Bringing Up Baby

cheers guys im watching it now.. That WOMAN needs to be wrapped up in muslim, locked in a cupboard and starved! :twisted:

BTW my boobs started throbbing like mad when that sling baby started crying its head off. DH is in stitches, and says its my response to go feed it.. LMAO!! Anyone else felt anything??
BushBaby said:
I myself will certainly be letting my baby sleep outside providing he likes it. You just take the same precautions as you would if you left a baby alone in a cot i.e. use baby monitor etc. What's the difference between putting your baby down for a nap in its cot while going to do the dishes and putting the baby down for a nap in a pram in the garden?

Interesting and I can see your point, although that's obviously not what was demonstrated on TV.

I never did it with my baby but have to say I LOVE napping outside :lol:
Oh I did laugh with the public breastfeeding debate. "You aer inflicting your breasts on me" - I have yet to see any breastfeeding mum use the method where they wap them out and push them in someones face (well apart from their babies). And if I may say so myself my breasts are a lot nicer looking then Mrs Shinyface and the bulldog chewing a wasp.I'll keep my boobs in if they wear a mask.
i saw a woman breastfeeding her baby on the train was when i was pregnant. i was looking at her and her baby , she smiled i smiled back.

doesnt bother me if they do it or not :)

i got a filthy look when i was feeding my baby in torquays mac d's and im using formula. (bottle feed)

1950's bout sleeping through night not feeding baby at 2am in morn. bull, i fed my baby anytime she wanted it like every 3 or every 4. she on every 4 now or when she wants it. now she sleeps through the night. id say follow your instincts and your baby will eventually sleep through the night. just means lack of sleep for you :) :sleep:
beanie said:
I have yet to see any breastfeeding mum use the method where they wap them out and push them in someones face .

Too true.

My husband frequently complains of this :wink:
Me and my sister were in a cafe. After we'd left she asked if I'd seen the woman opposite breastfeeding, she was almost disgusted. I hadnt even noticed she was that descrete, saying that I dont stare at people when Im out :lol:
I decided not to watch it tonight. :shakehead: it makes me mad each time. i can see the different opinions and that's fine cause every mum/baby is different. but i don't like sitting there watching that Claire woman :x
OMG this week got me mad again...amd in tears..I cried when those tired hungry babies were woken and just given an ounce of food

I got angry at the b/feeding boobs feel like the least sexual organ in the world..if hubby goes near them i tell him to stop he will just make them leak...The idea my son deserves to eat in a toilet :twisted: ... i fed my son at jo jingles last week in a circle and one litle girl came and watched she was fascinated...a lot of little kids are...I feed when and where suits us not the other way round.

i thought Doctor spock was supposed to be about instinct and i didn't see why single mom was doing anything wrong if it worked for her giving hungry baby formula at night..if it works for them then that is whats right for them

Minxy said:
BushBaby said:
I myself will certainly be letting my baby sleep outside providing he likes it. You just take the same precautions as you would if you left a baby alone in a cot i.e. use baby monitor etc. What's the difference between putting your baby down for a nap in its cot while going to do the dishes and putting the baby down for a nap in a pram in the garden?

Interesting and I can see your point, although that's obviously not what was demonstrated on TV.

I never did it with my baby but have to say I LOVE napping outside :lol:

No, that's true, and it's a real shame because it then gives a message that having baby in a pram outside is bad full stop. I would also be very worried if I saw my neighbour keeping and inconsolable baby outside.

I know what you mean about napping outside. Whenever I have seen a baby sleeping outside in a pram, no matter the weather, I get almost jealous, they look so cosy :lol:

But it is such a funny cultural difference. I remember a few years back my husband (South African) and I were visiting some of my family in the very north of Sweden. It was in the middle of winter and freezing outside. I was looking out the kitchen window down at the pram with my cousin's little daughter in and said to my husband "ooh, look how cosy she looks". he just stared at me blankly and refused to believe there was a baby in there. He seriously thought I was joking with him, cause he had never heard of such a thing. He had to go all the way out to have a proper look in the pram before he believed me :rotfl:
beanie said:
Oh I did laugh with the public breastfeeding debate. "You aer inflicting your breasts on me" - I have yet to see any breastfeeding mum use the method where they wap them out and push them in someones face (well apart from their babies). And if I may say so myself my breasts are a lot nicer looking then Mrs Shinyface and the bulldog chewing a wasp.I'll keep my boobs in if they wear a mask.

That was also my "favourite" quote of the night. "Inflicting your breastfeeding" ha ha ha :rotfl:

And what about all the men in the summertime that walk around shirtless "inflicting" their pasty man boobies on the rest of us?

I think the 70s lady was too right; it cannot be her problem if people have an issue with breastfeeding. Imagine if someone had a problem watching fat people eat; it wouldn't exactly be right to go and tell them to eat in the toilet. I don't stare at other people when they eat, why should I pay any attention to a baby eating?
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

Bloody hell! It makes my blood boil whenever I hear people say that BF-ing in public is 'disgusting'!!! :x :x

All the crap we have inflicted on us on a daily basis through advertising etc, and the most natural thing in the world is still deemed 'disgusting'

:wall: :wall: :wall: What planet are these people on?????

As for sleeping outside. My next door neighbour has a baby the same age as Sam. He sleeps outside every day, rain or shine. It's totally normal to do that over here......... :lol:
How is "inflicting" a small half-circle of breast-if even-on display during breast feeding,worse than running round in say,a very low cut halter neck?
If people want to get their knickers in a twist because I'm feeding my child in public,that's their problem,and they are the ones whos minds half automatically jumped to the whole sex thing.I'M feeding my child not flaunting myself.Most decent people just....don't look! It's simple.Don't like it,turn away.

On the subject of lieelt kids staring,it was so sweet the ther day,my cousin who is 22 months old was absolutely fascinated when I was feeding Willow the other day-she climbed right up,looked at me in utter confusion and went "What baby Villow sucking?"Try to explain that one :D
beanie said:
And if I may say so myself my breasts are a lot nicer looking then Mrs Shinyface and the bulldog chewing a wasp.I'll keep my boobs in if they wear a mask.

I was thinking this! :rotfl: :lol:
was telling my dad about this program today he hasnt been watching it
and he said
"i was a 50's baby i was left outside all day if my mother wanted me to be
and thats why all people my age suffer with crap lungs and crap hearts because we had to go threw hell outside in blizzards and everything"
well said dad :D
manda xx
Heres a question what if its snowing or below 0 or something do the babies still go out for 3 hrs????

Urm wouldnt that be torture...
God you know what.

I wish the media would stop referring to Claire Verity as a baby expert cause she bloody well isn't, she's a routine & order expert and that is it, She teaches you how to maintain a routine that suits you, that does not make you a baby expert.

And I'd like to see Claire tell this little girl she could only have 10 minutes cuddle time.

Steelgoddess said:
Heres a question what if its snowing or below 0 or something do the babies still go out for 3 hrs????

Urm wouldnt that be torture...

I'm pretty sure the show was filmed in mid winter so I guess the answer is yes.

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