have just watched the programme as i missed it last night
my first observation is: if in britain breast feeding is already an issue then that prog can't have helped!! to be honest i'm sure it's put women who were hesitating right off it
i'm not saying the prog was bad, because it was very interesting and its point wasnt to convince.. but it did make breast feeding look like a very negative thing
i thought the 7year old still wanting the breast wrong as well, but also think its because she was spoiled (no offense it looked that way to me)
i also agree with kerry as far as the adopted child was concerned!! but she just was NOT interested.. forcing her is not going to help, she's prob confused enough as it is
and my last point is to do with the breast feeding in public comments. living with quite young men (teenagers) i have heard enough comments about the use of big leaky breasts, if you see what i mean.. it's revolting but its how certain males think!!
it won't stop me breast feeding if i want to though, and if i hear anything i dont want to hear i will not hesitate to thump
these breasts are for the one love of my life and noone else (so who cares about showing a bit of nipple when bubs is hungry?)
good luck to these women promoting breast feeding!