8w pregnant cramps and brown spotting


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2011
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Hi girls. Had light brown spotting for a few days now nothing major and wasn't particularly worried. Last night though I had painful cramps bit like bad period pains and this morning when I wiped (sorry TMI!) lots of thick but still light brown discharge.

Should I see how I go today or ring midwife? Xx
Sleepysue had similar so have I last week. I would speak to one of them just incase. My cramps went and I have been fine since but it's so stressful when you don't know what's going on and think the worst so give them a ring xxx
Hi Hun at 8 weeks you can have something called breakthrough bleeding and this is prob what this is. I had it last week, I went to emergency docs and they told me to rest, epu wouldn't even see me :(
Call your midwife Hun, I know how worried you are :hugs: xxxx
I only say this because ad much as I adore my other half he said it'll be fine, I'm over reacting...however he's not a doctor and I listened to him now I've added more stress waiting for my 12wk scan! I'm sure it's absolutely fine but get checked out :) xxx
Forgot to add I had a reassurance scan on Tuesday and little bean was fine :) so don't think the worst xxxxx
i would contact your midwife or EPU i'm sure they will take you for a scan, hope all is ok. xxxx
Thanks ladies, I think I will ring her as its horrible to be so worried. I only saw her yesterday for my booking appt, I told her about the spotting but not had any cramping then. She said it all seemed fine, but any concerns to ring her at any time so I will do that now. xx
I rang my midwife and she's booked me in for an early scan on Monday at 10.15am. I just hope all is ok xx
Glad you have managed to get a scan, I hope it will put your mind at rest. x
Glad you have got a scan hope all go's well xxxx
hey coolbeans hope all goes well monday for u, i have my early scan wednesday to check all is ok fx for us both xx

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