Brown spotting and cramps

star fish

Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2010
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Freaking out!

I know I freak out over every tiny thing but I'm struggling to be calm.

Its just a few spots on the 'wipe' tissue. But with all my symptoms gone and now terrible lower back ache and 'period type' stomach ache, I'm imagining the worst!

I've rung my doctor and she was kind of cold and said I would have to wait for more than that for it to be worth me seeing anyone.

So I have to just wait and see what happens? I've been waiting since last night, no change so far, in fact I think spotting has stopped for now, but cramps are getting much worse.

WTF is going on?

Is this all completely normal, is there anyone else that has had this and been fine?
A lot of cramps can be just stretching pains and if your not spotting anymore try to not stress, easier said than done though. You could go straight to the hospital for a scan and bypass the doctor, would help to set your mind at rest, they might be more sympathetic esp as you've been through this before x
Loads of the girls get spotting star :hug: personally I haven't had any but have had the crampy stomach and had lower back ache last night. There's no point in me saying to you not to worry, because I know you will. I really hope you are ok hun xx
I have had brown spotting on ands off all this pregnancy not much just some in my pants (sorry for being graphic !!) and when i wipe and some crapping pains. had early scan an all is fine !!! try not to worry. have u got an early pregnancy unit near u ? if so try giving them a ring normally realy helpfull xxx
I agree with Sarah hunny, cramps are normally but if you are worried I would pop along to a&e and get checked out hunny. Sending you massive :hugs: and positive thoughts sweetie x x

I have had brown spotting on ands off all this pregnancy not much just some in my pants (sorry for being graphic !!) and when i wipe and some crapping pains. had early scan an all is fine !!! try not to worry. have u got an early pregnancy unit near u ? if so try giving them a ring normally realy helpfull xxx

Thanks, yes, I've rung them too, they can see me on Thursday! And the local hospital said the same as they are the same unit. I'm sure they make you wait on purpose, so as not to waste their time if it is nothing...... sigh......... maybe I'm over reacting, but I'd give anything for a bit of nausea right now!
try not to worry hun - as girls say, it could be nothing to worry about!

however, can't you call your mw instead? If you can't get hold of her, you can try an on-duty midwife at your hospital (not sure if all hospitals have them, but some do).

obviously everything is shut now, but I would try to contact someone tomorrow. Just for pease of mind, you know!

hope it gets better! xx
Honestly I've rung everywhere I can think of. The local midwife wont deal with me til I've been 'referred from my doctor and am at least 10 weeks'. The A&E are attached to the nearest scan unit where i went for my last miscarriage and they said if I came into see them they would give me an appointment for Thursday morning for a scan unless I was gushing blood. The scan unit said they would see me on Thursday but thought it was much too early for a scan, and recommended I wait til the week after. I rang the out of hours local clinic who told me to ring back tomorrow if the bleeding became heavy. The internet is NO help at all. Lots of websites saying its perfectly normal but to go and see a doctor! GRRRRRR ARHHHHH! (thats me ripping my hair out)
:hug: it sounds like you are bashing your head against a brick wall with those people hun :-( x
i have the same AF cramps at the mo. tummy and lower spotting tho!

its worrying me too but i'm trying to ignore it!!!

really hope everything is ok hun x x x x
The are very unhelpful Star i can vouch for that! Just try and stay in bed and as relaxed as you can i found when i was lying down it eased the pain for me. If you are still worried and really want to be seen go the the A&E and refuse to bloody move till your seen, I think its crazy and very in humane that women are made wait so long to be seen when they are so worried. Sending you all my love xxxxx
From what I've read on here and the net, it all sounds normal, I've been having some pains but no spotting! Try and relax tonight, I no it's not easy as only you are feeling what's going on, but stressing out won't help your baby either! Get an early night and see how you feel tomorrow Xx hope everythings ok Xx
hey star fish, can i just ask how far gone are you? and have u had any type of scan at all? Also any chance u could have a urine infection? this can cause cramping (and these can be very painful too). x
hello hunny, i've just seen this! i really hope you are ok! i can imagine this is distressing but when i saw my doctor he told me that during tri 1 if i get spotting this is completely normal, only worry if its heavy bleeding. the stomach cramps could be your symptoms returning, belly stretching etc??

maybe if you turn up at a&e, don't tell them you have called before they might see you as you are there?? xxx
Sorry to hear you've been having a tough time starfish. I know that no amount of us saying that it's probably nothing will ease your mind... but am sending loads of positive thoughts your way and hoping that Thursday comes rouind very quickley so you can get the peace of mind you need xx
I know exactly how ur feeling hun... I started getting a brown discharge on friday nite. Looked like what u get on the last day of ur period. No cramps as such but discomfort. Turned a little redder on saturday nite but is now back to brown. Started stressing cos I started reading into other things like my boobs dont hurt as much.
Told DH theres no way I can wait til 12 wks for a scan so Im goin to get a private one cos same as u, hospital werent very helpful when I rang.
Try not to stress hun... our bodies are going thru a massive change so things are bound to stretch and pull and possibly bleed a little as a result. I read on the net it could be leftover implantation bleed or af that has shifted due to stretching.
Take care and just take it easy xxx
Hope everything is ok. I had this problem last time when i was having brown they refused to see me even when i explained about last miscarrage :( they dont seem to care.

Hope you get on ok with scan. will be watching your threads. xxxx
star, really hope you are ok hunny. Jomc - sorry to hear you have had a crap weekend too. let us know how you get on at your private scan xx

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