bright red blood after sex...


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2010
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hi girls, i had crampin for last few days but seemed to subside yesterday. this morning my dh and i had sex very gelntly and lightly and afterwards before i even moved i had a bleed, which was really red and after about half an hour this went to spotting lighter watery blood and now nothing. i went to doc out of hours service and she said i just have to wait it out, has anyone experienced this? i also did another cbd test, last week it said pos 1-2 weeks and today it said pos 3-4 weeks. i am still having slight twinges in back but not unbearable. any help greatly appreciated??!!xx
my only advice would be no more jiggy jiggy till you in 2nd trimester you probably just nudged something hope all settles for you xx
Hmm, sex is supposed to be totally safe. Most likely it is some sort of cervical erosion or something else unrelated to your baby. Having sex (especially gently) can't hurt the baby unless your husband has an abnormally HUGE thingy (lucky girl if he has) so I can't see the bleed being anything too much to worry about. I had some spotting the first time I had sex after my BFP (I was about 8 weeks at that time) and all was fine. Try not to worry, fingers crossed for you xx
Probably just rubbed, Try not to worry, no more nookie for you, it will make it worth the wait in 2nd trimester!!!
thanks ladies,

i havent had too much more cramping, but still spotting brown bits, very little but still noticeable. will just have to wait it out i suppose. def no more nookie!! think my dh totally panicked thinking he'd caused a miscarriage so he said he not doin anything else til xmas! lol! x
I had spotting a couple of times after having sex as well between 6 and 8 weeks, I have heard it happening to quite a lot of people. As long as you're not in pain everything should be ok :) xx
Hey, I had some pain n bleeding at about 7 weeks this pregnancy and totally freaked after having a very straight forward pregnancy with my first. My midwife was hopeless and told me just to wait n see which i wasnt prepared to do. I was driving myself mad not knowing one way or the other. So quite sneakily i phoned my doctors and explained the situation I told them that I had spoken to the Midwives at the hospital (which i hadnt!) and they had advised an early scan and that only my GP could refer me. To get rid of me they just got my GP to refer me for a scan which they did 2 days later. Turns out it was a slight area of damage to the lining of my womb but the pregnancy was fine. I think they called it an implantation bleed which is pretty common in the first trimester. Also if you go to A n E they will do you an emergancy scan if you complain of cramping pains to rule out risk of ectopic.

Good luck
thanks for that, it really helps to know others have gone thru the same. i think the problem is that i am only 6 weeks tomorrow so they said i cant have ultrasound til 7 weeks\? dont think they wanted to do internal one. i have mw tomorrow so i think i'll do some major bugging, cos i dont know if i am sitting here thinking i am pregnant when i'm not. i took test yest and it was still pos but it was a clear blue digital, and it said 2-3 weeks when i am in fact 6weeks tom so not sure if that means hcg level is down. i have had no more blood at all and no cramps. they ruled out ectopic at out of hours service. i'll just have to wait til tom! i am too scared to get excited til i get a scan. xx
Hoping everything is all ok for you, try not to worry too much this week XXX
Those clear blue digital ones are a bit unpredictable from what ive heard!! The number of weeks they give is actually from conception rather than your last period so if you are almost 6 weeks that actually makes you 5 weeks therefore 3 weeks from conception so 2-3 weeks is actually right! Try not to worry, i know its so hard! Have you already booked in with your midwife so its on your medical records how far along you are cos you could always say you are unsure of your dates? If youve had no further pain or cramping then thats great looks like it could have been an implantation bleed.

Fingers crossed that your bugging goes well

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