Bump Buddy in West Mids

I'm loving this thread btw it's brilliant!

LucyAnn which area is it you live in? I think I'm more classed as Amblecote than Stourbridge

is good isnt it! im off the caledonia heard of that not far from the thorns pub?xxx
No I know that very well! My mom doesn't live far from there. Know the Thorns pub too, gutting its closed! They did amazing carverys and breakfasts!!! :) xx
I know, my son is 3 in a few weeks. I could never imagine being this old. How fast he has grown I be sure to take more note of this growing up as goes so fast. Don't wanna miss anymore with him or my little one that I am having. You off work then? xx

aaawww so cute! yeah i'm off work... got made redundant back in Wales :-( never managed to pick up on the work front then unfortunately... had a few odd sales jobs but nothing that i wanted to be doing... just did it for money kind of thing :-( OH also got made redundant and in same boat - odd job here and there etc which is one of the reasons for our move... one so he can be back "home" (he's bromsgrove originally) and also for more work... he is a driver so far more opportunities back here :-) as for me, I am enjoying my life at the moment as a full time Mummy :-) best job in the world at the moment :-) xx

Munchkin wow you have traveled about abit must be nice :)

Yeah merry hill is good for shopping and birmgham city centre both are always quite busy (im avoiding the hot atmosphere and people bumping into as i couldnt handle that at the min lol) cant think of what else is round here that sounds bad doesnt it lol! xxx

Yeah, it's not been too bad. Come to a completely different place now haha! It's quite daunting. Not knowing the area and not really having any of my friends up this way. I can't wait to get out to some of the mother and baby groups :-) xx
I went there today, as I hadn't seen a friend for ages so we went and did some baby shopping! :D was mega busy though. But then I can't really avoid the place seen as I work there.

I know of Sutton Coldfield but I don't really know the area very well, I only really know the Birmingham city xx
I do not go to Brum much I class it as too far and way too busy lol. Go sometimes but mainly go to Sutton. Smaller and just up the road lol

Munchkin - I am hoping after having this one they will both keep me on my toes so I will not wanna go back to work. I finish work on Fri so I can not wait anymore. I am at the winding down stage now.

Rachael and LucyAnn - thanks I am glad to be of service lol. Just don't 4get me :( as you 2 just live up the road :)

Aww of course not LJ_85 :) sutton coldfield isn't that far away either xxx
yay lol x I cant believe now I have only 32 days to go and I now fin work on Fri yay for me xxx
Oh it's so exciting. I've got longer to wait, boo! I can't wait for my LO to be here but I am literally terrified at the thought of labour (bit late for that now I know!) lol. I keep reading horror stories :shock: lol.

Wish I could go on maternity leave now too, work are stressing me out so much atm! Have you got everything you need for your LO now?
I was worried about the first time too but it comes natural. I was always thinking am i in labour am I not.
It doesn't make it any easier the first time round either. I am still worried as I sort of know what to expect.
What gets you through it though is the thought of it be over soon and your LO will be here soon. That what got me through it before.
Most horrifying thing ever but the best thing ever too.
Everyone goes through it more that once lol, so it must not be that bad.
Just remember that the midwifes know what they are doing and voice what you want. I was shy the first time, but I know what I want this time lol xxx
Why are they stressing you out? You starting Mat Leave at 30 weeks?
They're just a pain in the arse! I've been on holiday all this week, so I've been trying to get in touch with my manager all week to find out what shifts i'm doing next week cos they vary from week to week. And up until a couple of hours ago I didn't even know if I was working tomorrow or not! Thankfully I'm not! But have been trying to get in touch since tuesday and no one has got back to me! Nightmare!
They still havn't sorted out my Mat Leave yet because apparantly I can't just write them a letter and send them my MatB1 certificate, apparantly they need me to fill out one of their forms too which they are yet to send me. Grrr! Lol. And I got paid this friday, didn't receive my payslip until today and I've been underpaid, but I can't do anything about that until I'm back in on monday and then I'll have to call up our payroll who are a nightmare to talk to and understand , I swear it's some foreign call centre.
So yeah can't wait to get away from the place! *sighh*

God that was a big rant :/ lol xx
Oh my god! just wrote out a bigg reply and zapppp dissapeared off me laptop!

Was along the lines of oh wow im gone off here for like a day and then trying to catch up on the convo lol

Munchkin, will be great for you to go to the clubs after as thta will ease you into west mids :)

Rach yeah thorns food was amazing was my fave place to eat. BUT the park tavern cradley way has its old owner working there now and the food is like for like and cheap all you can eat brekkie food is exactly like thorns but not as much choice... next best thing!

Lj85 great thread this is Sutton aint that far at all :) xxxxx
RAchael - How long have you been at the job? Think they are taking the michael and you need to leave. You need a stress free life. Glad you can talk to me.

Lucy - That has happened to me before loosing the thread lol. Frustrating when it a big one too. When are you due again and this your first. Thanks for liking the thread. Can't believe no one has made one like this before. I only joined here the other day too.

Thank god cuz you all live to eachother that Sutton dont seem that too far away. I know when I use to live in the Black Country these places seemed far. Do any of you drive? xxx
I drive :+)

Pregnant with me first due oct 4th team yellow :)

Yeah this thread is great but if u miss a day you have to catch up on alot!

I cannot sleep tonight very well tired.com xx
I have just caught up with this thread as i am now officially finished with work for a year woo hoo. Shame none of you live near Rugby though. I have no idea where you are all from as I only moved down here 2 years ago from Scotland, I really dont know the area too well to be honest. Furthest I have driven is into Birmingham city centre and that was quite traumatic lol.
I have just caught up with this thread as i am now officially finished with work for a year woo hoo. Shame none of you live near Rugby though. I have no idea where you are all from as I only moved down here 2 years ago from Scotland, I really dont know the area too well to be honest. Furthest I have driven is into Birmingham city centre and that was quite traumatic lol.

Hello :) rugby I know that way thats prob about an hour from most of us but still midlands :) yay a yearoff I am on mat leave have been for just over a week. Xx
Good Morning. I know I'm addicted to this site. I am at work, I finish Friday. So Lucy you are due before all of us then who are preggers lol. Lucky. Yeah Rugby is still the midlands.

All of us are entitled to a year off even if we state we want to be back early we have to give 4 weeks notice as a minimum. I can't wait to be off work.

What do you think you are having Lucy?

When are you due Rachy and Bearsmommy? xx

I'm so glad I made this thread lol xxx
Yeah Rugby is just the midlands, seems to border leicstershire(sp?) and northamptonshire so I am just west midlands really. I'm due 14th november with a wee boy. He's my wee surprise I have two already and this was the last thing i expected to be doing this year, but once over the shock we are all over the moon and cant wait for him to arrive safely.
Have you thought of any names yet? I bet your OH is thrilled that you having another one. You left work yet? i fin Friday I brought it forward a week need the rest he too heavy lol. What are the 2 others? I have a son who turns 3 a week on Tues. xx

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