Bottle or boobeee?

Definately gonna breastfeed, although not sure about when i go back to work. :?
Definatly BF for me, I BF all my babys and loved it.
BF intially and had probs and thern bottle fe both children with np problems and there happy nd healthy.

It doesnt matter what you do as long as you and baby are happy.
def going to try BF and also try expressing so others can help too
I voted boobee, as i'm hoping to be able to breastfeed.

Don't see the point in bottles as hubby's so hard to wake up, he wouldn't wake up for a crying baby, and he's that dopey when he does wake up, he'd probably end up sticking the bottle up it's bum or something! :)

So i voted Bobbee, i just think it's also a really great opportunity for you to be able to bond with your baby.

Although i think the thing is, you do need to go in with an open mind. My mum was able to breastfeed my sister, but ran out of milk, and wasn't able to breastfeed my brother or I after that, so sometimes nature just wont let you.

Go with whichever you'd prefer, but don't be disappointed if neither works out the way you'd hoped.
it is what works for you, I really wanted to boob feed, but my first one just liked suck my boobs, first day and 8 hours later, he was still sucking. I was knacked, so I pumped it out for his next feed and it fell on the floor. So after 2 days the nurse gave me some bottled milk, he gulped it all in a sec! Key: Must sleep, more than worry about the presure that comes with feeding baby. Happy mum happy baby! This time I will try and pump out milk. Joy of my boy being born new years eve, nurses party, I just wanted sleep!

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