Red Watery Discharge


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2010
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I just went to loo and wiped a few times and had a lot of red watery discharge. I'm in panic now and don't know what to think. Has anyone else experienced this?
hi sorry to hear your having this but try not to worry too much i didnt have discharge i had blood and lots of it but all turned out ok in the end :) you should always report any kind of bleeding to your midwife/doctor asap so it can get checked out..there are lots of reasons why women bleed during pregnancy....hope all is ok xx
I haven't experience bleeding during pregnancy but you should def report it to midwife or doctor! Goodluck x x
Like midnight said im sure everything will be fine but i would inform your gp/midwife. Try not to worry and get some rest x x

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Hi Tee,

I've had some spotting and blood tinged discharge. It's frightening but all should be ok. Like the others have said you should call your midwife or a doctor asap. Let is know how things are and in the meantime try and rest.


X x x x
Thank you for your relies :)

Still got it this morning but it's turning to an orange colour now. Just called doc waiting for him to call me back.
Doc called....seems to think it's because I've been running up and down stairs through night seeing to dog had a litter last week.....he said as long as no pain or red blood it should settle down with rest.....easier said than done :)

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