She wont let me have it before as she knows I will try to use it!! I think hers is the Angel sounds one from ebay. She said it really reassured her before baby started to move :)
I picked up a HB first time at around 13 weeks with my Angel Sounds.

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