AngelSounds Doppler


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2010
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I am thinking of buying an Angelsounds Doppler, i know i can't use it yet and will have to wait until at least 12 weeks, but has anyone had a heartbeat before this? And has anyone got one? I need to know if it's worth £30 lol. I know mothercare do one under the brand "summer" something, but i haven't heard much good reviews on it.
Any advice would be great xxx
I bought a brand new angel sounds doppler from ebay for £16 plus postage, so about £20 altogether!Worth every penny and really easy to pick up babys heart beat. I cant comment on picking up babies heart beat before 12 weeks though as i forbid myelf to buy one until id heard bubs heartbeat at the midwife because i didnt want to make myself paranoid xxx
Wow I didn't know about these. What a huge re-assurance it would be! Hurry up 12 weeks... :-)
I don't know about re- assurance Bead! I thought about buying one but there have been so many posts on here with people panicking when they can't find the heartbeat that it totally put me off so I didn't bother! xx
I don't know about re- assurance Bead! I thought about buying one but there have been so many posts on here with people panicking when they can't find the heartbeat that it totally put me off so I didn't bother! xx

This is exactly why i wouldnt buy one until id been for my 16 week midwife appt and heard babys heartbeat xxx
Just thought i would update. Got it through the post today and have heard "whooshing" noises or like air being blown lol. No Heartbeat yet, i phoned midwife and she said it is the placenta and the baby moving around :)
:yay: I am happy to have found this tbh. I was so suspicious that it was just food moving around i made my OH do it. And NO noise came from his. Midwife laughed when i told her. It was so nice to hear my baba
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I had one and it was fab :) I only used it for a few weeks as once I could feel baby move it made it kind of redundant.
I have tried the summer one and its the biggest pile of rubbish ever ever tried to use lol! I couldn't even hear my own heartbeat!
I've got an angel sounds can get them cheaper than that so shop around first. I still cant find the heartbeat with mine but ive heard alot of good reviews, just depends on where baby is lying as mine is lying into my back at the minute. xx
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