Brown spotting and cramps

Thank you thank you all! I love you loads! (or its the hormones)

It's good news (for now at least)! I saw my doctor, who tried to fob me off, but i was really pushy and so she gave me a referral letter and I went straight to the EPU at St Michaels Hospital.

Waited 4.5 hours, but it was worth it. They gave me a scan and said that it was tiny but definitely 'pulsing'.

So relieved. I guess it isnt always bad news. xxxxxxx
Great news hunny, im so pleased for you and well done on being pushy :) x x

thats brilliant news star :yay: sometimes you have to be pushy.

really glad things are ok! :hugs: x x x x
That is so amazing news!!! Good for you for not being fobbed off - argh makes me so mad when they try to do that GRR!!
Yippeee for pulsing baby star fish :yay:
That's fantastic news star and good on you for standing your ground :hug: x
oh wonderful news! So glad that the little one is fine!
hehe that is great to see something at 5+5 so exciting! how did you find st michaels hun?
That's great, both that your little bean is pulsing away and that you were pushy and got them to help you, well done and congratulations :D
Thanks loads to all of you for this overwhelming support, am quite tearful over it!

Mrsmc - st michaels, well, lets just say i've seen more of it than i want to this year. But the young nurse, Helen, in the EPU is the nicest person in the whole world! She mops up tears, hands out cups of tea, hugs crying children, and generally brings a gentle warmth to a horrid experience! So if you are lucky enough to get her when you go there then it makes it so much easier. The others were very efficient but clearly see too much of it to be that sympathetic.

Now I must dash off again and wont be here for a few days - I'm off to a wedding ;-)
That's great news Starfish - delighted everything is as it should be :)

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