Bump Buddy in West Mids

Lucy - I PM you my link. Let me know.

Hey Rachael

cheers rach and laura! added! :)))

yeah im attempting to breast feed to but i really aint gonna beat meself up if i cant everyone i know who has tried has failed either with blocked ducts, pain or just sheer exhaustion!!
But ive got breast pads and a manual breast pump (aint as expensive as the electrical ones so if it doesn work on not as bad) but i have also bought a couple cartons of SMA gold to take to hosp just incase and going to buy a big tub from sainsburys in a sec.

I wanted to buy cow and gate love their adverts but they are for bottlefeed only whereas SMA gold you can still breastfeed and use the milk--took me half hour looking at the back of the formulas to discover this looooool!!

Every MW has pressured me about breast feeding since i found out was preg - im sure they get paid bonus's but as i said to them very sternly, i m giving it a go because i want to but if it dont work it dont work lol they hate not having a straight answer!!! hehehe

So they have stopped giving milk, you have to take sterlisation tablets or liquids if you are bottleffeeding (Again buying the little cartons like me, that avoids that problem :) ) and you just have to make sure you have nappies and wipes etc.

This is defo the case with our hosp as of July this year. Prob cutting back costs and also if they say no milk it promotes breastfeeding.

At the antenatal class the lady said about the milk. If you go in with the intention to breastfeed and it wont work out they will get some milk from somewhere but only if you geniunley trying and my friend who gave birth a few years back said the minute her son came out two midwifes started massaging her boobs to get the milk going! and 'shoved her son straighton' she werent impressed and was exhausted and ended up not breastfeeding!
Yeah I know about the nappies / wipes and cream etc... but the bottle is new to me. I best pack the formula cartons lol. I haven't sterilised the bottles yet as last time we waited for him to be home. When I got home my OH had already done it and with the water in the fridge all ready and waiting lol due to me staying in over night and he had to go back. So all done when got home.

The mw are suppose to encourage breastfeeding, they must be on a bonus or sumat lol. I did say to them the first time that there was no way I was going to breast feed cuz OH wanted to be involved.

This time though as read more into it I may try it for something different but pack the cartons just incase and also cuz I can express into a bottle.

We are using Cow and Gate. OH did with his first and we did with our first. As for being for breast fed and bottle fed am sure it tastes the same lol.

I do not want my Little man to be attached to me boob all the time so I am going to express if I continue with it as I will not feel comfortable breast feeding in publc. But that's me lol. I do want to try breast feeding though for something different and if he don't take it at least I tried with this one and abit of breast is better than nothing I suppose. It the weaning onto bottle after breast that I do not do. If bottle he take the bottle, if he breast it may be tricky to put on bottle. That's why 50/50 at the moment lol.

yeah breast feeding seems to have a lot of health benefits but as ive got closer to due date i have been thinking errr cracked nipples this and when im visiting awkwardness!! so i would like to express mainly too and like you say even if its only for a couple of days or weeks its better to have tried.

The cartons ive bought are great too it says just serve them as they are no need to heat!?!? its just making it sound too easy :)

And your spot on about weening off breast my friend from work said her son ended up just suckling her nipple for comfort and to go to sleep and half the time wasnt feeding!! she said thta was really hard behaviour to break.

Also a very good point i hear from the bottle feeders out there is atleast if you bottlefeed you know exactly how much your baba is taking in xxx
Exactly lol. I realised that when I was bottlefeeding the mothers at the check ups who were breast feeding dint know what their child was having and I knew mine was getting enough. He was contented and I dread for the new one to be restless cuz int having enough. I gues I have to try before I buy so to speak lol. no harm in trying.

The cartons I have used before and if your baby likes warm milk then you will have to heat it up - we did. Saves the measuring out etc though for the time I am in hospital. I'll try me breast and I'll always have a reserve so to speak.

I'm not looking forward to the cracked nips either.

cool! ive bought six of the little cartons altogether as think there is 2 feeds per carton. so if breastfeeding really does not work I have defo got enough for hospital and hopefully for a couple feeeds at my mom n dads so if all i want to do is sleep i dont have to keep making it up properly. Some things I am quite prepared :) and the milk will get used anyay :) xxx
Where do you live then? With your parents? Be good to have them suport you xx

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