Extraordinary Breast feeding

Im sure one of those women on the prog said the dad had a go as well. No, im not kidding.
It was the mother of the 8 year old who said that it was normal for fathers to join in, especially when the mother was engorged (in her opinion). I look after OH too much as it is, that would be taking it too far for me :D
O dear don't get me started on the breastfeeding in public thing beanie lol I nearly had an arguement with hubby over this last night lol,

OH said that he would walk off in embarressment if I decided to breastfeed in public and I couldn't believe what I what I was hearing, my aguement was that normally breastfeeding can be done discretely and that once the baby was latched on you couldn't really tell anyway unless you were having a good look, I breastfed my youngest when hubby had his mates round before and he never bothered about that, lets see what he has to say when I have this one and were out for a family dinner at brewsters or sumthing and baby starts crying for a feed and I tell him I not brought any bottles lol.

And that bloke that said about that peodophiles would have "funny feelings" my questiong is why? because they've caught a glimps of a GROWN WOMENS breast doesn't quite make sense does it.

My hubby said about men perving too and I said why should women stop breastfeeding in public just because of a couple of pervs
He said because it's discusting that some pervert is gawping and in his words "getting off" on watching a women breastfeed.
To which I answered well surely if a man gawping like that then the women that is breastfeeding should have the right to call the police rather then be made to stop feeding after all if he was perving through your bedroom window you would do.

ok rant over sorry ladys :)
have just watched the programme as i missed it last night :?

my first observation is: if in britain breast feeding is already an issue then that prog can't have helped!! to be honest i'm sure it's put women who were hesitating right off it
i'm not saying the prog was bad, because it was very interesting and its point wasnt to convince.. but it did make breast feeding look like a very negative thing

i thought the 7year old still wanting the breast wrong as well, but also think its because she was spoiled (no offense it looked that way to me)
i also agree with kerry as far as the adopted child was concerned!! but she just was NOT interested.. forcing her is not going to help, she's prob confused enough as it is

and my last point is to do with the breast feeding in public comments. living with quite young men (teenagers) i have heard enough comments about the use of big leaky breasts, if you see what i mean.. it's revolting but its how certain males think!!
it won't stop me breast feeding if i want to though, and if i hear anything i dont want to hear i will not hesitate to thump :twisted:
these breasts are for the one love of my life and noone else (so who cares about showing a bit of nipple when bubs is hungry?)

good luck to these women promoting breast feeding! :D
oh don't get me started on that programme.... breastfeeding is so completely natural way of feeding your BABY (but i think the key here is the word BABY!) and i fully intend to breastfeed my little one and in public too! though as discreetly as possible of course. however breastfeeding a 7 year old kid is NOT NORMAL, at least not in my eyes!!! i doubt i'll go on breastfeedig past 1 year, if i even do it for that long!

Did anyone copy it? I really wanted to watch it
yes, sami we recorded it to dvd!

After watching that program last night i must say i was left cringing .... Sorry if that offends anyone but it did ...

Breast feeding an 8yr old??? WTF is that all about?? In my personal opinion i found the whole family derranged .... the father took his share?? the 10yr old was jealous because her sister is getting breast milk??? Granny let the eldest child suckle on her breast whilst her daughter was in labour???!!! Bloody hell i bet the local shrink was having a field day with that lot!!!!

I also thought the woman who was trying to feed her adopted daughter breast milk was out of order .... I agree with someone elses comment, the child is 18months old and is confused enough without being forced into trying to drink breast milk, actually from the breast.

Breast feedind a BABY is a totally natural thing to do, and i think it is personal preference to the mother if they want to do this in public, without making a song and dance about it.... had those women ever heard of the word descreet???

I myself am willing to give breast feeding ago, but shall express and bottle feed in public, it's just what im comfortable in doing ... getting my boobs out in public is not my cup of tea.
I don't see why breast feeding is classed as discusting and "should be done in privet" i think these people are narrow minded and selfish.

Breast feeding should be kept as a bonding experiance between you and your BABY, not you and your 8yr old daughter or 47yr old husband...

After last night, it really did make me re-think what i would like to do...

Disturbing?? most of that program was just plain werid!!!


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