Light brown spotting day after sex


Active Member
Mar 26, 2012
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Hey all,

Decided to risk sex yesterday after being really careful since ovulation, now wish I hadn't!

Got some light brown spotting today and am a bit achey on my right side - kind of how it feels near ovulation. Hoping the spotting is just due to orgasm and ache is just round ligament stuff. Anyone got the same and then all ok?

Hi, spotting after sex can be really common in Tri1. If its brown in colour then that suggests old blood and not fresh, which is a good thing. Our cervix's can become quite vascular when we're pregnant due to increaded blood flow to the area, having sex can sometimes irritate a vessel causing a small bleed. I had it in Tri1 too.

Try not to worry. Keep an eye on it if it gets heavier or the pain gets any worse then call your midwife.

in tri 1 can b common brown blood is mostly old blood x
Thank you so much FirstBabyEek and mrz85! So good to know that it can just happen sometimes and it doesn't always mean you have to worry. Looking on the rest of the net for info is a nightmare, so much stuff out there to make you feel jittery! Fingers crossed!xx
Pleasure, but step away from Google, it is not your friend when pregnant :) xx

I was at my midwife yesterday and asked her about spotting/bleeding because I would have had my period this week so a bit worried of it happening. She did say that as long as it isn't heavy or painful you will be ok. She also mentioned that it is common for it to happen after sex.

Try not to worry - easier said then done believe me :) xx
Pleasure, but step away from Google, it is not your friend when pregnant :) xx

I agree google just makes matters worse if you read everything you find on there...

But spotting after sex is totally normal if you were to call your GP/MW etc and say you had sex last night and now you’re spotting they’d tell you the same. So no need to panic x
Thanks girls! Really helped a lot reading your comments! :)

Went to see Dr she gave me a abodominal exam which basically consisted of putting pressure on various parts (mostly felt like my bladder!!!), then took a urine test which was ok (not sure what it tested for) and concluded as there was no tenderness in my abdomen so I was ok.

1 week on and all is back to normal, which is great! Just one of those weird things I guess!

Now preparing to fly to Italy to see the in-laws for Easter. Tickets were bought before I got pregnant or I would probably think twice! GP has given it the go ahead and said the first trimester was the riskiest time but that being on a plane was as risky as anything I might normally do. Drs are more concerned about DV thrombosis I think but just said to drink lots of water and walk around on the plane! Fingers crossed!

Big thanks again xx

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