worried....... updated after emergency scan

gypsy said:
It was a&e that have told me to wait until Monday then phone my own gp or EPU as they said they can't do anything

Awwww :hug: :hug: :hug:

I guess wait till then. I know its not easy, but if they have said they can't do anything, then just rest as much as possible. To go down there might only cause you more stress so try to rest up.

I know its not easy and you are worried :hug:

When I had bleeding in first tri, my GP was lovely but he also said that there was nothing they could do if I did miscarry and that I was better off just resting and taking it easy and letting nature take its course one way or the other. He told me that going to A&E was not really much use in his opinion. I was gutted to hear that naturally but then in very kind words he explained things and while it wasn't easy to hear, it helped me understand and I found I didn't get too upset hearing it, but it actually helped me to feel calmer. I of course still worried, but I felt better about waiting and resting than if he hadn't told me. I'm one of those who deal better when properly informed, even if its hard to hear, and can then put everything into some sort of order in my head.

I think because of his kind words and manner, I dealt with the worry far better than I would have done otherwise. I also felt ok about not going to A&E and waiting instead for my GP and an EPS (EPU) scan if he thought one was needed.

I hope your bleeding eases today. I'm thinking of you. If you want to drop me a PM feel free as am around, if I can help in any way, I'm happy to talk :hug:
With Joanna I went to a&e in the afternoon after church which slight bleeding and they sent me home to tell me to rest and basically let nature take its course so I went home, went for a meal and then went to church in the evening and then the bleeding got much worse and I really was bleeding and it was bright red blood, clots, pain and everything. They confirmed I was having a threatened mc and because of the amount of blood I was passing they kept me in and had one of those things in my hand incase I needed a transfusion or whatever you call it but other than that they really didnt do much for me because I was only 9 weeks pregnant. Joanna was fine and i'm writing that in again to give you hope, I still have the slight feeling she might have been a twin but i'll never know and am just thankful my little girl is healthy and with me today. I'd say if the bleeding is only slight then stay home and REST and see someone first thing monday but if the bleeding is heavy then you need to go to a&e.

Hope you have some good news soon.
Hunny speak to the EPU and do nothing but stay in bed relaxed. Let me know how you get on, my numbers on my facebook if you need it x
Hi Gypsy,

Really sorry to hear that this is continuing. It's hard to know what to say, have read some incredible stories on here, yet when I had my bleeding it was bad news (it was bright red blood though, and within a few hours it had got heavy, like a period, and there were clots). I really think the best thing to do is to rest up and wait. When I saw the emergency doc they took my history and sent me home without even an examination (did feel my tummy though); and a scan referral for 'sometime next week'.

I really couldn't believe the lack of concern, but as one of the nurses really tactfully explained to me, there was really nothing they could do to alter the outcome - it would have been nice to know earlier though, I must say.

Hoping it is just a glitch for you and it'll all be ok.

:hug: :hug:
Well.........I took myself to a&e. They have booked me a scan for tusday, 1045am.
They said the only glimmer of hope is that I am not experiencing lower abdominal pains.
They said if I passed any clots or had any pain I have to go straight back up.
Can someone tell me how I know I have passed clots or not or will I just know........

thank you all for your cocerns and replies. The bleeding is heavier but still not bright red and I am still looking at the glass as half empty.

hi hun i had quite bad bleeding with both mine and i was told that unless u fill a pad in a hour then dont worry, if you pass clots you will know it will be like a little piece of liver, fingers crossed hun just try and take it easy :hug:
Thanks Mary.
I have been ordered on bed rest so bed rest I am. Thanks for description on the clot. I had a stretchy thing, sorry tmi, but guess that wasn;t a clot then
Good luck for Tues i had bleeding in the first tri too so i know how worrying it is waiting for the time to pass. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Praying for good news hun x Keep rested and good luck on tuesday
You will know when you pass clots. It will be exactly like what Mary70 says.

Take things easy and rest over the next few days. :hug: :hug: :hug:
Sweetheart, I hope everything is ok at the scan, Just rest and take care of yourself, and if it does get worse do make sure you take yourself back to A&E, but im sure you wont have too, My thoughts are with you Babe :hug:
Yep you'll definitely know when you've passed a clot but then the way you described the stretchy thing sounds like it might have been one. I sometimes pass clots as well when i'm on my period but they're much smaller than what I passed when I was pregnant with Joanna, they're more round in shape and the size of perhaps a 10 pence piece. If you do get heavier and do start passing clots then don't panic as this happened with Joanna and she's still very much here. Just make sure you rest until Tuesday.
Hi Gypsy,

Sounds like you did the right thing to go to A&E, glad they've got you a scan booked in the very near future.

Keeping everything crossed for you.

Clots, well I usually have them on my periods and had them with m/c - as someone else said earlier they're dark red/liver coloured 'bits' (varied in size/ shape, may be jelly like- arrghh, tmi!!!) - rather horrible really but you'll definitely know - hoping that you won't get them, and even if you do, it's not necessarily bad news.

Hopefully you'll get answers tomorrow at your scan.

All the very best :hug:
Keeping my fingers crossed for you. Hope your scan on tuesday goes well xxx
Hi Gypsy

Just wonderd how your scan went today? Had my fingers crossed for you...

thank you all for thinking of me but the news was not what we wanted to hear.
They found a sac but unfortunately it is empty and only measuring 8 weeks.
I have to decide now whether to let nature take it's course or go in for a D&C.
When I had my miscarriage last year I was automatically taken in as I had pain but as I don;t have pain this time it is up to me and I haven't a clue what to do....................I am devasted :cry:
Oh Gypsy im soooo sorry hunnie, it happened to me in september at early 9 weeks and i was faced with the same choice.
I don't know really what to say in these situations only that i'm so sorry for your loss and if you need any advice or someone to talk to then i'm hear for you hun xxx
I'm so sorry. I went through this last week and know how you feel. Just accept you'll feel sad and make sure you have lots of love and support around you.

Awwww I am so sorry to hear :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Maybe go see your GP and have a talk to him/her about what to do now and what might be better for you?

I'm so sorry, really I am. I had been hoping for good news for you

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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