Breastfeeding someone else's baby?

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Cool! I think that's such a great idea even though I chose not to bf I'm gonna try to next time but if I can't I'd def be interested in something like this!

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I also find the formula comment such a ridiculous thing to say. Yes you may have meant it as a joke but just have a think about what all the mums that feed formula would think of that comment. I didn't find it funny! And as for all your other comments that have become very personal... Disgusting

I would love to be able to donate milk that sounds like such a good idea. Helen as a fellow Ginger did you have trouble sorry if you said so but this thread has got a tad confusing. My mw alwas passed me off saying red heads find it very hard to bf so I always felt like I failed before I began. I would love to follow through next time I want to bf for Los first 12 months
I chose not to bf, but nobody had mentioned anything about it maybe being a problem. I felt really guilty after not bf though which is why I'd try next time. Though I didn't have any leakage or super hard boobs despite not bf x

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I would of loved to donate my milk. i had freezer full that i had to dump as it was no good for Tegan as it was expressed before we found out she was Lactose intolerant so it was no good to her x
The fb page is Human Milk 4 Human Babies - UK. There are lots of them all over the world, and people ask others to help out for all sorts of reasons. It's been amazingly popular.

I'm still speechless about so much of this thread though, and will be contacting admin regarding some of these posts :shock: x
I would of loved to donate my milk. i had freezer full that i had to dump as it was no good for Tegan as it was expressed before we found out she was Lactose intolerant so it was no good to her x

I would have too as I used to pump for Sam so I could work/go out and let someone else feed him but Toby never drank from a bottle so I ended up chucking loads away x
Omgzlolz u 2 r gingas?! Omgz!!!! *tries hardest to think up some crude, unfunny joke* :lol:

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My boobs were awful I has massive amounts of milk I used to put nappies in my bra rather then breast pads lol I had to sleep with a bath towel under me because I leaked so much. My boobs became so hard it was impossible for baby to latch on i expressed after a while and bottle fed. I really want to be successful next time.
I would love to have been able to donate milk, but I could never express anything. I used to struggle to get 3oz from both breasts and that was even when my boobs were engorged! My supply has always been good though, after his tongue tie was sorted Oscar never lost weight, only gained and was solely breastfed at those times. For some reason though my boobs just didn't respond to a pump, and I tried 2 different types!
I really want to succeed next time hopefully for the first 12 months! im also Hoping my next baby isn't Lactose intolerant xx
My boobs were awful I has massive amounts of milk I used to put nappies in my bra rather then breast pads lol I had to sleep with a bath towel under me because I leaked so much. My boobs became so hard it was impossible for baby to latch on i expressed after a while and bottle fed. I really want to be successful next time.

Sorry but :rofl: at nappies in your bra!! :rofl:
Katies a closet Ginger lol! She was proper strawberry blonde as a baby, despite being dark when she was born! She's slightly strawberry now, but it only really comes out in the summer!

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I had tits like massive veiny melons sm
It was more embarrassing when the sticky part of the nappy poked out my top :rofl:
I had tits like massive veiny melons sm
It was more embarrassing when the sticky part of the nappy poked out my top :rofl:

:rofl: Do you mean you actually left the house with nappies sticking out your bra?! I thought you meant at night :lol:
Great idea though.. I might need to try that next time!
Omgzlolz u 2 r gingas?! Omgz!!!! *tries hardest to think up some crude, unfunny joke* :lol:

Sent from my spammy iPhone using Tapatalk - it's got a mind of it's own!

You know I'm ginger! You've seen pics!!!

I love love love being a red head/ginger/strawberry blonde! It's different and everyone comments on it! (usually positively!)

Oh no amy-nappies in bra! :rofl:

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I would love to be able to donate milk that sounds like such a good idea. Helen as a fellow Ginger did you have trouble sorry if you said so but this thread has got a tad confusing. My mw alwas passed me off saying red heads find it very hard to bf so I always felt like I failed before I began. I would love to follow through next time I want to bf for Los first 12 months

Thats so Interesting, I had No idea! I've got red hair, but I didn't really have that many probs with breastfeeding. I love it though, which is why I'd be unsure of letting anyone else feed my baby. It's such a close bond. I would consider giving him another woman's expresse milk though.... Xx
My boobs never ever stopped leaking if I took the nappies out and just stood there my boobs used to squirt like a water balloon with a hole in lol I had no choice other then degrade myself I do that alot :rofl:
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