Bubba has gone :( updated page 2

thinking about you hun hope alls ok :hug: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oh Tasha only just seen this. I hope it's just a minor bleed and that everything will be ok. Praying for you hun. :pray: :pray: :hug: :hug:
:pray: hope everything is okay, and i havent had hardly any symptoms this time round either :hug:
Tasha only just seen your post and am so sorry, I hope everything goes well for you today and will keep my fingers and toes crossed!!!

Good luck hun :hug:
Tasha, how are you feeling today? Hope you are ok, I am praying for you hun :pray: :hug: :hug:
Im having a miscarriage :cry:

I saw it all, there was a sac and a little bit of baby left, I knew as soon as I saw no heartbeat that was it :cry:

Gutted, absolutly, gutted :(

You read about so many women go through this and you never think it would happen to you, how naive and stupid of me :(

I am going to let it happen naturaly, I hope its quick I couldnt bare it to drag on.

I feel numb one minute and crying the next.

Can't believe it :cry:
Oh Tasha - I am so upset for you :cry: I really dont know what to say. I am crying as I write this so I can only imagine how you must be feeling. I am here for you if you want to talk. I only hope you find comfort soon. Lots of love :hug:
I really dont know what to say :( thinking of you and as other people have said we are here for you sending you :hug:
Tasha, I really don't know what to say. I just read this. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss :cry:, I'll be thinking of you and praying your going to be alright. We're all thinking of you and are always here if you want to talk :hug: :hug: :hug:
tasha hun im so so sorry my thoughts are with you here if you need to talk hun :hug: :hug: :hug: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oh no Tasha :cry: I am so sorry to hear this. :hug: :hug: :hug: Take good care of yourself now hun.

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