Buying a Doppler- Is it worth it?

I have however stopped using it daily and now I only use it once a twice a week. After all it is ultrasound and I am not too sure what repeated exposure would do....
Hey hun I had the pink and white angel sounds doppler with my pregnancy in 2010 and I picked up my son's heartbeat with it at 7+weeks. I actually bought it off a friend who was pregnant aswell, she had used it in her previous pregnancy, but bought a new one, more like the ones the hospital use with the probe. Turns out the one she sold me was much better and she wished she hadn't bothered buying the other. I think it's definitely worth the £19.99, I've just rebought the exact same one of ebay as I've misplaced my old one. Currently I am 6+weeks and was unable to find the heartbeat, but my friend is 11weeks and after half an hour of fiddling she located her baby's heart beat :-) all I would say is not to worry if u don't hear anything, it took me an hour the first time to find it, but as baby moves further up the heartbeat becomes easier to find. I ordered mine Monday morning and by Tuesday morning it was in my hands :-)
Good luck hun and remember not to worry if youbdont hear anything straight away
Is there a recommended times per week you should use a Doppler?

I've just ordered mine from eBay! Thanks for the link! So impatient can't wait for it to come now!
I got an angel sounds one yesterday and it was lovely to hear the heartbeat, very reassuring. Been very good and only used it once so far-though that's partly because DH was so anti me getting one and I know I'll get my ear bent!!
I had the angelsounds Doppler and I picks up the babies HB at 9 weeks! So you can get it really early! I am not small either so I don't think it matters what size you are! (I was a size 12-14 when I was 9 weeks pregnant) I am a midwife though so knew the tricks of the trade to find it! If you can't find it, try low down and also try with a full bladder xx
Thank you everyone for your positive reviews, very excited to get it now especially as I'm having delays getting my 12wk scan booked in :) xx
I got the angel sounds from amazon at 12 weeks and used baby oil with it, I've been hearing lo's heart beat ever since! I haven't started feeling movement yet (anterior placenta I've just found out) so the Doppler has been great to have! I think it's helping oh bond a bit too :)
I don't think there has been any evidence found to say that prolonged use does harm but I have read that they shouldn't be used for longer than 10 minutes at a time.
I use mine no more than twice a week and as soon as I have found the HB I stop.
UPDATE: Just wanted to say I've got my doppler now and just heard the babies HB as soon as I put it to my skin. I felt like I knew exactly where bubba was - by the hairline as others recommend. So exciting, but as I've not had a scan I still find it difficult to believe :D Anyway just thought I'd share - definitely recommend getting it!!!!
UPDATE: Just wanted to say I've got my doppler now and just heard the babies HB as soon as I put it to my skin. I felt like I knew exactly where bubba was - by the hairline as others recommend. So exciting, but as I've not had a scan I still find it difficult to believe :D Anyway just thought I'd share - definitely recommend getting it!!!!

Glad your pleased with it! It really is lovely and so ressuring... :) x

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