bring on labour remedies


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2010
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Hiya Girls,

As im gonna be 35 weeks tomorrow and im so impatient when is the best time to start trying all the labour remedies.. like rasberry leaf tea, hot curries, sex..

is it worth trying it all now or is it pointless..

thanks in advance

Kylie x
I've just started on my first cup of raspberry leaf tea (I'm 38+2) and I don't think I'll be able to finish the cup while it's still hot... Will it have the same benefits cold?
I'm sure it will still have the same benefits!!

I didn't try alot with Lacey but the day I had her I did alot of walking!! Could've helped?!!
Hiya Girls,

As im gonna be 35 weeks tomorrow and im so impatient when is the best time to start trying all the labour remedies.. like rasberry leaf tea, hot curries, sex..

is it worth trying it all now or is it pointless..

thanks in advance

Kylie x

I feel the same and I still hav ageeeeeeeeees!

I did buy some Raspberry Leaf Tea at the weekend but wont be trying it until 35 weeks. xx
I just did my food shop online and added some pineapple juice, I had a curry on Saturday and that didn't do much other than make my LO move for 4 hours!!! she wouldn't stop wiggling bless her :)

i'm considering some bouncing on the ball soon, i did tonnes of walking over the weekend and that has done nothing. I suppose they will come out when they are ready.

Emma x
i bounce a little every night, used to have loads of sex but now when it counts for im too tired and very uncomfy and most nights i rather just sleep.. I always eat spicy food anyway and i take EPO and RLT but i dont stick it up the twink as i found it just coming back out straight away..
Saturday we are going out for a curry tho and i prob will have a vindaloo :love:
I just did my food shop online and added some pineapple juice, I had a curry on Saturday and that didn't do much other than make my LO move for 4 hours!!! she wouldn't stop wiggling bless her :)

i'm considering some bouncing on the ball soon, i did tonnes of walking over the weekend and that has done nothing. I suppose they will come out when they are ready.

Emma x

Pineapple juice wot work it's something in fresh pineapples only same as the tinned won't worry sorry hunni xxx

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I don't think anything really helps!! Baby will come when ready!!
I wouldn't count on any pineapple hon, you would have to eat aprox 7 fresh pineapples a day to get any effect (and tbh the biggest effect would be the runs!).
i guess your right, they probably don't have an effect.. No harm in using the curry and sex as an excuse though :) ive been tidying all day and just had a horrible pain on one side. It actually scared me.. And really hurt. Im sitting here now thinking im not gonna be able to handle labour eekkk!!

kylie x
My friend tried absolutely everything including drinking castor oil(!!)

Nothing worked, she ended up being induced.

I think babies decide all by themselves when they want to come out, it doesn't matter what we do to try and help them along
Castor oil is supposed to be really bad to take! It causes diarrohea (I bloody hate spelling that word!) which can cause dehydration-so not what you want if you do go into labour!

I'm quite happy to just let him decide and have been told over and over that boys are lazy and like to be late! Lol!

The rlt will help with getting your uterus back to normal though supposedly. I guess none of the 'evacuation' techniques (except castor oil) have any bad side effects so there's no harm in trying!
I've tried all of these (aside from yukky pineapple and castor oil) and nothing so far has worked. I didn't think rlt actually brought labour on, more that it helped make contractions more efficient when you're in labour as it tones the uterus. Sorry if thats wrong but thats what i thought.
i always thought that "if you been pregnant for 9 months what does another 2 weeks matter?"
But honestly.. now when i know i got less then 3 weeks to go i would hate it to end up being 5 weeks until Noa is here.. So I will keep my fingers crossed that curry and sex will help things along..
I've tried all of these (aside from yukky pineapple and castor oil) and nothing so far has worked. I didn't think rlt actually brought labour on, more that it helped make contractions more efficient when you're in labour as it tones the uterus. Sorry if thats wrong but thats what i thought.

Nope you're absolutely correct! Sane with epo-it doesn't bring labour on, it softens your cervix to make it easier for baby to get through.

The only thing that is thought to bring labour on is nipple stimulation as it produces the same hormone (oxytocin) that the baby sends to your body to let you know it's ready for labour. However it's supposed to take an awful lot of stimulating to have any effect! x
Yeah something like an hour of stimulation 4 times a day! Who has the time?! Also, surely ouch!!!
makes my 10 mins in the bath yesterday seem really futile then! aaah well, at least i don't have to worry about that anymore, can't see myself managing 4 hours in a day!!! how boring!
I used clary sage oil during my first pregnancy...

8-10 drops in a carrier oil and massage directly on to bump.

8-10 drops mixed in a little milk and added to a bath

a few drops on a tissue under our pillow.

at the very least it aids sleep, but i'm sure it helped bring labour on for me.

it is quite potent and that is why they recommend mixing it before massage/adding to bath

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