Breastfeeding - Who's going to have a go?

Babysmomma it does take awhile to gain confidence but once you do you will be feeding where ever is needed hun.

So far Georgie has had picnic on a school field as we were at my son's sports day and at the hospital because she got upset while having her hips rechecked by a consultant ended up walking down the corridoor feeding her.

Blankets and muslin cloths are brill - it's not like everyone thinks there is no flashing of boobs or anything just practice in the house first xx
Sorry to gatecrash but just wanted to say that whilst breastfeeding is one of the hardest things I learnt to do, it is also one of the best! I would definitely recommend it and as long as you are prepared for it to be difficult at first you will be fine, it does get easier I promise!
I really do want ot give it a go but like some of you am worried that I won't be able to - no reason to think this just pre baby nerves I think! Have already told my mum that if I am learning how to do it in forst few days and have visitors in the house then they are not allowed to follow me to see how I am getting on!!!!!!!!!
My hubby is keen to help out too and bond with bumply so want to express when I can so he can use a bottle too.
As miss said it doesn't matter if you don't leak beforehand. I didn't leak at all and we have been exclusively bf pretty much without any problems at all- tiny bit sore at the start but cream sorted that and ive loved the whole experience! Also your confidence will grow about feeding I. Public as it's v easy to be discreet with a little practice! Go for it girls xx
Babysmomma it does take awhile to gain confidence but once you do you will be feeding where ever is needed hun.

So far Georgie has had picnic on a school field as we were at my son's sports day and at the hospital because she got upset while having her hips rechecked by a consultant ended up walking down the corridoor feeding her.

Blankets and muslin cloths are brill - it's not like everyone thinks there is no flashing of boobs or anything just practice in the house first xx

Thank you for your post Miss. x Can I ask how you get Georgia to latch on in public without exposing your breast? I have horrible visions of whatever I use to cover my breast, slipping off, and how do you see your breast so as you get Georgia to latch on properly whilst covering it? Sorry for the questions, but I do appreciate any advice I can get on the topic. x
Ask all the questions you want hun!

Once you get used to supporting babys head and back with one arm things become a little easier to do on the move as you will have your other arm free to adjust your clothes and you can hide your breast with baby or turn your back on everyone while you get them to latch on. When out feeding the other day I had her wrapped loosely in a blanket that I could pull up so that I could see her but no one else could. It just looked like I was cradling her. I actually had to ask a lady to back off as she was trying to have a peek at her lol she looked embarrassed when I said she was feeding!

There are tops that make feeding easier but I don't have any I just tend to wear a strappy vest (
My crappy Blackberry strikes again it only posted half of my post!

There are tops that make feeding easier but I tend to just wear a strappy vest (£2 from primark!) under my top in the same colour so that I can pull my top up and the vest down and have no flesh showing or different colour etc to give me away.

There are also slings/scarves just for breastfeeding - so you can see baby but others can't.

Or in this weather you can use a muslin cloth - I tend to wear alot of black tho so I find pink/white muslins make people look! They just don't do them in black lol

But get used to feeding/latching on first - you have to remember although it's instinctual for baby to search for your milk they need to learn to latch on propperly too, so if you have problems with it don't automatically think it's you and that you can't do - be patient xxx
You are welcome Jenny!

I wish there had been someone to give me advice 11 years ago with my son! lol This time round it seems much easier - maybe thats age and confidence I dunno but seriously if here is anything I can help with let me know! Thre are a few breastfeeding mummy's on here and all know how hard it can be to get started so will support you where they can I am sure! xx
You are welcome Jenny!

I wish there had been someone to give me advice 11 years ago with my son! lol This time round it seems much easier - maybe thats age and confidence I dunno but seriously if here is anything I can help with let me know! Thre are a few breastfeeding mummy's on here and all know how hard it can be to get started so will support you where they can I am sure! xx

That's fab, thank you so much xx
Aww you are a star Miss! Thank u so much for taking the time to reply with all that info. It really does help. I'm glad its going well for you and Georgia :hug: x
As another option for those wanting to breastfeed - I always really wanted to but didn't think I'd be able to as have quite flat nipples, but I use silicone nipple shields and it makes it easy peasy for the baby to latch on to the boob, and she takes the bottle with no problems or confusion. Just worth bearing in mind if you get to the point where you might give up with it because you can't get a good latch. And I nearly always take an expressed bottle with us when we go out as tbh I've not mastered the being discrete affair and it's just easier for me, it means feeding when out is no problem and other people can take her out too.

I also didn't leak a drop while pregnant, and the first few days were quite a worry as when your colostrum comes in it's hardly anything and you worry it won't be enough, then day 3-4 you wake up with massive pillows on your front!
BabysMomma (and anyone else who's interested) - you said about only seeing one place in the city centre that said it is breastfeeding friendly, well its AGAINST the law to stop a woman breastfeeding in public . . . the only place that can ask you to leave is a pub, as its a "free house" and so has some sort of clause because its their "home" . . . our anti-natal midwife made this point all the time! feed where you like its natural!

i'm going to breastfeed, i know it wont be easy at first but i'm not going to give up for anything, its the best thing for my little boy and has great benefits for me too :) i'm going to do it as long as i feel is right! i know i sound very sure of myself, but if you preserver you can do anything!
I'm like you spice, I feel like "I will do it if it kills me!"
So much great advice on here - has anyone read Ray of Light's blog? That's fab too, really honest about the first few days - I think the link is attached to her signature of there's a link in the Parenting Journals x
i am going to give it a very good go. but again have bottles and formula on stand by just in case.

i am not going to beat myself up about it and will not be letting the mw's/ nurses at the hospital try to force it on me. xxx
I'm definitely going to give it my best shot! Mainly because it's better for the baby but also because, knowing what I'm like, I will not have fun faffing about with powder and bottles and the like. I can just see myself worrying about whether the LO will have some sort of allergy to it (my OH is coeliac and doesn't tolerate milk well) or whether I mixed the right amount, or heated it up properly, or whether the steriliser worked and so on and so forth. "Hmm,.. how long has that bottle been in the fridge..? Better make a new one dammit!" :lol:

Not that I'm expecting it to go without a hitch (though that would be nice) but I'll try everything before I give up.
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