Bleeding after sex?


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2009
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Last night after me and Dh had been *ahem* at it... :wink: I had slight cramps and a bit of blood.
The cramps soon eased and there was no more bleeding.

I googled and it said apparently its normal but to be checked out and apparently you're not supposed to have sex again till you've had a scan to rule out any problems.
I've got my MW on thursday so I'll mention it then, unless I bleed again, but has anyone else ever had anything like this? Did you have to have a scan?
sorry i dont have any advice but didnt want to read and run. me an dh have not had sex since we found out we are pg, waiting for the scan. only 3 weeks and 4 days to go :cheer:
Apparently you can get some bleeding because your cervix is softer and more prone to bleeding if it's knocked during sex. If you're not still bleeding and the cramps are gone it doesn't sound like there's a problem - but mention it to your mw for peace of mind xxx
i started bleeding after sex the second time i was pregnant in november, unfortunately i had a miscarriage but the bleeding never stopped until the miscarriage was over. if the bleeding has stopped then its probably fine. i would definately not do it again tho until youve been given the all-clear, and mention it to the GP or MW to get checked :hug: xx
its probably just a touch of cervix erosion (dont worry its not as bad as it sounds) it happens to a lot of women, but you shouldnt have sex again until after 12 weeks, and definately mention it to midwife :hug:
Thanks ladies, thats more or less what I thought. its always good to get second + opinions though.

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