Labour Remedies


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2010
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Hey, was just thinking it would be good to start a topic about things people 'think' make labour a little easier.

To start us off my friend thinks drinking raspberry leaf tea is supposed to help and she had her baby outside the hospital. Couldnt get there in time haha.
im taking epo from today i cant have raspberry leaf tea coz my first pregnancy ended in a a c section and it excersises the womb so it s not recomended for me i will be eating pears too - not coz its a labour inducing methord but pears make me 'go' lol and i will feel better if im clear and happy comming upto the birth :D lol
I def agree with evie on the being 'cleared out' so to speak! I think that hindered my first labour, my MW actually said to me when she tried to give me a sweep that she couldn't do it as I was 'fully loaded!' - she advised taking something to make me go as she believed this would help things along. So I would say try and be as regular as you can be!!!
I also have a senokot waiting for me
In my cuboard for when I reach 38 weeks lol just for an extra boost then
It will be oj and pears there out haha! X

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Im not sure abpit things that made my labour 'easier' but i think this time round im deffo gunna try some breathing techniques as i panicked with my first because of the pain!

Anybody else got anythin that they thought made their labour easier? Cos if soo im gunna give them all a try!! Haha
I have been told that clary-sage oil can help - either massaged into the lower back or breathed in. However, it's like most things - for some women it works, for others it does sweet FA

My reflexology lady is going to show my husband the places on my feet he needs to massage while I'm in labour - if nothing else, it gives him something to do cos I can imagine him either falling asleep or trying to sell a car to the midwife :lol:
For me feeling prepared helped. Knowing bag was sorted and that all I had to do was go to hospital without rushing to get stuff done meant I could labour and home as long as pos and focus on breathing etc rather than having stuff to do. x x x
I want to stay home as long as poss too-hate hospitals! But i started feeling contractions at 5am and was at hos for 8am!!! Then he was born at 4:32!

Think i am definently going to try and stay active - and not give birth on my back!!!

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