Breast size?????????????

I'm with becs. I was a ridiculous 30G before the pregnancy but now i'm a 32H and i hate it. I would give my left arm for a reduction. I'm even worried about being able to Breast Feed because i don't take my top of for anyone and i mean ANYONE and its not realistic that i'm going to be alone with my baby for every feed!! I think about getting a reduction all the time but my problem is the money and i'm scared about the scars.

LMP, the scars are really NOT noticeable if you're pale skinned (well, mine aren't anyway) and they're all under the breast anyway. There is no scarring whatsoever around my nipples and I have a pleasant side effect that the hair that used to grow round my nipples no longer exists :rotfl:

I got my reduction done on the NHS - worth asking your GP? xxx
Thats good news about the scars and i am really pale skinned too. :cheer: I did enquire on the NHS and they did say they would give me a reduction on the NHS even though all my problems where psychological (i.e i don't get back pain) but they would only do it if they could take me right down to a small B and because my problems are psychological i thought that might be too drastic a change for by ickle brain to handle. I don't want to go from having Massive boobs to small boobs. somewhere in between really so when ever i can i am saving (which isn't very often since i got a house :roll:) for the op but it just keep getting dearer and dearer :roll: Hopefully once i've given birth the state of my chest will make it top saving priority.

Thanks for the info its always nice to find people who have been through the same and have good stories of post operation etc etc :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

It's funny they would want to take you down to a B :roll: because for safety reasons you usually can't be reduced by more than 4 cup sizes?!

Anyway they told me I'd gone from a 30HH to a 30C and I was actually a 30E immediately afterwards - I think they find it hard to judge cup size in littler women because a lot of reductions are done on plus-size women with back pain etc.

I didn't have back pain, but I had one boob 1 size bigger than the other and I was ridiculously out of proportion.

To be honest I would have been happy with a B cup though...

To B or not to B that is the question :rotfl:
I started out as an A or B cup depending on how many pies I'd been eating. My boobs were wonky too, one was bigger than the other and also one was slightly higher so I looked lopped sided.
I had two different size implants inserted to even out the size and the surgeon lowered the fold on one so they looked level. Ended up with perfectly symmetrical E cups, but after having James I developed a capsular constriction in one (where the scar tissue squeezes the implant) so it's hard and a bit misshapen.
It's not very noticeable at the moment though cos I'm overweight and my extra breast tissue covers it. When I lose weight though it looks weird :oops:
I would have left them alone if I could go back in time.
Boobs are annoying aren't they, we never get given what we want naturally
I was a 42B before I was PG but by week 7 I had to get a bra size 38C. My cup size went up but my size went down!! My OH is loving my new boob size right now.

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