Breastfeeding someone else's baby?

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Well going back to original topic I dont think I could let anyone else feed Alex although I wouldnt mind feeding another baby. Then again as Alex refuses a bottle at the moments, if for some reason I was unable to feed him say through illness etc for a short period and a close friend or family with baby offered I think I would let them. I dont like the idea of it but if it kept him happier then I would.
I live in Turkey and here its quite normal for women to feed others babies. My Mıl and her sisterinlaw often fed eachothers babies if one had to work or clean etc. They have a belief that 2 people who have been fed from the same breast should never marry. Bf is the complete norm here and you wont find many women who dont breast feed.
Hopefulmummy you give me hope! To be fair anything that was wrong with me was put down to me being Ginger I bleed more it's because your Ginger i was pale because I was Ginger my ass fell out because I was Ginger lol xxx
Hahaha!!!! You make me laugh. Kids as school did used to sing to
Me, "I'd rather be dead than red in the head!"
Well going back to original topic I dont think I could let anyone else feed Alex although I wouldnt mind feeding another baby. Then again as Alex refuses a bottle at the moments, if for some reason I was unable to feed him say through illness etc for a short period and a close friend or family with baby offered I think I would let them. I dont like the idea of it but if it kept him happier then I would.
I live in Turkey and here its quite normal for women to feed others babies. My

(how did this happen??? I never said this lol)
im sorry if this gets me banned or whatever else but i have to say how i feel and i very rarely if at all get involved in stuff like this.

Im disgusted about how this thread has gone. im disgusted that the flippant joke in question was actually joked about, that the person in question has spouted other posts as ammunition for what seems to prove a point but you have to be able to take and not just give, that the person in question 'worked bloody hard to breastfeed'

Well you know what you seriously offended people. its not about looking in on oneself its about looking and listening to people like you who appear to refuse to accept that anything other than breast is the only acceptable means of feeding your child and im sorry but thats how your comments come across. and that in it self is WRONG.

You took a class B drug during your pregnancy......Ketamine is a lower grade drug than cannabis so get off your fucking moral high ground. This goes in line with your fucking holier than thou take on academics. Im sorry you need to change where the fuck you're looking/researching/studying...

You know what i tried fricking hard to breastfeed my child, it was forced upon me in many ways and i worked fucking hard. I spent 17 hours 3 days dunning with my child attached to my breast and im sorry but powdered milk saved my sanity (that is no shadow of a lie - MY SANITY). My son is happy healthy and incredibly intelligent for his age and you know what, had i carried on bfeeding it would have killed me and ruined my family/son.

I personally go by 'happy mother, happy child' but hey ho....

mods im sorry about this and you must know that im not one for fights etc, so whatever you may feel is ness by this post i will happily accept it....

S x
Well going back to original topic I dont think I could let anyone else feed Alex although I wouldnt mind feeding another baby. Then again as Alex refuses a bottle at the moments, if for some reason I was unable to feed him say through illness etc for a short period and a close friend or family with baby offered I think I would let them. I dont like the idea of it but if it kept him happier then I would.
I live in Turkey and here its quite normal for women to feed others babies. My

(how did this happen??? I never said this lol)

WOW and :( at the same time!

This matter has now been dealt with and a second member within one week has been deactivated ...

Pregnancy Forum is a supporting community and a chance to make friendships it is not available to crack jokes at someone's expense or appropriate to flame/troll a joke at what is known as a sensitive subject (top 5 heated actually).

Online bullying or borderline bullying is taken very seriously.

Whist we all understand the Pregnancy Forum is a public forum we have tried to make a 'safe place' opening a permissions only forum: Girlie's Room, taking any of the information from the private forums to the public forum (viewable by guests also) is strictly prohibited (and used in a nasty strike is simply shocking), sense would tell you this but I do aim to make this clearer to those who have access now and in the future.

Really sorry to those who were personally attacked within this thread.

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