I would of loved to donate my milk. i had freezer full that i had to dump as it was no good for Tegan as it was expressed before we found out she was Lactose intolerant so it was no good to her x
My boobs were awful I has massive amounts of milk I used to put nappies in my bra rather then breast pads lol I had to sleep with a bath towel under me because I leaked so much. My boobs became so hard it was impossible for baby to latch on i expressed after a while and bottle fed. I really want to be successful next time.
I had tits like massive veiny melons sm
It was more embarrassing when the sticky part of the nappy poked out my top![]()
Omgzlolz u 2 r gingas?! Omgz!!!! *tries hardest to think up some crude, unfunny joke*
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I would love to be able to donate milk that sounds like such a good idea. Helen as a fellow Ginger did you have trouble sorry if you said so but this thread has got a tad confusing. My mw alwas passed me off saying red heads find it very hard to bf so I always felt like I failed before I began. I would love to follow through next time I want to bf for Los first 12 months