Bump Buddy in West Mids

We are really struggling with names, we both wanted Cameron but by complete coincidence my brother and his wife had their 3rd in May and named him Cameron and this was before we had even told family our news so it was just one of those things we hadnt discussed names with them either just a weird coincidence. I like Ethan and Alexander, his middle name will be alexander after my dad which my brother also did too but i dont feel so bad about doing that and we told them and they were fine with it. My hubby doesnt like Ethan at all but fails to offer any other decent suggestion so i think i'll get my way lol.

I finished work on Friday, was supposed to be working for another 4 weeks but havent been keeping too well and midwife advised me to stop as i am high risk for early labour, so dr has signed me off till mat leave starts. So relieved to be honest as my job is so physical and we were so short on staff i really wasnt coping with it all.

Have u any names picked out yet?
What did you do? I am in H&S for a warehouse. So office and walking lol. Be glad to chill out, well as much as can be with a 3 YO lol. I like Alexander too but OH not keen on it and he likes Joshua so either one of those. I think with this one we will pick when he arrives. My first we had a name all the way through.
I think though due to this one as always being an Alexander to me I won't be able to change it as everytime he kicks I think of him as Alex., I do like Joshua now. We agreed the middle name will be Daniel after my brother so both go so well. Suppose decide when he born.
Ethan is a nice name and I bet you will get your own way. My Hubby always does lol. That must be awful family choosing the names you like. I bet that is difficult but I guess now you have names no other member will take it. xxx
Hi rachyryan :wave: another Rachael :)
Lol getting difficult to keep up on here lol. How is everyone? Work are realky getting me down atm was funny with me earlier about asking if I coukx go home cos I'm not feeling very well, got a UTI and some antibiotics. Wish I hadn't of gone in in the first place! Got a docs appointment at 4 though so will hopefully get signed off.
Loving your name choices girls wish me and OH could agree on something lol xx
What did you do? I am in H&S for a warehouse. So office and walking lol. Be glad to chill out, well as much as can be with a 3 YO lol. I like Alexander too but OH not keen on it and he likes Joshua so either one of those. I think with this one we will pick when he arrives. My first we had a name all the way through.
I think though due to this one as always being an Alexander to me I won't be able to change it as everytime he kicks I think of him as Alex., I do like Joshua now. We agreed the middle name will be Daniel after my brother so both go so well. Suppose decide when he born.
Ethan is a nice name and I bet you will get your own way. My Hubby always does lol. That must be awful family choosing the names you like. I bet that is difficult but I guess now you have names no other member will take it. xxx

I work as a nurse in a radiology department but it involves wearing a heavy lead coat and standing for hours assisting the consultant. It's just gotten too much now as 3 staff members have left leaving me the only nurse and they still expected me to carry on as if i wasnt pregnant!

I live Alexander atm but hubby doesnt so will just have to settle for it being a middle name but i think wee baby Alex is so nice.
Hi rachyryan :wave: another Rachael :)
Lol getting difficult to keep up on here lol. How is everyone? Work are realky getting me down atm was funny with me earlier about asking if I coukx go home cos I'm not feeling very well, got a UTI and some antibiotics. Wish I hadn't of gone in in the first place! Got a docs appointment at 4 though so will hopefully get signed off.
Loving your name choices girls wish me and OH could agree on something lol xx

You should definately get signed off, i didnt the first time i had this and it wouldn't clear up. I ended up going on holiday with antibiotics and still ended up in hospital in Spain which was really scary. Yu really need to take it easy. My midwife has said that this is part of the reason i am high risk for early labour. I hope you feel better soon x
Hi rachyryan :wave: another Rachael :)
Lol getting difficult to keep up on here lol. How is everyone? Work are realky getting me down atm was funny with me earlier about asking if I coukx go home cos I'm not feeling very well, got a UTI and some antibiotics. Wish I hadn't of gone in in the first place! Got a docs appointment at 4 though so will hopefully get signed off.
Loving your name choices girls wish me and OH could agree on something lol xx

You should definately get signed off, i didnt the first time i had this and it wouldn't clear up. I ended up going on holiday with antibiotics and still ended up in hospital in Spain which was really scary. Yu really need to take it easy. My midwife has said that this is part of the reason i am high risk for early labour. I hope you feel better soon x

Blimey! Yeah I noticed on my other thread you said you'd had a few UTI's while pregnant. Have they predicted how early they think you would be? This is the only one I've had throughout pregnancy but before I for pregnant I used to be quite prone to them and have been in hospital with kidney infections twice. I got back from docs and he's given me a note for a week! Which is good, was kinda hoping for longer though cos work are really stressing me out at the moment :/ xx
What did you do? I am in H&S for a warehouse. So office and walking lol. Be glad to chill out, well as much as can be with a 3 YO lol. I like Alexander too but OH not keen on it and he likes Joshua so either one of those. I think with this one we will pick when he arrives. My first we had a name all the way through.
I think though due to this one as always being an Alexander to me I won't be able to change it as everytime he kicks I think of him as Alex., I do like Joshua now. We agreed the middle name will be Daniel after my brother so both go so well. Suppose decide when he born.
Ethan is a nice name and I bet you will get your own way. My Hubby always does lol. That must be awful family choosing the names you like. I bet that is difficult but I guess now you have names no other member will take it. xxx

I work as a nurse in a radiology department but it involves wearing a heavy lead coat and standing for hours assisting the consultant. It's just gotten too much now as 3 staff members have left leaving me the only nurse and they still expected me to carry on as if i wasnt pregnant!

I live Alexander atm but hubby doesnt so will just have to settle for it being a middle name but i think wee baby Alex is so nice.

I thought you couldn't work in radiology anyway if preg unless you don't go near the screens I suppose. I like Ethan thought But I'm always keen on unusual names. So what you do in your spare time?

Rachael - It is getting difficult to keep up lol. How you get on at drs? xxx
Hi rachyryan :wave: another Rachael :)
Lol getting difficult to keep up on here lol. How is everyone? Work are realky getting me down atm was funny with me earlier about asking if I coukx go home cos I'm not feeling very well, got a UTI and some antibiotics. Wish I hadn't of gone in in the first place! Got a docs appointment at 4 though so will hopefully get signed off.
Loving your name choices girls wish me and OH could agree on something lol xx

You should definately get signed off, i didnt the first time i had this and it wouldn't clear up. I ended up going on holiday with antibiotics and still ended up in hospital in Spain which was really scary. Yu really need to take it easy. My midwife has said that this is part of the reason i am high risk for early labour. I hope you feel better soon x

Blimey! Yeah I noticed on my other thread you said you'd had a few UTI's while pregnant. Have they predicted how early they think you would be? This is the only one I've had throughout pregnancy but before I for pregnant I used to be quite prone to them and have been in hospital with kidney infections twice. I got back from docs and he's given me a note for a week! Which is good, was kinda hoping for longer though cos work are really stressing me out at the moment :/ xx

I am glad you got signed off take the chance to rest and get yourself 100%. The midwife just said i am high risk she cant predict but i have a growth scan in a few weeks to check all is ok and am being seen every 2 weeks by the midwife as well.
LJ, you can work in radiology you just have to be careful and reduce the risks like wearing the lead apron and not standing too close to the machine etc, all of which i have been struggling to avoid recently due to staffing. Now i am not working i have no idea what i will do with my time other than try and rest a bit lol. My two other children are 12 and 9 so they keep me busy too.
I'm going on early maternity leave too due to swelling I've had and my work being complete knobs! Lol. I am a bit worried about getting bored though.
Are any of you on facebook? If so feel free to add me :) http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=725571054
Just let me know who it is when sending the request lol
LJ, you can work in radiology you just have to be careful and reduce the risks like wearing the lead apron and not standing too close to the machine etc, all of which i have been struggling to avoid recently due to staffing. Now i am not working i have no idea what i will do with my time other than try and rest a bit lol. My two other children are 12 and 9 so they keep me busy too.

Lol I know what you mean - you cant rest much. I know I can not with my 2 yo. Ha I thought you could but had to be protected. xx How long you been doing that job xx
I'm going on early maternity leave too due to swelling I've had and my work being complete knobs! Lol. I am a bit worried about getting bored though.
Are any of you on facebook? If so feel free to add me :) http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=725571054
Just let me know who it is when sending the request lol

Feel free to add me. Be could to talk off air lol I am worried too, I was with my first as only so much to do and lacking a social life I wanted to get back to work. Hope this time it be different with having friends and people to talk too xx
Last edited:
Wow im lost again lol wohooo 37 weeks today!!!!! Got midwife,this morning and antenatal class later :0 um on facebook too :+) xxx
Feel free to add then LucyAnn :D good luck with your mw and antenatal classes :). Let me know how the antenatal classes go, are you going to Russells Hall? Mine don't start til end of october! I thought the length of time you're there is long though 10 til 4!!! Lol. oh and happy 37 weeks :) xx
Hi Lucy - happy 37 weeks - jamming git lol. I haven't antenatal classes this time round sob - If I did I would have to pay.

When expecting first child I had them for free for a day a week for a few hours and on there was a woman who was expecting her 3rd so why I haven;t been invited I dunno lol. Oh well am sure it cuz I sorta know what to do xx

It prob easier if you find us Lucy buy using the links below. It goes straight to our page to add us. xx
Feel free to add then LucyAnn :D good luck with your mw and antenatal classes :). Let me know how the antenatal classes go, are you going to Russells Hall? Mine don't start til end of october! I thought the length of time you're there is long though 10 til 4!!! Lol. oh and happy 37 weeks :) xx

Thank you :dance: yes at russells hall, I have wrote a thread on what to expect just make sure they give you the right time! lol xxx well I had choice of one class all day sat or 3 x tuesdays and all the saturdays were fully booked so had no choice! xx
Hi Lucy - happy 37 weeks - jamming git lol. I haven't antenatal classes this time round sob - If I did I would have to pay.

When expecting first child I had them for free for a day a week for a few hours and on there was a woman who was expecting her 3rd so why I haven;t been invited I dunno lol. Oh well am sure it cuz I sorta know what to do xx

It prob easier if you find us Lucy buy using the links below. It goes straight to our page to add us. xx

Thanks happy 36 weeks to you!! :lol:

thats a shame, you should be able to get them cus so much changes like now my hospital doesnt provide milk etc as of july this year so there may be stuff you need to know :(

Cants see any links? xxx

There is mine Lucy, think they are a bit further up. I managed to get in on the saturdays, think I booked them quite early. Doesn't look like my OH is going to be able to come with me though cos he has to work saturdays now :( don't start them until end of October though xxx

There is mine Lucy, think they are a bit further up. I managed to get in on the saturdays, think I booked them quite early. Doesn't look like my OH is going to be able to come with me though cos he has to work saturdays now :( don't start them until end of October though xxx
Hi Lucy - happy 37 weeks - jamming git lol. I haven't antenatal classes this time round sob - If I did I would have to pay.

When expecting first child I had them for free for a day a week for a few hours and on there was a woman who was expecting her 3rd so why I haven;t been invited I dunno lol. Oh well am sure it cuz I sorta know what to do xx

It prob easier if you find us Lucy buy using the links below. It goes straight to our page to add us. xx

Thanks happy 36 weeks to you!! :lol:

thats a shame, you should be able to get them cus so much changes like now my hospital doesnt provide milk etc as of july this year so there may be stuff you need to know :(

Cants see any links? xxx

Oh no don't say that. 3 years ago they did provide milk. I will have to check with my mw on Sat then to see what has changed. I dunno whether to breast feed cuz I feel babaies who are breastfed do not rest as much as babies who are bottled. I didn't with my first he went straight onto bottle. What else has changed? xx

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