Hi All,
I know we have been having some discussions on trying different stuff for softening the cervix so that we don't go over due..
I just wanted to capture it in this thread and have your feed back on what actually worked.. Please advice from your experience..Thanks
- Walking How much is enough for cervix
- Evening Primrose Oil Since which week and how much
- Raspberry Leaf Tea Since which week and how much
- Pineapples Do they really work. Read u need to have 7 of them for having an effect
- Sex Just wondering if it works as with pains in whole body it does feel challenging
- Hot curries Does it really work as I am having curries even now
Anything I have missed...
Thanks All..and good luck..
I know we have been having some discussions on trying different stuff for softening the cervix so that we don't go over due..

- Walking How much is enough for cervix
- Evening Primrose Oil Since which week and how much
- Raspberry Leaf Tea Since which week and how much
- Pineapples Do they really work. Read u need to have 7 of them for having an effect
- Sex Just wondering if it works as with pains in whole body it does feel challenging
- Hot curries Does it really work as I am having curries even now
Anything I have missed...
Thanks All..and good luck..