Breastfeeding - Who's going to have a go?

well to be honest jen i'm not sure how serious it is. some bloods they done told them the baby may be small and may stop growing later on so could mean a premature birth, just hope we make it far enough. don't really know too much more, hoping the consultant can put my mind at rest on monday. sorry for hijacking lol!! xx

Oh Pos, what a bloody nightmare! I will keep everything crossed for Monday. There is so much they can do nowadays so hopefully your LO will be just fine. Don't know what else to say hun, just hoping it's something they can help with and that you can get to a safe gestation for if LO does need to come early :hugs: xx
I plan on doing the same as you Jen, breastfeeding for a few weeks then expressing. My boobs aren't leaking though... and I've been squeezing them and nothing comes out! I'll be disappointed if I can't do it but it's not the end of the world xx

Same here hun! Just hoping it all kicks off soon :) xx
I plan on doing the same as you Jen, breastfeeding for a few weeks then expressing. My boobs aren't leaking though... and I've been squeezing them and nothing comes out! I'll be disappointed if I can't do it but it's not the end of the world xx

Keep squeezing ;-) It will come xx
It's funny, I had a dream the other night my baby was here and I was breastfeeding her, and the first thing I did when I woke up was look down to check if they were leaking. Never thought I would wish for my boobies to leak! But at least it saves on breast pads and possible embarrassing moments, hehe :)
Considering I seem to be leaking from everywhere else right now as far as I'm concerned my boobs can start leaking as late as they like! So long as they still do the job :) x
well to be honest jen i'm not sure how serious it is. some bloods they done told them the baby may be small and may stop growing later on so could mean a premature birth, just hope we make it far enough. don't really know too much more, hoping the consultant can put my mind at rest on monday. sorry for hijacking lol!! xx

Oh Pos, what a bloody nightmare! I will keep everything crossed for Monday. There is so much they can do nowadays so hopefully your LO will be just fine. Don't know what else to say hun, just hoping it's something they can help with and that you can get to a safe gestation for if LO does need to come early :hugs: xx

thanks hunny :hugs: xxx
I'm planning on breastfeeding as well. However, my boobs don't leak either. I was starting to get concerned given my other two pregnancies I was leaking by now. We shall see soon enough I guess. :)
I'm going to give it a go! Started leaking at 16/17 weeks so hopefully that's a good thing! I'm like constantstar though and hate my nipples being touched lol so we will just need to see.. Got some bottles and formula there too!

It's worth a try I suppose :) xxx
AHHHH!!! Spoke to soon on not leaking yet!! Have been laying here awake cause my boobs were hurting... Just got up to go to the toilet and had all this creamy/yellowy sticky stuff on my chest :shock: freaked me out for a second then was like hang on...... Had a squeeze, and VOILA!! HeppiBean has a leak :rofl: xx
I breastfed Joshua for 15 months, its such a wonderful bond, I could have carried on! First 3 days in hospital baby did not latch on properly and mw hand expressed me into a syringe! I then got blisters turned into cracks....welcome nipple cream! It then got easier but not without problems of mastitis and engorgement. Had some real toe curling experiences but persevered. I expressed at about 2-3 months but always did morning and bedtime feed by breast. I also moved onto formula at about 5-6 months during day but again, breast at others. Body adjusts naturally to the demand. I plan on doing same again this time. Got breastfeeding support coming to house for a visit this Wednesday. Good luck to all willing to give it a go, when you look down and see your baby suckling on your breast with their big eyes fixed on yours and their wee hands kneeding at your boobs its just so heart-warming! Hard to describe really!
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I'm going to give it a go too, not sure for how long, will go with the flow. I haven't started leaking yet, when does this normally happen?
Only one of my boobs has leaked lol only like 3 times and it looked like water! X

My boobs have never leaked. I will be horrified and distraught if I have to bottle feed. I can't think of anything worse to be honest, so I'm really hoping I'll be able to do it! Xx
I'm going to give it a try, i have bottles in case it goes dramatically wrong but i'd love to be able to do it. Mine don't really leak yet, occassionally get a watery substance if i squish them!
The watery substance is the start of the colostrum I think! I think any leakage is good lol!
A couple of people have said to me that alot of it is pyschological ie if you want to feed your body gears up for it, whereas if you don't want to then your milk dries up...! Who knows - the HV told me lots of women do want to feed but struggle to produce milk... It is a bit of a minefield, and I find I'm having to dig around to find info. Both my MW & HV were both surprised and pleased I said I wanted to feed as I think a lot of people around here go straight to bottle x
I know 3 pregnant woman and 2 who have just had children who are around my age and there is only me and a friend who wants too. Seems to be the exception here.
I definitely will be, I fed my first til she was 8 months and my 2nd til she was 13 months, neither had any formula. It is such a wonderful thing, develops a fantastic bond and it's nice thinking that you are nourishing your baby. I really can't wait. I have to say though I am not one of these "breast is best" advocates, I think "best" is whatever works for you and you baby. I am just glad breast worked out best for me and my babies. x
Don't worry if you a not leaking ladies - I did not leak at all thru pregnancy and am having no problems beastfeeding xx

Also don't listen to anyone else who tries to put you off - it is difficult the first week what with sore nipples and some pain while they learn to latch on but honestly it will pass and there is nothing like picking your baby up and soothing them before they start to get up set in the middle of the night rather than waiting for a bottle to cool with a screaming baby in your arms!

Take the advice and help of your midwives/health visitors and attend the classes breastfeeding groups - I have not needed to as it's my second time but they are brill with help etc girls xx
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I do wana give it a go but the closer it gets to actually having LO the more I'm lacking confidence cos I don't see many breastfeeding friendly places here. I've seen one cafe in the city centre where I live but really that's it. I guess that I'm just gona have to be smart about it and try and work feeds around going out and about, until I can express my milk.

I want to breastfeed exclusively for a while so as LO gets used to it, then introduce bottle of expressed milk.

I thought initially, that I wouldn't get stressed out about it, but really what's stressing me out more is possibly being out with LO, she starts crying cos she's hungry, and I can't feed her cos I lack the confidence to do it in public or someone has a go at me for doing so! :( x
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