Bleeding after sex


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2011
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Hi ladies,
Just wanted to tell you about the experience I had last week incase any of you also have the same experience and feel the total panic that I felt!
After having sex with my husband last Wednesday night I noticed there was some bright red blood. I wasn't bleeding for long just the one flash and then nothing more. In a complete panic I phoned NHS24 and they advised me that as I wasn't still bleeding at this point (about an hour later) that it was probably just irritation of my cervix that had caused the blood to show and just to keep an eye on the situation over night and the next day.
I haven't bled again since and had my booking in appointment with the midwife on Wednesday just past and when I told her about this she said this was quite common due to the increased blood flow to the cervix in the first trimester and the movement during sex must have irritated the surface.
I know its a bit of a yucky topic but I just wanted to post this in the hope that it might set some other ladies minds at rest in the future, I had the most horrendous 24 hours following this and I hope this might offer you a bit of reassurance if the same thing happens to you xx
Thanks for the info hun. I bet you were worried but glad everything is OK,

I was terrified Emily, so glad it's turned out to be ok and was very reassured by the midwife not batting an eyelid and telling me this is quite common xx
Must have been such a relief for u to find that everything was ok!! Glad all is well :) xx

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Thanks for sharing that, I would have been exactly the same! but am so pleased you've posted that incase I experience it too, much appreciated.

Glad all us ok xx
i've experienced this often before preg and some spotting once after sex while preg.i knew it wasnt anything to worry about cause i have a delicate lining.if its not something u are used to tho i guess it would send u into a panic.
good idea to do a post about it to let others know its pretty common.
i think quite a few ladies have experienced this and it pu the wind up them a bit, so glad all turned out ok x
Thankyou for posting this :)

I had sex with my OH for the first time since my bfp and I was so scared. Knicker checking all night after to see if there was blood - I'm glad the midwife said it was all normal!
Thankyou!! I'm also knicker checking during the night, I just can't settle :(
im constantly knicker watching, just habit now x

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