Cervix - So what Works


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2010
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Hi All,

I know we have been having some discussions on trying different stuff for softening the cervix so that we don't go over due..:) I just wanted to capture it in this thread and have your feed back on what actually worked.. Please advice from your experience..Thanks

- Walking How much is enough for cervix

- Evening Primrose Oil Since which week and how much

- Raspberry Leaf Tea Since which week and how much

- Pineapples Do they really work. Read u need to have 7 of them for having an effect

- Sex Just wondering if it works as with pains in whole body it does feel challenging

- Hot curries Does it really work as I am having curries even now

Anything I have missed...

Thanks All..and good luck..:)
Not got a clue hun, was thinking about starting a thread like this one in a few weeks myself....didn't want to read and run tho xxx
Bump! I wanna know too :) Also heard nipple stimulation can release oxytocin, anyone know anything about that?
Nipple stimulation causes contractions but as soon as you stop the contractions will too so it's not advised to do that! I think RLT and EPO is good for toning uterus but doesn't bring on labour! I think the only good thing is sex and walking!
Ok, epo I've heard 1-2 500mg capsule from 36 weeks either inserted or swallowed then 3-4 500mg capsules from 38 weeks.

Walking-as much as you want/can do it'll keep you fit as well as help baby get into position.

RLT-not for cervix it tones the uterus to help contractions

Sex-sperm contains the same thing as epo (prostaglandins (sp)) that helps ripen, soften and efface cervix.

Nipple stimulation-does release oxytocin (the labour hormone) but you have to stimulate one for 15 minutes, the other for 15 minutes for an hour 3-4 times a day!
Pineapples-yes you have to eat around 7 fresh pineapples a day in order to get a reaction and the most likely reaction will be the runs!

The curry thing is thought to give you the runs which stimulates the uterus into real contractions.
Nipple stimulation-does release oxytocin (the labour hormone) but you have to stimulate one for 15 minutes, the other for 15 minutes for an hour 3-4 times a day!

Oh my god imagine the leaking after that!! Even putting a bra on gets a drop or two lol
Nothing will cause you to go into labour unless the baby is sending your body signals that it's ready to be born.
Glad for this thread! was researching EPO and RLT online today, anythings worth a try if it can ease labour in any way !xx
The epo is ment to be good but I think an allergic to it lol had a huge rash and burnt so I stopped taking it a but back good luck tho ladies xx

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Nothing will cause you to go into labour unless the baby is sending your body signals that it's ready to be born.

:rofl: I am kind of agreeing with you-not sure how much any of the gimmicky stuff works, worth a try I guess x
i honestly don't think any work.. I think its coincidence if any starts labour.. Im pretty sure baby will come when ready.. I think doing all those things just get ur hopes up and make you think about it more so baby gets stubborn hehe x

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